Unanswered questions?
Reach out to medallion@rochester.edu!
Ready to join?
Join the Medallion Program by filling out the Enrollment Form on CCC.
- How can I view my Medallion checklist?
- How long does it usually take to complete the Medallion Program?
The Medallion Program is flexible to your schedule as a student so there are no hard dates or deadlines for when you need to complete the program. Most students complete all three levels of the Medallion Program within 3 semesters.
- I attended a Medallion workshop yesterday, where can I find the workshop reflection form?
The workshop reflection form can be found in two places. It is always emailed to you after the workshop (make sure you get checked in or else it will not be sent to you). You can also find the reflection form in your Medallion Checklist on CCC after you have attended and checked in to a workshop.
- Can Level 1 and Level 2 be completed at the same time?
Yes, students can work on completing both Levels 1 and 2 simultaneously.
Check out this video outlining how to track your Level 1 and Level 2 progress!
- For Level 2, what is considered a “leadership role”?
We view a leadership role as any student who holds a position or who actively participates in a recognized college student organization or advisory board. Students may also consider their position as an intern as a leadership role.
- I’ve attended a workshop/taken a class that counts for Medallion credit. I was not enrolled in Medallion at the time/was unaware that I could get Medallion credit. Can this still count towards my Medallion progress retroactively?
Yes, if you have taken a course or participated in a workshop we are able to give you credit retroactively. If it was a workshop, you will still need to complete the reflection. For Level 3, we will consider giving credit retroactively for approved courses only. Retroactive credit will also depend on your individual progress within the Medallion Program. Below are the approved courses for Level 3:
- CASC 358, CASC 370, CASC 125 (pre-requisite CASC 202), CASC 304
- I am doing a specialized project to complete Level 3, how do I get an assigned advisor?
Once you complete the Level 2 Assessment form and indicate that you will be doing a specialized project, someone from our Medallion Leadership Team will reach out to you to discuss your project idea(s). Based on your topic, we will work with you to find an appropriate advisor and connect with you them.
- Where can I find more information about Level 3?
You can find more information on Level 3 on our website here or email medallion@rochester.edu
- What happens after I complete Level 3?
After you complete Level 3, you will be inducted in to the Medallion Leadership Society! You can choose to be an active or inactive member depending on your workload each semester.
- I am finishing Level 3 during my last semester of my senior year; can I still be in the Society?
Yes! We are always looking to keep our alumni involved, just make sure you connect with us so we know that is something you are interested in.
- How can my student organization request a Medallion Workshop?
Please fill out the request a workshop form. We look forward to working with you!
- Why should my student organization co-sponsor a workshop? What do we need to do?
Student organizations receive positive points on their Student Organization Annual Review (SOAR) report for co-sponsoring a workshop. Co-sponsoring includes sending at least 5 members and assisting with marketing the Workshop.Our workshops range from skills helpful in a student organization context to more broad leadership skills useful in any context. Please email medallion@rochester.edu with the name of the workshop you'd like to co-sponsor or if you'd like to set up a meeting to chat. You can have your members fill out the Enrollment Form to ensure their attendance is counted towards program progress!