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Honorary Degrees

Recognizing exemplary individuals outside of the University of Rochester community

Faculty Committee on Honorary Degrees

The Faculty Committee on Honorary Degrees is composed of a representative from each school of the University. This group votes on all honorary degree nominations before they are forwarded to the president and the Board of Trustees for final approval.

Committee members
  • School of Arts and Sciences: Mical Raz
  • Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences: Nick Vamivakas
  • Eastman School of Music: Sylvie Beaudette
  • School of Medicine and Dentistry: Steve Feldon
  • School of Nursing: James McMahon
  • Simon Business School: James Brickley
  • Warner School of Education: Jeffrey Choppin
  • Staff to the Committee: Gigi DeMita-Benway, Executive Director of Provost Operations

Previous honorary degree recipients

Explore the sortable table below for a full list of past honorary degree recipients.

ABBOTT, George Doctor of Humane Letters 1961
ABRAMS, Meyer Howard Doctor of Humane Letters 1978
ADAM, Robert Borthwick II Doctor of Letters 1937
ADAMS, John Quincy Doctor of Divinity 1913
ADAMS, Robert Doctor of Science 1943
AKELEY, Louis Ellsworth Doctor of Laws 1912
ALBERT, Michelle A. Doctor of Science 2023
ALCHIAN, Armen Doctor of Laws 1983
ALESSANDRO, Victor Doctor of Music 1948
ALEXANDER, Lamar Doctor of Laws 1991
ALLEN, Willard M. Doctor of Science 1957
ALLIS, M.H. Master of Arts 1860
ANDERSON, Galusha Doctor of Divinity 1866
ANDERSON, Galusha Doctor of Laws 1884
ANDERSON, John B. Doctor of Divinity 1916
ANDERSON, Marian Doctor of Humane Letters 1957
ANDERSON, Porter Doctor of Science 2015
ANSTICE, Henry Doctor of Divinity 1875
ANTHONY, Susan B. Doctor of Laws 2020
ARMSBY, James H. Master of Arts 1855
ARNOLD, Albert N. Doctor of Divinity 1860
ASHBERY, John Doctor of Humane Letters 1994
AUSTIN, John A. Master of Arts 1859
AXELROD, David Doctor of Science 1986
AYER, Nathan Wheeler Master of Arts 1859
AYRES, Leonard Porter Doctor of Laws 1930
BABBIT, Milton Doctor of Music 1997
BACKUS, J.S. Master of Arts 1851
BACKUS, Jay S. Doctor of Divinity 1859
BACKUS, Truman J. Doctor of Laws 1883
BAILEY, Joseph Mead Doctor of Laws 1879
BAIRD, Douglas G. Doctor of Laws 1994
BALDWIN, Charles J. Doctor of Divinity 1900
BANNISTER, Roger Gilbert Doctor of Science 1985
BARBOUR, Clarence A. Doctor of Divinity 1901
BARKER, Joseph Warren Doctor of Engineering 1944
BARNES, Henry W. Doctor of Divinity 1903
BARRETT, A.J. Doctor of Divinity 1884
BARRETT, Andrea Doctor of Humane Letters 2004
BARSTOW, Henry Hayden Doctor of Divinity 1921
BARTLETT, Murray Doctor of Divinity 1908
BAUSCH, Edward Master of Arts 1908
BAUSCH, Edward Doctor of Laws 1931
BAXTER, James Phinney Doctor of Laws 1960
BAYNE-JONES, Stanhope Doctor of Science 1943
BEADLE, George Wells Doctor of Science 1963
BEAVEN, Albert William Doctor of Divinity 1920
BECKER, Carl Lotus Doctor of Letters 1938
BECKER, Gary S. Doctor of Science 1995
BELMONT, Eleanor Robson Doctor of Humane Letters 1934
