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Survey Says: Convenience and Flexibility Top Factors for Employee Commuters

In March, the Department of Transportation and Parking Management surveyed employees to find out how they get to and from work. The survey received over 5,000 unique responses, representing a 23% response rate.

The survey aimed to better understand how employees commute, and whether a free bus pass program might encourage the use of RTS transportation.

 Breakdown of Results:

Respondents were asked to identify their primary work location, how far they commute one way, and the mode of transportation most frequently used for their commute.

  • The majority of employees taking the survey worked at the Medical Center (67%) or River Campus (19%).
  • Nearly half commute between 0-10 miles one-way to work (47%), followed by 35% commuting 11-20 miles, and 15% commuting 21-40 miles.
  • Driving alone is the most common mode of transportation used by employees to get to work.
  • 83% of respondents drive alone with another 2% driving alone in a low-emissions vehicle.
  • Approximately 3% of commuters carpool with other University employees, and another 2% get to work by riding RTS.
  • Approximately 10% commute to work in other ways: dropped off (2%), walk/bike (2%), work remotely (2%), University shuttle (2%), and other modes (2%).

10% of respondents who had a current parking permit and 41% of respondents without a parking permit said they were willing to try a free RTS bus pass for one year in place of their permit. Most respondents cited no cost, less pollution, convenience, and the ability to multi-task while riding as the top reasons for being willing to try an RTS bus pass for their commute.

The commuting survey was also designed to better understand the barriers to trying a free RTS bus pass for commuting to work. Employees indicated that convenience/flexibility was the most significant obstacle, followed by travel time.

When asked about familiarity with Transportation and Parking programs, respondents were most aware of University shuttlesMy Parking Onlineelectric vehicle charging stations, and Zipcar. Respondents were least familiar with 511NY Rideshare, the Vehicle Assistance Program, and bike education classes. Nearly half of all respondents requested follow-up information on one or more transportation and parking programs.

“We appreciate all the employees who took the time to take the survey and tell us about their commute,” said Jim Chodak, Director, Transportation and Parking Management. “The feedback helps us to shape future services.”

Based on survey feedback, Transportation and Parking partnered with RTS to offer U-Pass, a free, alternative transportation program to encourage eligible employees to utilize public transportation for their commute. This new benefit to University employees who work at approved locations with paid parking and choose to forego purchasing an annual permit. U-Pass provides fare free rides on RTS buses, anytime, anywhere. Find out more about eligibility requirements and application instructions.