Academic calendars
See a University-wide academic calendar, and find links to specific school calendars
University of Rochester
Supporting the University’s faculty and students
The Office of the Provost drives the academic endeavors across the University. Overseeing Rochester’s schools and many of its academic support offices, the provost sets up Rochester’s faculty and students for success.
Explore the process for establishing centers and institutes at the University, and understand key definitions for these terms.
The Office of the Vice President for Research has many research resources available for the University community to explore. Below, you’ll find links to additional research-related information overseen by the Office of the Provost.
Learn about faculty and student fellowship and funding opportunities
Open Research and Contributor IDs (ORCID) help distinguish your scholarly work
Planning grants could lead to new research centers and institutes
academic programs
Our Office of Academic Administration helps ensure proper documentation of our accreditations—both University-wide and for specific degrees—as well as drives assessment plans to help academic programs improve over time.
have questions?
Our team is ready to help. Visit our Contact page for ways to connect with us, and find links for additional offices of the provost.