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Experts for the Media

Journalists and members of the news media

University of Rochester faculty experts and academic thought leaders are available for commentary, interviews, and speaking opportunities on thousands of subjects. The profiles below provide biographical information and examples of media appearances to help you find the most relevant expert for your needs.

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Richard Dees

Associate Professor of Philosophy and Bioethics

Richard Dees' research and teaching interests are in public health ethics, neuroethics, and political philosophy.

Public Health Ethics
Political Philosophy

David Dodell-Feder

Assistant Professor of Psychology

David Dodell-Feder's research looks at the processes that contribute to healthy and disordered social functioning, and their improvement.

Behavioral Methods
Psychotic Spectrum Disorders
Relationship Psychology

Jack Downey

John Henry Newman Professor of Roman Catholic Studies, Professor of Religion and Classics

Downey studies self-immolation as reistance, forms of protest, Roman Catholicism

Civil Disobedience
Social Justice
Roman Catholicism

Marvin Doyley

Wilson Professor of Electronic Imaging; Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Professor of Biomedical Engineering; Professor of Imaging Sciences

Marvin Doyley researches novel imaging methods for detecting disease more quickly through imaging

Ultrasound Imaging
Therapeutic and Diagnostic Imaging

James Druckman

Martin Brewer Anderson Professor of Political Science

Druckman is an expert in American political behavior and survey methodology.

American Democracy
Political Divides
American Political Culture
Trust in Science
Survey Methodology

Paul Ellickson

Professor of Economics and Marketing at the Simon Business School

Paul Ellickson researches quantitative marketing and industrial organization and has expertise in supermarkets, supercenters, and strategy

Supermarket Strategy
Big Box Retailers
Walmart and Big Box Retailers

James Fienup

Robert E. Hopkins Professor of Optics, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Professor in the Center for Visual Science

Fienup is a leading expert in the use of phase retrieval algorithms to carefully align mirrors on NASA satellites once they are in orbit.

Webb Telescope
Imaging with Sparse and Segmented-Aperture Systems
Image Reconstruction
Phase Retrieval

David Figlio

Gordon Fyfe Professor of Economics and Education

Figlio is an expert on educational, public, and social policy, including the link between health and education.

School Choice
Community Engagement
K-12 Education

Robert Foster

Professor of Anthropology and Visual and Cultural Studies, Richard L. Turner Professor of Humanities

Robert Foster is an expert on globalization and material culture. His focus has been on Papua New Guinea

Lewis Henry Morgan
Commercial Media
Material Culture

Adam Frank

Professor of astrophysics, science commentator, and popular author

Frank is a leading expert on how stars form and how they die, as well as civilizations before humans

US Space Program
Space Travel
Science and Religion
Evolution of Stars and Planets
Physics and Astronomy

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