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Student and professor looking at data set in a computer lab

University of Rochester

University Data

Facts, figures, and guidelines for working with data at Rochester

As a leading research institution, the University understands the importance of data—from providing transparent information, to analysis, and more. Explore a snapshot of some data-driven facts and resources.

Data consortiums

The University of Rochester is a member of several higher education consortiums, enabling us to share data with—and collect information from—a variety of resources. Learn more about the specific consortiums in these drop-downs. If you have questions about consortia membership or data sharing, contact the Office for Data Insights and Reporting.

Association of American Universities (AAU)

Rochester is one of roughly 66 members of this nonprofit association of preeminent public and private research universities. AAU focuses on national and institutional issues that are important to research-intensive universities, including funding for research, research and education policy, and graduate and undergraduate education. Visit the AAU website to learn more.

Association of American Universities Data Exchange (AAUDE)

AAUDE’s primary purpose is to facilitate the annual exchange of information of common interest by agreement of institutional representatives. AAUDE has no formal connection to the Association of American Universities (AAU). Visit the AAUDE website to learn more.

Consortium on Financing Higher Education (COFHE)

Rochester is among roughly 35 members of this consortium of highly selective, private liberal arts colleges and universities. COFHE’s data collection, research, and policy analysis focus on matters pertaining to access, affordability, and assessment, particularly as they relate to undergraduate education, admissions, financial aid, and the financing of higher education. Visit the COFHE website to learn more.