Resources for InstructorsExisting
This information is designed for faculty already using PLTL Workshops.
General Timeline
Use the following as a checklist to make sure that your preparations are on track.
- About halfway into the semester before your course, begin the recruiting and hiring process for peer-leaders with the help of your learning specialist. This must be done early enough to obtain enough qualified leaders.
- By mid-semester, advertise for potential leaders via group email, department website, and personal invitation.
- If fitting, hold an informational meeting for potential leaders just after the midterm period.
- Together with your learning specialist and former leaders (if possible) interview leaders in groups using the Learning Center's group interview scenarios approach.
- Once leaders are chosen (and well before the end of the term) hold a contract signing meeting where expectations and compensation are presented verbally and in writing. Have leaders sign a contract.
- Once the number of peer-leaders is selected, and therefore the number of PLTL Workshop groups determined, start to tackle the logistics. The logistics include space and time issues both for PLTL Workshops and for leader training. (Workshop friendly rooms) Obtain permission to use rooms through the registrar.
- Review and update PLTL Workshop problems as needed.
Measure and Track Effectiveness
- Student evaluations should be solicited by:
- Students taking the course
- PLTL Workshop leaders
- Observed benefits, challenges, and modifications should be documented for CWE and the appropriate dean.
Did you know...
A system is already in place to evaluate the effectiveness of PLTL Workshops using student grades and attendance through the Learning Center.