About the Award
The University is pleased to have this opportunity to recognize the contributions of outstanding high school teachers and is grateful to Paul Singer ’66, his son Gordon Singer, and The Paul Singer Family Foundation, whose generous support has made possible the Singer Family Prize for Excellence in Secondary School Teaching.
All seniors have the opportunity to recognize and honor a high school teacher who significantly influenced them. The winning teachers will be invited to Rochester, where they will be honored at an awards ceremony during Commencement weekend. In addition to travel expenses, prize winners and their schools will receive a financial award.
How to Nominate a Teacher
Complete the online nomination form.
Completed nominations will be reviewed by a committee of faculty members and students not from the senior class. Teachers who are finalists for the award will be asked to submit additional supporting information. Based on that information, the committee will select a maximum of four winners.
Nominations have the greatest chance for success if they provide specific information about the ways in which the nominated teacher provided a positive influence. Successful applications will include specific examples and stories that demonstrate distinct and effective teaching methods in addition to a commitment to activities outside of the classroom. There is no specific requirement for the length of the supporting information. About 1 or 2 pages (200-400 words) should suffice.