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Assessment Resources

Explore a variety of in-house and third-party resources that are available to guide assessment efforts. You can also contact our committee for additional support.

Instructor course assessment tool examples

We’ve developed four examples of this workflow to help you better understand assessment goals and outcomes. See these scenarios in the drop-downs below. This information is also available as a downloadable document for your reference.

Example one: Applying clinical evidence to guide decision-making

This example was provided by Andrew Wolf in the School of Nursing.

Course learning outcome

Apply evidence from clinical guidelines, texts, and databases to guide clinical decision-making.

Program outcome / accreditation standard

Knowledge of Practice: Synthesizes established and evolving scientific knowledge from diverse sources and contributes to the generation, translation, and dissemination of health care knowledge and practices.

Instructional activity to support learning

Simulation in the classroom. We moved all lectures online and used face-to-face class time for standardized patient simulated patient interviews, and all students got to practice with assessment, formulating a plan, and presenting a case. Emphasis was on clinical decision-making informed by evidence.

Assessment to evaluate student performance / achievement
  1. SOAP Note assignments: Students completed 2 SOAP Note assignments with rubrics emphasizing clinical decision-making. There was one rubric item focused on clinical decision-making, and another on application of evidence. Scoring was on a 0 – 4-point development rubric, and the target score was 2 (Developing), since this is the first clinical course.
  2. Student satisfaction with the course >4/5, and qualitative responses suggesting students found the standardized patient class activities valuable, and express confidence in their developing competency in applying evidence to support decisions.
Results of assessment
  1. SOAP Note assignments: Students scored a mean of 2.5 on the clinical decision-making rubric item, and 2.2 on the application of evidence, suggesting the average student surpassed expectations for this course. Only 2 (of 46) students scored below a 2.
  2. Survey responses showed that the majority of students agreed or strongly agreed that they were satisfied with the course, scoring 4.76/5 on a Likert scale.
Use of results to improve teaching and learning

Assessment results suggest that the teaching methods met goals for teaching students to apply evidence to support clinical decision-making. Will continue with these teaching methods in future courses. Goal for next year is to get all students scoring >2. Will consider requiring students receiving <2 on the first SOAP note to submit a draft for feedback for the 2nd SOAP note.

Example two: Articulating a line of reasoning

This example was provided by Andrew Wolf in the School of Nursing.

Course learning outcome

Articulate a logical, concise, and coherent line of reasoning based on a focus of interest.

Program outcome / accreditation standard

Knowledge of Practice: Synthesizes established and evolving scientific knowledge from diverse sources and contributes to the generation, translation, and dissemination of health care knowledge and practices.

Instructional activity to support learning

Students prepare for writing by first creating a literature matrix with at least six peer-reviewed sources and a summary of the data and a synthesis of 3 themes. Faculty provide detailed feedback to ensure effective summary and synthesis.

Assessment to evaluate student performance / achievement

All students will receive a passing grade on the literature matrix assignment, after revision (if needed). All students will receive a score of >3/4 on rubric item related to synthesis of evidence on final paper.

Results of assessment

Students were able to pass the lit matrix assignment, but most needed to submit a revision. All students received >3 of 4 on rubric synthesis rubric item. However, students struggled with this on all drafts more than in prior semesters.

Use of results to improve teaching and learning

Recommend that return to using the analytic summary assignment first prior to the literature matrix, so students can summarize one article before being asked to summarize and synthesize 6.

Example three: Scientific learning

This example was provided by Josephine C. Seddon in AS&E (with thanks to AME).

Course learning outcome

Students will be able to predict the steady state and transient response of single degree of freedom oscillating systems subject to various initial conditions.

Program outcome / accreditation standard

Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.

Instructional activity to support learning

Problem sets solved both independently and as a part of a team in class and as part of weekly homework assignments.

Assessment to evaluate student performance / achievement
  1. Homework sets
  2. In-class quizzes
Results of assessment

Over 90% of students were able to 1) engage problem solving skills to complete homework assignments with proficiency, and 2) demonstrate proficiency in completing the quizzes.

Use of results to improve teaching and learning

Continue with current strategies that include additional support for the students experiencing some difficulty with problem solving (i.e. office hours, peer-mentoring, tutoring). Also, explore options for additional (labs/visualizations/etc.) to support greater contextualization of the engineering, science and mathematics principles required to support problem solving

Example four: Writing processes

This example was provided by Josephine C. Seddon in AS&E (with thanks to WSAP).

Course learning outcome

Students will be able to plan, draft, and revise their writing, critique each other’s work, assess their own writing, and participate in small group sessions to support writing and the writing process.

Program outcome / accreditation standard

Communicate effectively with a range of audiences in written format.

Instructional activity to support learning

Use of the “writing process” that includes multiple stages (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) and encourages individual and peer reviews for feedback.

Assessment to evaluate student performance / achievement

Observation/documenting of student use of the writing process. Criteria-based assessment of final written product using AAC&U Written Communication Rubric for reference.

Results of assessment

Students were at various points in the development of written communication skills. Over 85% of students demonstrated proficiency.

Use of results to improve teaching and learning

Continue using the writing process incorporating individual reflection, peer feedback, and instructor feedback. Continue to have exemplars and criteria available at start of course for student reference.

Additional resources

We’ve compiled links to helpful external resources that may guide your assessment efforts.

Assessment journals


  • AALHE Intersection: A Journal at the Intersection of Assessment and Learning. This quarterly publication is from the Association for Assessment of Learning in Higher Education, and features best practices from a variety of disciplines and higher education settings.
  • Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education: This quarterly journal on assessment issues/methods includes article abstracts, or the ability to purchase full text as PDF or HTML.
  • Assessment Update: This bimonthly newsletter is one of the best ways to keep up with new developments and what’s going on elsewhere. Some articles from recent issues are available to the public. Full access may be available online through your college/university library.
  • International Journal of ePortfolio: (IJeP) includes articles about using e-portfolios in assessment. Articles are available as PDF files.

Portfolio and professional development evaluation

Rubrics and additional guidance