Welcome to the Center for Learning in the Digital Age

Our Mission

Transforming Education by Leveraging Digital Technologies

How we accomplish this

  • Conduct and disseminate research to illuminate and expand valuable uses of technology in education
  • Support educational innovations that take full advantage of digital technologies
  • Serve as a catalyst for networking and collaboration on digitally-rich education
  • Provide educators with high-quality learning opportunities to capitalize on digital technologies

Stay Up to Date With the LiDA Community

What’s new?

LiDA Events

A recording of October 18, 2023, Warner Wednesday presentation featuring the LiDA Center is now available.

October 18, 2023 | 3:30 pm 4:30 pm on Zoom

Examples of How the LiDA Center is Helping Educators Harness the Power of Digital Technologies

NSF Grant to Prepare Teacher Leaders

A partnership between six local districts and the Warner School has secured $3M from the National Science Foundation to prepare a cadre of 20 “digitally-rich STEM master teachers” that will act as catalysts and supporters of digitally-rich innovations in their district.

K-12 Digital Consortium and its Website

A number of school districts and local BOCES in the region, in collaboration with the LiDA Center, have come together to collaborate and learn from each other as they tackle the challenge of leveraging digital technology to transform teaching practices in their schools. The LiDA Center is “incubating” this emerging organization.

Fredericksen Leads Online Learning Consortium

As the 2019 president of the Online Learning Consortium, LiDA Center Associate Director Eric Fredericksen has had a unique opportunity to leverage and inform the most organizations on online education in the country.

Become Part of the LiDA Community!

  • Participate in our networking events and learning programs
  • Share your LiDA stories, projects and products
  • Tell us about events, websites, and studies you found valuable
  • Contribute resources to support specific projects – whether it is through donations, sponsorships or volunteering your time
teachers working together in a professional learning session