Meet the Staff

The Study Zone Leaders and staff members of the Study Zone are here to support your studying and academic success! Learn a bit more about them below.

Study Zone Leaders

Study Zone Leader: Nilsu

Pronouns: she/her

Academic interests: I enjoy computer science, digital media, psychology, and language classes!

Fun fact about Nilsu: I have a selfie with Reese Witherspoon taken at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2016!


Study Zone Leader: Kylah

Pronouns: she/her

Fun Fact about Kylah: I have a slight book buying addiction.



Study Zone Leader: Angie

pronouns: she/her

Fun fact about Angie: I have a plushie chicken named Boop.

Study Zone Leader: Adwaita

Pronouns: she/her

Academic interests: My major is neuroscience, minors are psychology and studio art, and I'm aspiring to be a psychiatrist.

Fun fact about Adwaita: I have a black belt in karate and a green belt in taekwondo.


Study Zone Leader: Anna

pronouns: she/her

Fun fact about Anna: I love cats, and my Instagram feed is now all cute cat videos.

Study Zone Leader: Sarah

pronouns: she/her

Academic interests: I am interested in bridging media history, theory, and practice into technology/production such as photography, graphic design, UI/UX design, film, computer science, and studio art.

Fun fact about Sarah: I can play 6 musical instruments.

Study Zone Leader: Nicole

pronouns: she/her

Academic interests: I am a Biology major and a Spanish minor, and I intend on taking a gap year to travel to Spanish speaking countries and immerse myself in different cultures before going to medical school.

Fun fact about Nicole: I sing with After Hours, an all-gender a cappella group on campus, and I play on the Women's Club Soccer Team!

Head Study Zone Leader: Alicia

pronouns: she/her

Academic interests: Right now, my academic aspirations are to get accepted to and attend medical school, and to eventually become some sort of pediatric specialist.

Fun fact about Alicia: I love playing tennis!