LiDA Courses at Warner
The Warner School offers an ever-growing number of courses for educators who want to learn more about how digital technologies can be leveraged to enhance access and learning opportunities. These courses can be pursued as part of a Warner degree or certificate program or as stand-alone courses by non-matriculated students.
Inquire with Warner Admissions ( about special scholarships for non-matriculated students taking their first course at Warner.

For your convenience, we have provided lists of Warner courses centered on Learning in the Digital Age in two distinct groupings:
Courses Focusing on Learning in the Digital Age:
- EDE410: Learning in the Digital Age
- EDE484A: Digitally-rich Teaching & Learning in K-12 Schools
- EDE484: Online Teaching & Learning
- EDE486: Designing Online Courses [pre-requisite: EDE484 OR EDU497]
- EDU497: Teaching & Learning in Higher Education & Health Care Settings
- EDU498: Literacy Learning as Social Practice
- ED516: Designing and Evaluating Professional Development
Courses Including Components Relevant to Learning in the Digital Age:
- EDU407: Curricular and Instructional Leadership
- EDE420: Introduction to Video Production for Educational Research (1 credit)
- EDE425: Introduction to Video Editing for Educational Research (1 credit)
- EDU446: Entrepreneurial Skills for Educators (if students choose to do their project on a technology-rich innovation)
- EDU468: Data-Driven School Improvement
- EDU502: Leading the School District: The Superintendency in the 21st Century
- ED526: Foundations of Data Visualization (1 credit)