Checklist and FAQs for New Postdocs
Explore the onboarding details below, organized by category, to guide you through the process of getting oriented at the University as a new postdoc. You can also download this guidance for your records.
Download the onboarding overview document
Onboarding checklist
Taxation and payroll
- Review the full tax treatment document
- Priority: Onboarding week 1
- Audience: Postdoctoral Associates (093) and Postdoctoral Fellows (095)
- Contacts:
- Payroll Office
- Department Administrator
- Priority: Onboarding week 1
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contacts:
- HRMS website
- HR Service Desk
- Department Administrator
- Priority: Onboarding week 1
- Audience: International postdocs
- Contact: ISO or your Department Administrator
- Priority: Onboarding week 1
- Audience: J-1 visa holders
- Contact: ISO (J-1) or your Department Administrator
- Priority: Onboarding week 1
- Audience: International postdocs
- Contact: ISO or your Department Administrator
Work resources
- Priority: Onboarding week 1
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contacts:
- HRMS website, see “Your Information” in the top right corner of the homepage
- Department Administrator
- Priority: Onboarding week 1
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contacts:
- HRMS website, see “Your Information” in the top right corner of the homepage
- Department Administrator
- Priority: Onboarding week 1
- Audience: URMC postdocs
- Contact: Department Administrator
- Priority: Onboarding week 1
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contacts:
- NetID website
- Department Administrator
- Priority: Onboarding week 1
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contacts:
- Priority: Onboarding week 1
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contact: Reach out to the parking office with questions and to obtain parking passes
- Priority: Onboarding week 1
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contacts:
- Duo website
- Department Administrator
- Priority: Onboarding week 1
- Audience: URMC postdocs
- Contact: URMC Remote Access Portal website
- Priority: Onboarding week 1
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contact: ORCiD website
- Priority: Onboarding week 1
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contacts:
- Agreement form
- Department Administrator
Training and development
- Priority: Onboarding week 1
- Audience: URMC postdocs
- Contacts:
- Priority: Onboarding week 1-2
- Audience: All postdocs; select postdocs
- Contacts:
- Department Administrator
- myPath website
- Priority: Onboarding per department instruction
- Audience: Select postdocs
- Contacts:
- PI, lab supervisor
- Department Administrator
- myPath website
- Priority: Year 1, fall semester
- Audience: SMD postdocs
- Contacts:
- SMD RCR website
- Note: Postdoc will be notified when registration is available
- Priority: Within 6 months of start date
- Audience: SMD postdocs
- Contacts:
- Policy link
- PI/supervisor/other mentors
- Priority: Onboarding within 30 days
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contacts:
- Consider University Health Service for primary care
- Gallagher postdoc health insurance
- Department Administrator
- Priority: Onboarding within 30 days
- Contact Gallagher to sign up for or waive insurance within 30 days of hire
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contacts:
- Gallagher postdoc health insurance
- Department Administrator
- Priority: Onboarding within 30 days
- Contact Gallagher to sign up for insurance within 30 days of hire
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contact: Gallagher postdoc life insurance
- Priority: Onboarding within 30 days
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contact: HR website, see postdoctoral associate and fellow benefits summary at bottom of page
Additional resources as needed
Appointment policies
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contacts:
- Priority: Annually at least 2 months before appointment end date
- Audience: SMD postdocs
- Contacts:
- Policy link
- PI/supervisor
- Department Administrator
Training and development
- Priority: Annually at reappointment
- Audience: SMD postdocs
- Contacts:
- Policy link
- Form link
- PI/supervisor
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contacts:
- 093 postdocs are eligible for University of Rochester tuition benefits
- 095 postdocs are not eligible for University of Rochester tuition benefits but may have tuition funds available via their training grant or fellowship and should check with their training grant PI and/or grants admin
- 094 postdocs are not eligible for University of Rochester tuition benefits
- Audience: SMD postdocs/courses
- Contact: SMD non-matriculated website
- Audience: SMD postdocs
- Contact: myHub website
Benefits and wellness
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contact: EAP website
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contacts:
- UR Medicine Crisis Call Line: (585) 275-8686
- Monroe Mobile Crises Team: (585) 529-3721
- Audience: All postdoc associates
- Contact: Child Care Subsidy website
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contact: Benefits website
- Contact: All postdocs
- Contact: Food Pantry website
Support services and reporting concerns
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contact: Policies website
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contact: Sexual Misconduct website
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contact: Scientific Integrity website
- Audience: SMD postdocs
- Contact: FPC website
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contact: View Dean’s Office contacts
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contact: PDA website
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contact: UR Ombuds website
- Audience: SMD postdocs
- Contact: Contact Nathan Smith, MS, PhD, Associate Dean for Equity and Inclusion, Research and Research Education, SMD, at
Word resources
- Audience: All postdocs as needed
- Contact: Office of Disability Resources website
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contacts:
- Box website
- Department Administrator
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contact: University IT website
- Audience: URMC postdocs
- Contact:
- Phone: (585) 275-3200
- Email:
- Audience: All postdocs
- Contact: University IT website
- Audience: Select postdocs
- Contact: Department or Grants Administrator