Alexander D. Dunbar
At Rochester:
- A well-rounded undergraduate career which included membership in the honor society Keidaeans, the Hellenic Council, Men's Glee Club, the Troubadours, and numerous planning committees for social activities
- Manager with the track & field team for two seasons
- Graduated in 1926 with an AB in History
- President, Dunbar & Dezeng Co., Inc.
- Term on the Board of National Audio Visual Association
- Term as President of Rochester Audio Visual Association
- Received the Lysle "Spike" Garnish Memorial Citation in 1981
- Lives in retirement at Valley Manor Apartments where he has worked on numerous special events projects, which five years ago featured University President Dennis O'Brien as the First Distinguished Speaker in a Series
- Subsequently, the annual series incorporated the presentation of the Alexander Dunbar Special Awards in recognition of residents of Valley Manor for generous works of community service
- Passed away in November, 1993