Course Instruction Template (Testing Agreement) FAQ

What is a “Course Instruction Template”?

The Disability Resources Course Instruction Template, previously called the Alternative Testing Agreement, serves as a contract between the professor and the Disability Resources staff. This form acknowledges a) the DR staff will proctor DR registered students on behalf of the professor and b) the agreed upon instructions for the exam and testing environment. This form helps create an equitable testing environment for accommodated students and preserve the academic integrity of the exam.

How do you enter a Course Instruction Template?

Log in to your instructor DR portal to enter your Course Instruction Template. Step by step instructions can be found on our website.

Each semester, professors must submit a new electronic form for each course.

Specifying Exam Dates: TheCourse Instruction Template has a section where professors can choose the specific date, time, length, and type of each exam for the course and add additional notes for each exam (see screenshot below). Please specify the common exam time for all exams when entering dates. Once these are entered, students will be able to request exam accommodations for these specified dates. The Testing and Note Taking Coordinator will then work on setting up the exam per the instructions on that date. If exam dates are not known at the beginning of the semester, including final exam dates, please enter them as they become available. 

Screenshot of table of exam dates on instructor profile that lists the type, date, time, and legth of three different exams for one course.

What does “Proctoring Your Own Exam” mean and does it apply to me?

The “Proctoring Your Own Exam” section of the Course Instruction Template must be filled out if you plan on making your own arrangements for students who receive disability accommodations. For example – finding a separate quiet testing room and/or providing the extra time yourself. Additional guidance for providing your own accommodation arrangements is available on our website. If you would like Disability Resources to proctor your accommodated exams, you may skip this section and go straight to the section titled “Disability Resources Course Instruction Template.”

My exam instructions change for each midterm. What should I do?

When choosing the date of the exam, please enter the specific exams instructions in the ‘notes’ section. 

Do I need to fill this out twice if my course is cross-listed?

No. You can either copy the Template to another course in the DR Instructor Portal or contact our office to copy those instructions for you.

Do I need to fill this out twice if I’m teaching two courses with similar exam instructions?

No. Fill it out for your first course, and then contact our office. We can copy the agreement over to your other course; just make sure to let us know any information that’s specific to the additional course, such as exam dates/times or TA contact information.

How do I know which students have requested exam accommodations?

You can log in to the DR Instructor Portal anytime to view students’ notification of accommodation letters and exam accommodation requests. For more information, please visit the DR Instructor Portal home page.

What do I do if a student emails me to reschedule an exam?

It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with professors if their exam overlaps with another course or if they need to take the exam on a different day due to a disability related concern. If you receive a request and have questions about it, please email us to discuss the request with the student’s Access Coordinator.

All students and faculty are encouraged to follow our Rescheduling an Exam policy:

Students with accommodations may reschedule an exam with their professor's permission. Students must forward their professor's written approval of the alternate date to the Testing Coordinator ( If there is space and proctor coverage available, the alternate exam date will be approved. Otherwise, the student must make exam arrangements directly with their professor.

The Office of Disability Resources will aid in rescheduling a student's exam two times. If a student misses the exam a total of three times (original date plus the two rescheduled dates), the student must work with their professor for them to administer the exam.