BENEDICT, Nehemiah H. Doctor of Divinity 1870
BENET, Stephen Vincent Doctor of Letters 1940
BENJAMIN, Edward Bernard Doctor of Humane Letters 1960
BENJAMIN, Regina Doctor of Science 2012
BENNETT, Richard B. Doctor of Laws 1932
BERELSON, Bernard Doctor of Science 1977
BERG, Paul Ph.D. Doctor of Science 1978
BERKNER, Lloyd Viel Doctor of Science 1960
BERNARDINI, Gilberto Doctor of Science 1964
BERNSTEIN, Basil B. Doctor of Humane Letters 1989
BERNSTEIN, Philip Sidney Doctor of Divinity 1959
BERRY, George Packer Doctor of Science 1955
BETTERIDGE, Walter Robert Doctor of Divinity 1906
BIAL, Deborah Doctor of Humane Letters 2015
BIBBY, Basil Glover Doctor of Science 1979
BIGELOW, J.F. Master of Arts 1857
BIGGS, Hermann Michael Doctor of Laws 1918
BIRNBAUM, Linda S. Doctor of Science 2010
BISHOP, John Michael Doctor of Science 1997
BLALOCK, Alfred Doctor of Science 1951
BLEULER, Manfred Eugen Doctor of Science 1976
BLOCH, Erich Doctor of Science 1986
BLOOM, Floyd Elliot Doctor of Science 1985
BOGLE, John Clifton Doctor of Laws 2000
BOLLINGER, Lee C. Doctor of Laws 2005
BOONSTRA, Cornelis Doctor of Laws 1992
BOWEN, Benjamin Lester Doctor of Literature 1912
BOWEN, Catherine Drinker Doctor of Letters 1945
BOX, George Edward Pelham Doctor of Science 1975
BOYD, Robert Master of Arts 1853
BOYER, Ernest Leroy Doctor of Laws 1975
BRACKETT, John Billings Doctor of Divinity 1872
BRADLEY, George B. Doctor of Laws 1894
BRADLEY, J.D. Bachelor of Arts 1858
BRANSCOMB, Lewis McAdory Doctor of Science 1971
BRAUNWALD, Eugene Doctor of Science 2010
BRECKINRIDGE, Mary Doctor of Laws 1940
BRENT, Charles Henry Doctor of Laws 1922
BRENT, Robert Leonard Doctor of Science 1988
BREYER, Stephen Doctor of Laws 1983
BRIDGES, Horace James Doctor of Literature 1927
BRIGGS, Asa Doctor of Laws 1980
BRIGGS, Horace Master of Arts 1862
BRIGHT, Edward Doctor of Divinity 1852
BRODSKY, Joseph Doctor of Humane Letters 1982
BRONFMAN, Edgar Doctor of Humane Letters 1999
BRONK, Mitchell Doctor of Divinity 1913
BROOKINS, Homer DeWilton Master of Arts 1913
BROOKS, Alexander Atwood Doctor of Philosophy 1875
BROWN, Harold Doctor of Science 1975
BROWN, Kenneth Irving Doctor of Laws 1935
BROWN, Roscoe Conklin Ensign Doctor of Literature 1925
BROWN, T. Edwin Doctor of Divinity 1875
BROWNLEE, Paula P. Doctor of Humane Letters 1992
BRUBECK, Dave Doctor of Music 2008
BRUNING, John Doctor of Science 2024
BUCK, Peter Henry Doctor of Science 1939
BUNCHE, Ralph Johnson Doctor of Laws 1950
BURGESS, Warran Ramrolph Doctor of Laws 1948
BURKE, Kenneth Doctor of Humane Letters 1972
BURKHART, Harvey Jacon Doctor of Laws 1920
BURNS, Arthur F. Doctor of Science 1963
BURRITT, Bailey Barton Doctor of Laws 1945
BURROUGHS, John C. Doctor of Divinity 1858
BURTON, C.V.W. Master of Arts 1853
BURTON, Reuben E. Doctor of Divinity 1907
BUSH, George Herbert Walker Doctor of Laws 1983
BUTRICK, Wallace H. Doctor of Divinity 1898
CABOT, Richard Clarke Doctor of Laws 1930
CALLOWAY, Cab Doctor of Fine Arts 1993
CAMPBELL, Allen M. Doctor of Science 1981
CAMPBELL, E. Michael Doctor of Science 2024
CAMPBELL, R.G. Doctor of Divinity 1881
