Billy E. Sandow
At Rochester:
- Three letters for football and baseball
- Senior house president of Alpha Delta Phi
- Member of Chi Rho, Mendicants, Keidaeans, and Yellow Key honor societies
- A.B. in English - Honors program
- Earned an MBA from Harvard Business School
- Commissioned in the Army OCS
- Skipper of Air-Sea Rescue Crash Boats
- War Crimes Investigating Officer (Japan)
- Reserve graduate Army Command and General Staff School; mobilization assignment to the Pentagon (Lt. Col.)
- President and CEO of Blue Cross-Blue Shield Plans of South Carolina
- Board Member, National Blue Cross Association
- Treasurer and executive committee member National Association of Blue Shield Plans for 12 years
- Founder and Board Chairman of the Companion Life Insurance Company
- Board Member South Carolina Hospital Association and Governor's Commission on Mental Health