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Bridging Fellowships

Allowing faculty to engage in interdisciplinary study


The Bridging Fellowship program supports faculty members in interdisciplinary study. Specifically, the program releases members from departmental obligations for one semester to allow them to move to another part of the University for the purpose of learning aspects of another discipline.

Learn more about Bridging Fellowships below, including how to apply and past winners. Additional details are available in the University-wide Faculty Handbook ; Eastman School of Music faculty can reference the Eastman-specific Bridging Fellowship page.

How to apply

The deans’ office of each school generally solicits applications once a year. Completed applications require the approval of the applicant’s chair (when appropriate) before being submitted to the dean for final approval. For an untenured faculty member, a Bridging Fellowship does not delay a tenure decision even when combined with a one-semester academic leave. Typically, the University has no more than four Bridging Fellowships in a given academic year.

The process for applying for a Bridging Fellowship is as follows:

  • Faculty members may submit proposals for Bridging Fellowships to their respective deans. The proposal must be approved by the dean and by the provost.
  • In addition, the proposal must meet the standards established for an academic leave as described in Section IV.E of the Faculty Handbook.
  • The proposal must include a well-designed plan of research and must ultimately benefit the educational programs of the University.
  • The Bridging Fellow must submit a written evaluation to the provost at the conclusion of the bridging semester summarizing the goals, activities, and outcomes of the experience.

Bridging Fellowships and academic leaves

The distinctive feature of Bridging Fellowships is that they are for study in an area that is peripheral to the fellow’s central professional concern, and they permit the acquisition of knowledge and methods in a different field. These fellowships are thus distinct from academic leaves, and holding a Bridging Fellowship does not affect subsequent consideration for such leaves.

Faculty who receive Bridging Fellowships continue to receive their regular salaries and benefits for the duration of their fellowships (ordinarily one semester). Bridging Fellowships are not considered regular academic leaves of absence. Therefore, a faculty member might qualify for an academic leave of absence immediately after a bridging experience. For junior tenure-track faculty, a Bridging Fellowship does not “stop the clock” on the contractual arrangement with the University.

Past winners

Since it began in 1983, Bridging Fellowships have enabled University of Rochester faculty to develop new approaches to research and performance; stimulate the formation of new interdepartmental and intercollegiate collaborations; make it possible for faculty to develop new courses for a broader student base; and stimulate better integration of curricula within and between schools.

Below are a few examples of how Rochester faculty have used their Bridging Fellowships. You can also explore a chart of all previous winners.

Professors Headlam and Bocko in a recording studio, playing a guitar and drum set

Digital music research

Music theorist David Headlam, an expert on analyzing the qualities of sounds, and Professor Mark Bocko, an expert on superconducting electronics, credit the Bridging Fellowships with jump-starting their cross-divisional collaboration. Their partnership has resulted in new courses as well as new research projects and new laboratory space devoted to the study of digital music.

Professor Adam Frank speaking during a conference panel

Combining space and religion

Astrophysicist Adam Frank spent the semester with colleagues in Religion & Classics to explore the nature of religion and the nature of science as different ways of understanding the place of humans in the universe. The collaboration resulted in his publishing The Constant Fire in 2011.

Donna Brink Fox, making remarks at the University of Rochester commencement

Music and entrepreneurship

Donna Brink Fox, professor of music education at the Eastman School of Music, turned her study of organizations and entrepreneurs at the Simon Business School into new vistas for musicians and music organization.

