Program Changes Requiring NYSED Approval
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Learn about changes in currently registered programs that require New York State Education Department (NYSED) approval, and who to contact to initiate a change process.
List of changes requiring approval
If any of the following changes are going to be made to a currently registered program, you must seek NYSED approval. This is informed by NYSED Program Registration Guidance Documents.
- Cumulative change of one-third or more of the minimum credits required for the award (e.g., a change of 20 credits or more in a registered associate degree program).
- Changes in a program’s focus or design (e.g., the elimination of management courses in a Business Administration program
- Adding or eliminating an option or concentration (e.g., the addition of a concentration in Biophysics to a Physics program)
- Eliminating a requirement for program completion (e.g., the elimination of the internship requirement)
- Altering the liberal arts and science content in a way that changes the degree classification (e.g., increasing the number of liberal arts and sciences credit in a program leading to an Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree from 20 to 45, the minimum required for the Associate in Arts (A.A.) award)
- Program title (e.g., Psychology to General Psychology)
- Program award (e.g., BS to a BA)
- Mode of delivery (e.g., a program leading to an associate’s degree in two years is offered in an accelerated format, leading to completion in less than two years)
- Discontinuing a program (e.g., enrollment has ceased and no resources are directed to the program)
- Format change (e.g., the requirements of a program offered completely during the day can now be completed during the evening.)
- Establishing a dual degree program based on existing registered programs (e.g., establishing a BA in Environmental Studies/MPA in Public Administration)
- Creating a new program from a concentration/track in an existing program (e.g., establishing a program in Finance based on a concentration in Finance in an MBA program)
- Establishing a new location for a registered program
Important things to note
- Note that substantive programmatic changes (adding concentrations, title change, etc.) may not be advertised until they have been approved by NYSED through the change application process.
- If new courses are being added as part of the noted change(s), provide a syllabus for each new course and list the name, qualifications, and relevant experience of faculty teaching the course(s). Syllabi should include a course description, objectives, prerequisites, credits allocated, methods of assessing student achievement, etc.
- If the requested changes result in the reclassification of the program into a different major subject area and if this represents the first program offered by your institution in that major subject area, approval of the changes may also require an application for a master plan amendment, since this is a significant change in the institution’s academic mission. Additional information on master plan amendments can be found here
- If you are requesting a change in degree award to a degree title which is not authorized in your institution’s charter or certificate of incorporation, approval of this change may also require application for an amendment of the charter or certificate of incorporation.
- If the change involves establishing an existing registered program at a new location, complete a new registration application for the proposed program. This is considered to be a new program.
- For programs that are registered jointly with another institution, all participating institutions must confirm support for the changes.
- To change a registered professional licensure program or add a license qualification to an existing program, contact the Office of the Professions for guidance. The Office of the Professions is not part of the Office of Higher Education.
How to make a change or get approval
To initiate a change process, contact the Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Programs, Edwin van Wijngaarden, at Contact our office for more information.