Wilson Commons Wednesday

decorative image with stylized text that reads "Wilson Commons Wednesday" in a banner, an emblem of Rocky - a bee mascot holding a flag that reads "Get Involved" and text that reads "Sponsored by Black Students' Union, National Society of Black Engineers, WCSA, Dining."

February 19 @ 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

man serving two women food from a buffet tray

Once a month, Hirst Lounge becomes your destination for a special lunch time menu crafted by dining services, student organizations and college departments. Special thanks to the Black Students' Union, National Society of Black Engineers, WCSA, and Dining Services for sponsoring Wilson Commons Wednesday.


Lunch Buffet
Rice and Beans (Vegan)
Southern Green Beans (Made without Gluten)
Macaroni and Cheese
decorative picture of small plastic cups full of a dark liquidFried Chicken
Cheesecake with Caramel and Strawberry Sauces

Iced Water
Sweetened Iced Tea
Sparkling Blueberry Lemonade

$8.50 declining/credit/cash or one meal swipe.

walkway tape that reads "Wilson Commons Student Activities"