SOAR: Frequently Asked Questions


Why should I apply?

  • Meet with faculty and deepen understanding of the department of interest
  • Network with current grad students and hear about their Rochester experiences
  • Tour campus, libraries, and labs
  • Review graduate admissions process and receive suggestions to strengthen applications

Am I eligible to apply?

Most applicants:
  • Will be in senior year of undergrad by date of visit
  • Have research experience (this is strongly encouraged).

What does application require?

Future dates will be posted soon

Complete application requires:
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Statement focused on research
  • Biographical paragraph
  • Transcript (unofficial copy is fine)
  • CV or resume 

Does UR have the program I want?

The University of Rochester is a vast organization with a hospital, an undergraduate college, and six graduate schools. The S.O.A.R. program specifically is for the PhD programs in the School of Arts and Sciences and the Hajim School at Rochester. To see if your program of interest is in the School of Arts and Sciences or the Hajim School, make sure it is listed here.

Note: PhDs may be offered at other schools such as School of Medicine and Dentistry, Simon Business School, Warner School of EducationEastman School of Music, and School of Nursing, but departments in these schools do not participate in SOAR @ Rochester.

When can I expect to hear?

Applicants can expect to hear whether they were accepted by mid-June of the year they applied. 

What Happened to GVP? Program Name Change from GVP to SOAR

The SOAR program was previously known as Graduate Visitation Program (GVP). For a decade, this program has attracted high-promise and dedicated underrepresented students to pursue graduate study at our high-caliber university in upstate New York.

This year we change the program name to Success, Opportunity, and Access in Research (SOAR) at Rochester to reflect the mission of the program. We seek students who:

  • Demonstrate SUCCESS in academics and research experiences
  • Are interested in OPPORTUNITY for academic growth
  • Come from communities historically denied ACCESS to higher education
  • Plan to pursue RESEARCH at a top-tier graduate school