Richard "Rick" Magere
At Rochester:
- Exceptional blocking fullback and three-year starter in football, earned a reputation as the cornerstone of UR offense
- Transferred to the University after freshman season as a scholarship athlete at Villanova University
- 20-7 career record; 12-game winning streak ('70, '71)
- 1970 Phillips Cup recipient
- Chosen 1971 Stinger of Year-Offense
- Known as the "Go" 'who makes the UR go'"
- Called "the best player I ever played with" by quarterback Greg Conrad '72
- Teamed with two-time All-American Rich Parrinello '72 to give Rochester one of the East's best backfields
- Resident Advisor and Frosh Orientation as a senior
- BS in Psychology and History in 1972
- MS in Educational Counseling, SUNY Brockport in 1979
- Teacher, Counselor and Assistant Coach of football and track at Bishop Kearney High School from 1982-1987
- Director, Business and Technical Placement in UR Career Services and Placement
- Named Outstanding College Member of the Year by Eastern College Personnel Officers in 1986 and Volunteer of the Year with spouse, Kathy, by Center for Youth Services
- Assistant Director, Athletics and Recreation, then Associate Director, University Health Service and Athletics and Recreation (1987-1997)
- COO Mt. Hope Family Center
- Active recruiter of students athletes on and off campus since returning to UR