Alcohol and Drug Policy
The University of Rochester Alcohol and Other Drug Policy is housed within the University of Rochester Standards of Student Conduct and has been adopted to help students comply with laws regulating the possession, consumption, and service of alcoholic beverages and possession/use of illegal drugs.
Those who choose to engage in the use of alcohol or other drugs in violation of the law or University policy will be held accountable for their actions and subject to the full range of institutional responses and other disciplinary measures, up to and including expulsion.
Standing Committee on Alcohol Policy and Education
The Standing Committee on Alcohol Policy and Education (SCAPE) was created in the spring 2009 semester to help ensure that University polices and educational programs related to alcohol are appropriate and effective in reducing the harms associated with alcohol use on our campus.
SCAPE is charged with the following:
- Reviewing the University's alcohol policies
- Evaluating whether our enforcement of those policies is effective in reducing the harms associated with alcohol use
- Assessing our current alcohol education programs and determining whether additional alcohol education strategies should be implemented
The committee comprises students, faculty and staff, and meets regularly throughout the academic year.