CANADAY, John E. Doctor of Humane Letters 1974
CARDINAL, Tantoo Doctor of Fine Arts 1993
CARMAN, Augustine Spencer Doctor of Divinity 1913
CARPENTER, Stephen H. Doctor of Laws 1871
CARSON, Benjamin S., Sr. Doctor of Science 2010
CARSTENSEN, Laura L. Doctor of Science 2024
CARTER, Ron Doctor of Music 2010
CARVER, George Washington Doctor of Science 1941
CASE, Everett Needham Doctor of Laws 1948
CASSETY, James M. Doctor of Philosophy 1883
CASTLE, William R. Jr. Doctor of Laws 1932
CHAMBERLAIN, J. Master of Arts 1853
CHAMPLIN, James T. Doctor of Divinity 1855
CHANDLER, C.N. Master of Arts 1853
CHERRY, Cummings Waldo Doctor of Divinity 1921
CHESONIS, Arunas Doctor of Laws 2004
CHOWN, J.P. Doctor of Divinity 1865
CHU, Steven Doctor of Science 1998
CHURCH, Sanford E. Doctor of Laws 1868
CHURCHILL, Winston L.S. Doctor of Laws 1941
CLARK, George W. Doctor of Divinity 1872
CLARK, J.W.B. Doctor of Divinity 1877
CLARK, Leland Charles Jr. Doctor of Science 1984
CLARK, Matthew Doctor of Divinity 2012
CLARK, Orlando Elmer Master of Arts 1907
CLARKE, Hans Thacher Doctor of Science 1953
CLARKE, Henry Doctor of Divinity 1918
CLEGHORN, Adams Master of Arts 1853
COATS, Adelbert S. Doctor of Divinity 1918
COCHRANE, Archibald L. Doctor of Science 1977
COE, George Albert Doctor of Laws 1909
COIT, Albert Doctor of Divinity 1888
COIT, Charles Pierpont Doctor of Divinity 1892
COLADARCI, Arthur P. Doctor of Science 1971
COLGROVE, Fredrick Welton Doctor of Divinity 1893
COLSON, Elizabeth Florence Doctor of Science 1985
COMSTOCK, Ada Louise Doctor of Laws 1924
CONABLE, Barber Jr. Doctor of Laws 1984
CONE, Edward T. Doctor of Music 1973
CONGER, Horace M. Master of Arts 1864
CONWAY, Jill Ker Doctor of Laws 1990
CONWELL, Esther Doctor of Science 2011
COOKE, Walter Platt Doctor of Laws 1928
COOPER, Sir William Mansfield Doctor of Humane Letters 1970
COOPER, Theodore Doctor of Science 1979
COPLAND, Aaron Doctor of Music 1976
COREA, Chick Doctor of Music 2017
COREY, Daniel G. Doctor of Divinity 1859
COREY, Sidney A. Master of Arts 1852
CORI, Getty Theresa Doctor of Science 1955
CORNER, George Washington Doctor of Science 1944
CORSON, Dale Raymond Doctor of Science 1975
COWLES, John Doctor of Laws 1959
CRANE, Cephas B. Doctor of Divinity 1868
CRAWSHAW, William Henry Doctor of Literature 1909
CREMIN, Lawerence Doctor of Laws 1980
CROSS, Wilber Lucius Doctor of Laws 1934
CROWELL, William Doctor of Divinity 1857
CROZIER, Catharine (Gleason) Doctor of Musical Arts 2000
CUMMINGS, Marcus F. Master of Arts 1872
CUNNINGHAM, Joseph F. Doctor of Laws 2016
CUOMO, Mario Matthew Doctor of Laws 1985
CURIE, Eve Doctor of Letters 1941
CURTIS, Edward Peck Doctor of Laws 1949
CURTISS, George William Master of Arts 1852
CUSHING, Harvey Doctor of Science 1931
CUTLER, Elliot Carr Doctor of Science 1946
DANFORTH, Edwina Master of Arts 1930
DAVIDSON, Thomas L. Master of Arts 1855
DAVIDSON, Thomas L. Doctor of Divinity 1863
DAVIES, Robertson Doctor of Humane Letters 1983
DAVIS, Natalie Zemon Doctor of Humane Letters 1986
DEAN, Henry W. Master of Arts 1854
DEAN, John H. Master of Arts 1870