Full list of past winners

2021 – 2022Kipper, J.PhilosophyComputer ScienceFall 2021
2021 – 2022Iosevich, A.MathematicsGoergen Institute of Data ScienceFall 2021
2021 – 2022Kapusta, J.Musicology (ESM)HistorySpring 2022
2020 – 2021Not awarded
2019 – 2020Anderson, M.Musicology (ESM)Simon Business SchoolFall 2019
2019 - 2020Prendergast, R.Modern Languages & CulturesHumanities CenterFall 2019
2018 - 2019Frontier, A.ChemistryHumanities CenterSpring 2019
2018 - 2019Luehmann, A.Teaching & Curriculum (Warner)Chemical EngineeringSpring 2019
2018 - 2019Esse, M.MusicologyDance and MovementFall 2018
2018 - 2019Jacobs, R.Brain & Cognitive SciencesComputer ScienceFall 2018
2017 - 2018Baldo, J.Humanities (ESM)Humanities CenterSpring 2018
2017 - 2018Stocchi-Perucchio, M.Modern Languages & CulturesHistorySpring 2018
2017 - 2018Guiffrida, D.Counseling & Human Development (Warner)East Ridge Family Medicine, URMCFall 2017
2017 - 2018London, B.EnglishHumanities CenterFall 2017
2016 - 2017Frank, A.Physics & AstronomyEarth & Environmental SciencesSpring 2017
2016 - 2017Johnson, J.Political ScienceTeaching & Curriculum (Warner)Spring 2017
2015 - 2016Doran, A.Modern Languages & CulturesMusic TheorySpring 2016
2015 - 2016Luque, A.MedicineNeuroimaging
2014 - 2015Not awarded
2013 - 2014Ney, A.PhilosophyPhysics & AstronomySpring 2014
2012 - 2013Orr, L.Physics & AstronomySimon School of BusinessSpring 2013
2012 - 2013Gage, M.MathematicsComputer ScienceFall 2012
2011 - 2012Not awarded
2010 - 2011Outram, D.HistoryReligion & ClassicsSpring 2011
2010 - 2011Shaefer, C.Modern Languages & CulturesPhilosophyFall 2010
2009 - 2010Temperley, D.Music TheoryBrain & Cognitive SciencesFall 2009
2008 - 2009Duro, P.Art & Art HistoryEnglishFall 2008
2008 - 2009Steingrover, R.German (ESM)English / George Eastman HouseFall 2008
2007 - 2008Foster, R.AnthropologyArt & Art HistorySpring 2008
2007 - 2008Gao, Y.Physics & AstronomyBiomedical EngineeringFall 2007
2006 - 2007Danko, H.Jazz Studies & Contemporary MediaLinguisticsAll Year
2006 - 2007Macey, P.MusicologyHistoryFall 2006
2006 - 2007Rubin, J.HistoryMusicologyFall 2006
2005 - 2006Fox, D.Music EducationSimon School of BusinessSpring 2006
2005 - 2006Frank, A.Physics & AstronomyReligion & ClassicsFall 2005
2005 - 2006Tucker, J.EnglishVisual & Cultural StudiesFall 2005
2004 - 2005Applegate, C.HistoryMusicologySpring 2005
2004 - 2005Marvin, E.Music TheoryBrain & Cognitive SciencesFall 2004
2004 - 2005Pouget, A.Brain & Cognitive SciencesPhysics & AstronomySpring 2005
2003 - 2004Jones, T.Electrical & Computer EngineeringChemistryFall 2003
2003 - 2004Koskoff, E.MusicologyAnthropologySpring 2004
2003 - 2004Douglass, D.Physics & AstronomyMusic TheorySpring 2004
2002 - 2003Teitel, S.Physics & AstronomyBrain & Cognitive SciencesSpring 2003
2001 - 2002Outram, D.HistoryArt & Art HistorySpring 2002
2001 - 2002Laitz, S.Music TheoryChamber MusicSpring 2002
2001 - 2002Dobson, G.Simon School of BusinessMedical CenterFall 2001
2000 - 2001Segal, S.MathematicsHistorySpring 2001
2000 - 2001Reis, H.Clinical & Social PsychologyPsychiatryFall 2000
2000 - 2001Scotto, C.Music TheoryMathematicsSpring 2001
2000 - 2001McHugh, E.Humanities (ESM)MusicologySpring 2001
1999 - 2000Pedersen, J.Humanities (ESM)Visual & Cultural StudiesFall 1999
1999 - 2000Wheelock, G.MusicologyVisual & Cultural StudiesSpring 2000
1998 - 1999Not awarded
1997 - 1998Aslin, R.Brain & Cognitive SciencesBiologyFall 1998
1997 - 1998Ossi, R.MusicModern Languages & CulturesSpring 1999
1997 - 1998Cranston, M.MathematicsEconomicsN/A
1997 - 1998Nordeen, E.Brain & Cognitive SciencesBiologyN/A
1997 - 1998Nordeen, K.Clinical & Social PsychologyPharmacologyFall 1998
1997 - 1998Turner, D.ChemistryPediatricsSpring 1999
1997 - 1998Morris, R.CompositionReligion & ClassicsFall 1998
1997 - 1998Scheie, T.Humanities (ESM)MusicologySpring 1999
1996 - 1997Homerin, E.ReligionEnglishFall 1997
1996 - 1997Allen, J.Computer ScienceBrain & Cognitive ScienceSpring 1998
1996 - 1997Wason, R.Music TheoryModern Languages & CulturesSpring 1998
1995 - 1996Hayhoe, M.PsychologyComputer ScienceFall 1995
1995 - 1996Bocko, M.Electrical EngineeringEastmanFall 1995
1995 - 1996Gans, R.Electrical EngineeringComputer ScienceN/A
1995 - 1996Carter, A.AnthropologyMedical SchoolFall 1995
1995 - 1996Headlam, D.Music TheoryElectrical EngineeringSpring 1996
1994 - 1995Rothenberg, L.Political ScienceGeologySpring 1995
1994 - 1995Bergonzi, L.Music EducationPublic Policy AnalysisFall 1994
1993 - 1994Hahn, T.EnglishArt HistoryFall 1993
1993 - 1994Hemaspaandra, L.Computer SciencePolitical ScienceSpring 1994
1992 - 1993Braun, D.PhilosophyForeign Language & LinguisticsFall 1992
1992 - 1993Marvin, E.Music TheoryPsychologySpring 1993
1991 - 1992Manion, M.Political ScienceEconomicsN/A
1990 - 1991Locke, R.MusicologyArt HistoryFall 1990
1990 - 1991Baldo, J.Humanities (ESM)MusicologySpring 1991
1989 - 1990Nachman, A.MathematicsElectrical EngineeringN/A
1989 - 1990Kitagawa, Y.Foreign Language & LinguisticsPsychologySpring 1990
1989 - 1990Eisenberg, R.ChemistryOpticsSpring 1990
1989 - 1990McGowan, J.Humanities (ESM)PhilosophySpring 1990
1988 - 1989Not awarded
1987 - 1988Thomson, W.EconomicsComputer ScienceAll Year
1987 - 1988Harper, J.MathematicsSEASSpring 1988
1987 - 1988Gabriel, A.AnthropologyPsychiatrySpring 1988
1987 - 1988Lubkin, S.MathematicsComputer ScienceSemester
1987 - 1988Dempster, D.Humanities (ESM)Music TheoryFall 1987
1986 - 1987Not awarded
1985 - 1986Powers, B.N/AN/AAll Year
1984 - 1985Ilardi, B.SociologyWarnerAll Year
1984 - 1985Wagner, S.PsychologyMedical CenterAll Year
1983 - 1984Twentyman, C.PsychologyN/AAll Year
1983 - 1984Benston, A.Foreign Language & LinguisticsPhilosophyAll Year
1983 - 1984McGrath, W.HistoryESMSpring 1984
1982 - 1983Weimer, D.Political SciencePharmacologySpring 1983
1981-1982Not awarded
1980 - 1981Schmitt, M.School of NursingAnthropologyAll Year