The EMS Web App

If you already have an EMS account, you can access the web app:

Learn how to use the EMS Web App using our online tutorial

Event and Classroom Management (ECM) has a variety of different spaces available for all types of events, many of which can be reserved online using the EMS Web App. The EMS Web App is a website that allows you to make requests for the reservable spaces within the School of Arts and Sciences and the Hajim School. ECM does NOT handle reservations for spaces at other academic units (SMD, SON, ESM, Warner, Simon).

Reserve Space

How you book space differs depending on who you are and what you’re booking it for.

  • University staff, faculty and instructors booking a non-course related* event: Book using the EMS Web App.
  • University staff, faculty and instructors booking a course-related** event: Book through the Registrar’s Office.
  • Students in the School of Arts and Sciences and the Hajim School booking a student organization or student activity event: Book through Wilson Commons Student Activities Office.
  • Anyone outside of the University looking to book space: Contact ECM by email.

*Examples of non-course related events: Symposia, department meetings, conferences, special events, panel discussions, and guest speakers.

**Examples of course-related events: Review sessions, common exams, additional classes, and recitations.

Request an EMS Web App Account

If you are a staff or faculty member in the School of Arts and Sciences and the Hajim School without an EMS Web App account and would like one created for you, please submit your request using the form below.

This will be your User ID in the EMS Web App.
Please use this field to provide any other details about this request that we should be aware of.