Richard M. Lieb
At Rochester:
- Played four years of football, three on the varsity, first year on the freshman squad
- Played extensively as a linebacker in his junior and senior seasons
- Member of Mendicants
- Circulation Manager of Interpres in 1952
- Member of Delta Kappa Epsilon
- Attained the rank of sergeant while serving overseas in Korea for 15 months
- Discharged from the U.S. Army in 1954
- Employed at the Burroughs Corporation in Rochester, from 1954-64, as a salesman
- Made corporation's legion of honor in 1962 and 1963, awarded for attaining at least 150% of the salesman's annual quota
- Joined Champion Products in 1964
- Spent 18 years in metropolitan Detroit and more than 11 years in Central New York
- In 1985, he received the Omni Award for Salesman of the Year
- Since 1996 he has worked for The Cotton Exchange