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Free Summer Biking Workshop Series: “How to Commute by Bike”

Thinking about commuting by bike and wonder how to get started?  A 3-part, virtual workshop series on “How to Commute by Bike” will be offered throughout the summer by the Department of Transportation and Parking Management. The series will be run one time per week for three consecutive weeks and repeat in June, July, and August. The workshop topics cover equipment, safety on the road, and maintenance:

  • How to Commute by Bike 101… What equipment do I REALLY need?
    In the market for a new bike and wondering what option best suits your needs? Ever wonder exactly what equipment you really need to start commuting by bike? Check out this first part of a three-part series on bike commuting.
  • How to Commute by Bike 201… How do I cycle safely in the road?
    This second part in our bike commuting series will highlight all the things to keep us safe on the road! Rules, traffic law, and basic tips for staying out of harm’s way are all parts of this workshop.
  • How to Commute by Bike 301… How do I fix my flat tire?
    We will wrap up with our third workshop highlighting how to fix a flat tire! It will cover everything you need to know about this basic mechanical skill plus how to do a check over of your bike to make sure it’s ready to ride safely this season.

All workshop classes are held via Zoom from noon to 1 p.m. EDT, with time for questions at the end. Registration is required for each class. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the class.

If you miss one of the three classes, no worries! The series repeats each month, and you can take the class later in the summer!

June Workshop Series

July Workshop Series

August Workshop Series