DEAN, Vera Micheles Doctor of Humane Letters 1943
DEAN, Williams Doctor of Divinity 1851
DeKIEWIET, Cornelis Willem Doctor of Humane Letters 1943
DeMARCHIENNES, Emile de Doctor of Laws 1923
DENLIGH, John Halliday Doctor of Laws 1919
DEWEY, Charles Ayrault Doctor of Letters 1924
DEWEY, Thomas E. Doctor of Laws 1957
DEXTER, James E. Master of Arts 1853
DICKE, Robert Henry Doctor of Science 1981
DOLE, Elizabeth Hanford Doctor of Humane Letters 1995
DONOVAN, Hedley Williams Doctor of Humane Letters 1968
DOUGLAS, Paul Howard Doctor of Laws 1952
DOUGLASS, Frederick Doctor of Laws 2018
DOX, Rutger Doctor of Divinity 1912
DRAKE, J.A. Bachelor of Arts 1858
DuBois, Eugene Floyd Doctor of Science 1948
DUBOS, Rene Jules Doctor of Science 1941
DuBRIDGE, Lee Alvin Doctor of Laws 1953
DUFFY, Robert J. Doctor of Laws 2015
DUKE, Leilani Lattin Doctor of Fine Arts 1998
DURANT, Henry Doctor of Laws 1871
DUTHIE, Robert Buthan Doctor of Science 1982
DuVIGNEAUD, Vincent Doctor of Science 1965
EADY, Cornelius Doctor of Fine Arts 2010
EATON, Elon Howard Master of Science 1910
ECKERT, Robert Doctor of Laws 2004
EISENHOWER, Dwight D. Doctor of Laws 1963
ELIOT, Martha May Doctor of Humane Letters 1948
ELLINGSON, Mark Doctor of Laws 1951
ELLMANN, Richard D. Doctor of Humane Letters 1981
ELLWANGER, George H. Master of Arts 1896
ELWELL, Herbert Doctor of Music 1954
ELY, William W. Doctor of Laws 1869
EMERSON, Henry Pendexter Doctor of Laws 1911
ESTABROOK, Ronald W. Doctor of Science 1980
ESTY, Alexander R. Master of Arts 1866
EVANS, Asher Benton Master of Arts 1864
EVANS, Benjamin Doctor of Divinity 1857
EVANS, Philip Saffert Doctor of Divinity 1906
EVERAERT, Pierre Jean Doctor of Laws 1993
EWING, James Doctor of Science 1932
FABER, William Fredrick Doctor of Divinity 1905
FAGAN, Garth Doctor of Fine Arts 1986
FAGIN, Claire M. Doctor of Science 1987
FAILLA, Gioacchino Doctor of Science 1949
FALCONER, Robert Alexander Doctor of Laws 1928
FAMA, Eugene F. Doctor of Laws 1987
FAUCI, Anthony Doctor of Science 1999
FAXON, Nathaniel Wales Doctor of Science 1958
FAY, Henry Harrison Master of Arts 1859
FELDMAN, Jerome Doctor of Science 1997
FELDSTEIN, Martin Stuart Doctor of Laws 1984
FELIX, Robert Hanna Doctor of Science 1964
FENN, Wallace Osgood Doctor of Science 1965
FENNELL, Fredrick Doctor of Music 1988
FENNER, Burt Leslie Master of Arts 1911
FENNO, Richard F., Jr. Doctor of Laws 2006
FERMI, Enrico Doctor of Science 1952
FIELDING, Ronald H. Doctor of Laws 2018
FINLETTER, Thomas Knight Doctor of Laws 1950
FINLEY, John Huston Doctor of Laws 1931
FISH, Henry C. Master of Arts 1852
FISH, Henry C. Doctor of Divinity 1858
FISHER, Edwin Augustus Master of Arts 1927
FISON, Lorimer Master of Arts 1880
FITZPATRICK, Thomas Doctor of Science 1996
FLAVELL, John H. Doctor of Humane Letters 1991
FLEMING, Renée Doctor of Music 2011
FOGEL, Robert William Doctor of Science 1987
FOLSOM, Marion Bayard Doctor of Laws 1945
FOOTE, Israel Doctor of Divinity 1864
FOOTE, Nathaniel Doctor of Laws 1917
FORBES, Jr., The Reverend Dr. James Alexander Doctor of Divinity 2013
FORBES, John Franklin Doctor of Philosophy 1887
