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When data are used responsibly, those utilizing it recognize they have an ongoing obligation to care for the data as part of their roles and responsibilities. They make ethical, conscientious decisions to act upon data in a way that will seek to improve the consistency and meaningfulness of the data in an effort to improve the mission of the University.

The principles we uphold define our values. Data responsibility is achieved when we take actions that support the data values we believe in. These values can be found on the Data Governance and Support Office website.

Here are some tricks and tips to help you use data in a responsible way:

  • Ensure that you are not using data for personal use.
    • Clarify why or how a data point will be used. What is the justifiable purpose for collecting?
  • Ensure you are always documenting your work.
  • Ensure you are communicating data efficiently
  • Don’t utilize data just because you can. Make sure your data usage is meaningful and consistent.
  • Explore the ethical usage of data.
  • Do not share data with those not authorized to see it or use it.
  • Ensure that if you are utilizing data in your work, that you understand the data you are using, know how to explain it via reports, executive summaries, and presentations, and that you can present it to different audiences at different levels.

Read more about using data meaningfully in the Data Usage Guidelines report.