Contact Information

Main Office
Office of the Dean of Students
University of Rochester
500/510 Wilson Commons
P.O. Box 270443
Rochester, NY 14627
Phone: (585) 275-4085
Fax: (585) 276-0151
Hours: Monday through Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Center for Student Conflict Management: (585) 275-4085
Fraternity and Sorority Affairs: (585) 275-3167
M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence: (585) 463-3266
Parent and Family Relations: (585) 275-5415
Wilson Commons Student Activities: (585) 275-9390
Other Important Numbers
Bursar's Office: (585) 275-3931
Learning Center: (585) 275-9049
College Center for Advising Services: (585) 275-2354
Financial Aid: (585) 275-3221
Paul J. Burgett Intercultural Center: (585) 275-5678
Residential Life: (585) 275-3166
Registrar's Office: (585) 275-8131
Security: (585) 275-3333
University Counseling Center: (585) 275-3113
University Health Service: (585) 275-2662