FORD, Guy Stanton Doctor of Humane Letters 1938
FORD, Loretta C. Doctor of Science 2000
FOREMAN, Edward Reuben Master of Arts 1931
FORTE, Allen Doctor of Music 1978
FOSDICK, Frank Sheldon Doctor of Laws 1921
FOSDICK, Harry Emerson Doctor of Laws 1925
FOX, Dixon Ryan Doctor of Laws 1935
FOX, Norman Doctor of Divinity 1887
FREDRICKSON, Donald Sharp Doctor of Science 1986
FREEDMAN, James Oliver Doctor of Humane Letters 2002
FREEMAN, Douglas Southall Doctor of Letters 1943
FREEMAN, Robert Doctor of Music 2015
FRIEDMAN, Milton Doctor of Science 1971
FULTON, Jastin D. Doctor of Divinity 1870
GABBE, Steven G. Doctor of Science 2006
GADD, Steve Doctor of Music 2017
GAJDUSEK, Daniel Carleton Doctor of Science 1977
GALLIE, W. Edward Doctor of Science 1952
GALLO, Robert Charles Doctor of Science 1985
GALLY, Merritt Doctor of Science 1904
GALWAY, Sir James Doctor of Music 2014
GAMMEL, William Doctor of Laws 1859
GANNETT, Caroline Werner Doctor of Laws 1953
GANNETT, Mary Thorn Lewis Doctor of Humane Letters 1941
GANS, Rudolph Doctor of Music 1938
GARDNER, Addison Doctor of Laws 1851
GARDNER, Corliss B. Doctor of Divinity 1893
GARDNER, John W. Doctor of Laws 1962
GASSER, Herbert Spencer Doctor of Science 1940
GATES, Henry Louis Jr. Doctor of Humane Letters 1990
GATES, Thomas Sovereign Jr. Doctor of Laws 1975
GEHRIG, Bruno Doctor of Laws 2006
GIBSON, Edward George Doctor of Science 1974
GIFFORD, C.P. Doctor of Divinity 1896
GILBERT, Grove Karl Doctor of Laws 1898
GILBERT, Walter Doctor of Science 1979
GILLET, Fernand Doctor of Music 1973
GILLETT, Erastus Judd Doctor of Divinity 1857
GILMORE, David Chandler Doctor of Divinity 1915
GLEASON, Marion N. Master of Science 1962
GODOWSKY, Leopold Doctor of Science 1977
GOLDBERG, Herman Raphael Doctor of Laws 1965
GOLDIN, Claudia Doctor of Science 2023
GOLDSCHMEDING, Frits Doctor of Laws 1994
GOLER, George W. Doctor of Science 1925
GOLISANO, Thomas Doctor of Laws 2007
GOODSPEAD, Edgar J. Doctor of Divinity 1896
GOODSPEAD, Thomas Wakefield Doctor of Laws 1913
GOUBLEMAN, Jacob Samuel Doctor of Divinity 1887
GOWANS, James Learmonth Doctor of Science 1987
GRAVES, Frank Pierrepont Doctor of Literature 1923
GRAY, David Master of Arts 1874
GRAY, Edgar Harkness Doctor of Divinity 1864
GRAY, Hanna Holborn Doctor of Laws 1980
GRAY, Harry Barkus Doctor of Science 1987
GREENE, Evarts Boutell Doctor of Laws 1931
GREENE, Maxine Doctor of Humane Letters 1993
GREENE, Samuel H. Doctor of Divinity 1892
GREENWOOD, John William Doctor of Divinity 1916
GROUT, Donald J. Doctor of Music 1981
GUILLEMIN, Roger Doctor of Science 1976
GUTMANN, Amy Doctor of Laws 2005
HAMBURG, David Doctor of Science 1981
HAMILTON, Alice Doctor of Science 1938
HAMILTON, Edith Doctor of Letters 1949
HANKS, Horace Tracy Doctor of Laws 1898
HARKNESS, William Doctor of Laws 1874
HARLESTON, Bernard Doctor of Science 1972
HARMAN, Avraham Doctor of Laws 1968
HARMSWORTH, Charles Doctor of Laws 1917
HARRIS, Roy Ellsworth Doctor of Music 1946
HARRIS, William H. Master of Arts 1864
HARRISON, Guy Fraser Doctor of Music 1952
HARVEY, Ransom Doctor of Divinity 1901
HAUGHNAUT, P.B. Master of Arts 1851
