John A. Garnish, M.D.
At Rochester:
- Earned letters in three sports (football, basketball, and baseball)
- Starred at quarterback for three seasons, at forward in basketball for two years, and at first base and in right field for baseball over three seasons
- Steward of Delta Kappa Epsilon
- Graduated as a Pre-Med student
- Entered the U.S. Air Force in 1951
- Graduated as Pilot and Commissioned Officer in 1952
- Flew B-26s in combat in Korea from 1953-54
- Reassigned to Strategic Air Command, flying B-36s, 1954-55
- Entered medical school at Syracuse after discharge in 1955
- Medical degree conferred in 1959
- Internship at University of Michigan
- General Practice residency in Syracuse, Ophthalmology residency Syracuse
- Board certified Ophthalmology
- Vice president and board member, Monroe County Medical Society
- Member, American Academy of Ophthalmology
- President, Rochester Ophthalmology Society
- Associate professor of Ophthalmology at University's Medical School
- Member, Spike Garnish Fund
- Passed away in 2014