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The University needs to be able to clearly and consistently identify and describe locations where relevant activities take place. As a first step towards a real master location data set, work has been done to model and describe locations and buildings across all University of Rochester campuses.

The next step will include information about non-building spaces and locations. We hope that work to model and collect those data will begin later in 2019.

Currently, the following information is available. For more information, contact the Data Governance and Support Office.


Definition: a collection of buildings and grounds that share a common geographic area. Current observations do not include “Mid campus” as a collection.



campus, id

2-7 character string representing a unique identifier for a campus. Examples:

  • RC
  • MC
  • OFF

campus, full name

full name description for a campus

campus, last edit date

the last edited date of the campus object in the URSpace system


Definition: a grouping of buildings and grounds located within a named campus. This field is not currently used so no data exist.



zone, id

a numerical unique identifier for a zone

zone, name

full name for a zone

zone, description

descriptive text of what buildings and grounds are contained within a zone

zone, campus

the ‘campus, id’ where the zone resides

zone, last edit date

the last edited date of the zone object in the master location system


Definition: a roofed and walled structure for permanent or temporary shelter of persons, animals, plants, materials, or equipment. A building is:

  • attached to a foundation
  • roofed
  • serviced by a utility, exclusive of lighting, and
  • a source of significant repair and maintenance activities

Structures that do not meet this definition are not counted as buildings and will be defined and recorded in the next phase of the project.



building, id

a persistent sequential numerical unique identifier for a building

building, number

a current numerical identifier for a building

building, name

shortened name for a ‘building, official name’ commonly used and culturally adopted in wide use. Examples:

  • Hutchinson Hall represents Charles Force Hutchison Hall
  • Burton Hall represents Henry Fairfield Burton Hall

building, abbreviation

abbreviated building name. Examples:

  • Rush Rhees Library – RRL
  • Hutchinson Hall – HUTCH

building, official name 

official full building name

building, county 

the named U.S. county where the building is located


The angular distance of a place north or south of the earth’s equator, or of a celestial object north or south of the celestial equator, usually expressed in degrees and minutes


the angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England, or west of the standard meridian of a celestial object, usually expressed in degrees and minutes. It is also represented in numerical form from Google, (e.g. 74.236789)

building, owned or leased 

boolean indicator that denotes whether the building is owned or leased by the University

physical address; broken down by individual fields:

  • address1
  • address2
  • city
  • state
  • zip

The front door address to locate a building, which allows for way finding to a location. Note that the postal address may be different than the physical address. Contains: street address 1, city, state, zip. May contain street address 2

delivery address; broken down by individual fields:

  • address1
  • address2
  • city
  • state
  • zip

The postal address used to deliver physical items to the University delivered by entities other than USPS (UPS, FedEx, etc.)

building, active status 

boolean indicator that denotes whether the building exists, or has since been demolished

building, last edit date 

the last edited date of the building object in the master location system

building, campus

the ‘campus, id’ where the building resides

building, zone

the ‘zone, id’ where the building resides


Definition: a subset of building that may encompass multiple floors and may have an external door, which would be considered a front door address. Examples:

  • Carlson Science & Engineering Library
  • iZone
  • Carol G. Simon Hall
  • Gannet Wing in Susan B. Anthony Hall

Data for this field is not currently being captured but we expect them to be available very soon.



facility, id

a unique identifier string for a facility

facility, name

full name of the facility

facility, description

descriptive text of the purpose and included areas are contained within the facility


Definition: all the rooms or areas on the same level of a building



floor, number

numerical identifier of a building level. The building, id and/or building number must be specified.

floor, description

descriptive text of what suites, rooms, departments or programs are located on the floor

floor, last edit date 

the last edited date of the floor object in the URSpace system

floor, campus

the ‘campus, id’ where the floor resides. The building, id and/or building number must be specified

floor, zone

the ‘zone, id’ where the floor resides. The building, id and/or building number must be specified


Definition: a group of rooms occupied as a unit. Currently, we do not identify rooms as a subset of suites.



suite, id

a numerical unique identifier for a suite represented by combining the ‘building, number’ and ‘suite, number’

suite, number

a number assigned to a suite within a building used for identification and wayfinding purposes

suite/room, owned or leased id 

unique identifier string prepended with either a “O” or “L” that denotes whether a suite or room is owned or leased by the University

suite/room, last edit date 

the last edited date of the suite or room object in the master location system

suite, campus

the ‘campus, id’ where the suite resides

suite, zone

the ‘zone, id’ where the suite resides

suite, building id

the ‘building, id’ where the suite resides

suite, building number

the ‘building, number’ where the suite resides

suite, floor

the ‘floor, number’ where the suite resides


Definition: A covered contiguous area enclosed on all sides by walls, or virtual boundary lines (referred to as “phantom walls”) where a wall does not exist; it may consist of one or more spaces. Covered play areas, covered patios, and covered walkways are exceptions to the enclosure criterion.



room, id

a numerical unique identifier for a room represented by combining the ‘building, number’, floor and ‘room, number’

room, number

a number assigned to a room within a building used for identification and wayfinding purposes

room, name

descriptive designation of a room

room, use code

category used to describe the main purpose of the room

room, use code description

descriptive text of the room, use code, which describes the main purpose of the room

room, use sub code

identifier used to describe the specific purpose of the room within the category ‘room, use code’

room, use sub code description

descriptive text of the room, use sub code, which describes the main purpose of the room

suite/room, owned or leased id 

unique identifier string prepended with either a “O” or “L” that denotes whether a suite or room is owned or leased by the University

suite/room, active status

boolean indicator that denotes whether the room exists, or has since been demolished.

instructional capacity

the maximum number of students that can be accommodated in a room, not including the instructor and possible TA’s. This number may be different than the room capacity to allow for seating configurations

suite/room, last edit date 

the last edited date of the suite or room object in the master location system

room, campus

the ‘campus, id’ where the room resides

room, zone

the ‘zone, id’ where the room resides

room, building id

the ‘building, id’ where the room resides

room, building number

the ‘building, number’ where the room resides

room, floor

the ‘floor, number’ where the room resides


Definition: A covered contiguous area enclosed on all sides by walls or virtual boundary lines (referred to as “phantom walls”) where a wall does not exist, that accommodates a single use; the smallest discrete spatial unit or data element used, tracked and analyzed in an institution’s space inventory. A space may be part of a room, and a room may contain several spaces.

This concept is not yet populated so currently no data exist.