HAVENS, Raymond Dexter Doctor of Literature 1926
HAWKES, Herbert Edwin Doctor of Laws 1929
HAYDEN, Francis V. Doctor of Laws 1878
HAYDON, F.W. Master of Arts 1863
HECHT, Anthony Doctor of Humane Letters 1987
HEINEKEN, Alfred Henry Doctor of Laws 1989
HEINRICHS, Jacob Doctor of Divinity 1914
HENDERSON, Donald Ainslie Doctor of Science 1977
HENDERSON, Virginia Doctor of Science 1972
HENNEY, Jane E. Doctor of Science 2006
HERDLE, Gertrude Rosalind Master of Arts 1925
HEWSON, William Master of Arts 1854
HICKOK, Henry F. Doctor of Divinity 1882
HILL, Archibald Doctor of Science 1959
HILL, John M. Doctor of Divinity 1853
HILLEBOE, Herman Ertresvaag Doctor of Science 1953
HOCKFIELD, Susan (’73) Doctor of Science 2013
HODGE, M.G. Master of Arts 1854
HODGMAN, Thomas Morey Jr. Doctor of Laws 1907
HOFFMAN, Malvina Doctor of Fine Arts 1937
HOFFMAN, Paul Gray Doctor of Laws 1944
HOLT, L. Emmett Doctor of Laws 1902
HOOKER, Albert Huntington Master of Science 1920
HOOKER, Elon Howard Doctor of Science 1927
HORTON, Frank Doctor of Laws 1993
HOTELLING, Harold Doctor of Science 1963
HOUGHTON, Alanson Bigelow Doctor of Laws 1930
HOUGHTON, Arthur Amory Doctor of Laws 1952
HOVHANESS, Alan Doctor of Music 1958
HOWARD, W.G. Doctor of Divinity 1854
HOWE, Harrison Estell Doctor of Science 1927
HOWELL, E.E. Master of Arts 1880
HOYT, Colgate Master of Arts 1895
HOYT, Wayland Doctor of Divinity 1877
HU, Shih Doctor of Laws 1942
HUGHES, Edwin Holt Doctor of Laws 1924
HULL, Robert Bruce Doctor of Divinity 1887
HUMPHREY, George Magoffin Doctor of Laws 1953
HUNT, Emory William Doctor of Laws 1902
HUNT, Washington Doctor of Laws 1851
HUNTINGTON, George Briggs Doctor of Divinity 1921
HURLBUT, Robert Doctor of Science 2012
HURTADO, Alberto Doctor of Science 1959
HUTCHESON, Emest Doctor of Music 1942
HUTCHINS, Robert Maynard Doctor of Laws 1958
INGELFINGER, Franz J. Doctor of Science 1976
JACKS, Lawrence Pearsall Doctor of Laws 1930
JACKSON, Shirley Ann Doctor of Science 2007
JAMES, Frank Cyril Doctor of Laws 1954
JAMES, Owen Doctor of Divinity 1895
JENSEN, Michael C. Doctor of Laws 2001
JEWETT, Milo P. Doctor of Laws 1861
JOHNSON, Alfred LeRoy Doctor of Science 1945
JOHNSON, Elias H. Doctor of Divinity 1878
JOHNSON, Rossiter Doctor of Philosophy 1888
JOHNSON, Rossiter Doctor of Laws 1893
JOHNSON, William A., Jr. Doctor of Laws 2006
JOHNSON-MASTERS, Virginia Doctor of Science 1987
JONES, Lloyd Ancile Doctor of Science 1933
JONES, Philip L. Doctor of Divinity 1894
KAELBER, William G. Master of Humane Letters 1943
KALFF, Peter Doctor of Laws 1998
KAPPLER, John W. Doctor of Science 1991
KARRER, Heinz Doctor of Laws 2010
KEATING, Kenneth B. Doctor of Laws 1954
KEEGAN, Robert Doctor of Laws 2010
KELLY, Robert Doctor of Laws 1852
KELSEY, Francis W. Doctor of Philosophy 1888
KELSEY, Francis Willey Doctor of Laws 1910
KENDRICK, Henry L. Doctor of Laws 1869
KENDRICK, J. Ryland Doctor of Divinity 1866
KENNAN, George Doctor of Literature 1916
KENNEDY, Donald Doctor of Laws 1984
KENNY, Elizabeth Doctor of Science 1943
KENNY, Shirley Strum Doctor of Humane Letters 1988
