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The university needs to be able to clearly identify and describe location data about employees to support day to day operations. Employee location refers to information about an employee that can help us determine:

  • Primary work Location: Where to go to visit an employee.
  • Primary interdepartmental mailing address: Where to send paper mail to an employee.
  • Primary work delivery address: Where to send packages to an employee.
  • Primary work phone number: How to reach an employee by phone.
  • Primary work email: How to reach an employee by email.

Employee location information is often used to:

  • To plan for and locate employees during emergency situations
  • To ensure compliance with safety regulations
  • To Locate employees for package and mail delivery
  • To plan for and facilitate important meetings
  • By the university community to contact university resources

The data governance team is currently engaged in identifying a strategy to improve the way we capture and maintain employee location data. To promote data integrity and consistency, this strategy will leverage Standardized Building Data model to provide physical location data attached to an employee. We are currently working with multiple stakeholders to identify a solution that aligns with university policies and best practices. For more information, please contact the Data Governance and Support Office.