KERR, Clark Doctor of Humane Letters 1967
KEYS, J.J. Master of Arts 1870
KIMBALL, Dexter Simpson Doctor of Laws 1926
KING, John A. Doctor of Laws 1857
KING, Rufus Doctor of Laws 1876
KINGSLAKE, Rudolf Doctor of Science 1986
KIRKPATRICK, Jean J. Doctor of Laws 1997
KIRKPATRICK, Ralph Doctor of Music 1973
KIRSCHSTEIN, Ruth Doctor of Science 1998
KISTIANKOWSKY, George Bogdan Doctor of Science 1960
KNIGHT, Frank Hyneman Doctor of Laws 1963
KNUTH, Donald Ervin Doctor of Science 1986
KORNBERG, Arthur Doctor of Science 1962
KOUSSEVITSKY, Serge Doctor of Music 1940
KRAUSE, Richard M. Doctor of Science 1979
KREPS, Juanita Doctor of Laws 1984
KREYER, Carl Trugott Doctor of Laws 1908
KREYER, Karl T. Doctor of Philosophy 1876
KRISTELLER, Paul Oskar Doctor of Humane Letters 1977
KUDLOW, Lawrence (’69) Doctor of Laws 2013
LAMONT, Thomas William Doctor of Laws 1929
LANEY, Calvin Cooke Master of Arts 1928
LAST, Jay T. Doctor of Science 2011
LATHROP, Edward Doctor of Divinity 1854
LAVERY, Charles Joseph Doctor of Laws 1979
LAWRENCE, Jacob Doctor of Humane Letters 1992
LEE, Henry W. Doctor of Divinity 1851
LEGHARI, Farooq Ahmad Khan Doctor of Laws 1994
LELAND, Waldo Gifford Doctor of Humane Letters 1939
LEVI, Edward Hirsh Doctor of Laws 1969
LEVIN, Robert D. Doctor of Music 1996
LEWIS, William Mather Doctor of Laws 1935
LEWIS, Wilmarth Sheldon Doctor of Letters 1946
LIEBERSON, Goddard Doctor of Humane Letters 1974
LIGHTFOOT, Sara Lawrence Doctor of Science 1985
LINCOLN, Heman Doctor of Divinity 1865
LINDBERGH, Anne Morrow Doctor of Letters 1939
LINOWITZ, Sol M. Doctor of Laws 1991
LIPPMAN, Walter Doctor of Laws 1936
LONGCOPE, Warfield Theobald Doctor of Science 1941
LOOMIS, Justin R. Doctor of Laws 1858
LOPIANO, Donna Doctor of Humane Letters 2005
LOWRY, Douglas Doctor of Music 2013
LUCHERINI, Luigi Doctor of Laws 2005
LUDLAM, George P. Master of Arts 1914
LYDENBERG, Harry Miller Doctor of Letters 1942
LYMAN, Richard Wall Doctor of Humane Letters 1975
MAAS, Arie Doctor of Laws 1988
MAASS, Otto Doctor of Science 1947
MacGREGOR, Ian Doctor of Laws 1983
MacKENZIE, Norman A.M. Doctor of Laws 1956
MacMILLIAN, Ernest Doctor of Music 1956
MACOMBER, Francis A. Doctor of Laws 1887
MACOMBER, John D. Doctor of Laws 1990
MacQUEEN, Donald Bruce Doctor of Divinity 1928
MADDY, Joseph Edgar Doctor of Music 1959
MAGOON, E.L. Doctor of Divinity 1853
MALONE, Damas Doctor of Letters 1936
MALONEY, James Jr. Doctor of Science 1983
MANCHESTER, Herbert Doctor of Divinity 1911
MANGIONE, Charles Frank Doctor of Music 1985
MANN, Alexander M. Doctor of Divinity 1856
MANNING, M. Claudius Master of Arts 1860
MARQUARND, John Philips Doctor of Letters 1945
MARRACK, Philippa Doctor of Science 1991
MARSHAL, Benjamin D. Doctor of Divinity 1871
MARTIN, Edward Sanford Doctor of Literature 1917
MARTIN, Joseph B. Doctor of Science 1996
MASON, Daniel Gregory Doctor of Music 1932
MASON, J.O. Master of Arts 1853
MASON, J.O. Doctor of Divinity 1860
MASON, John H. Doctor of Divinity 1903
MASSOLENI, Ettore Doctor of Music 1949
MASTERS, William Howell Doctor of Science 1987
MATHEWS, Shailer Doctor of Laws 1926
MATTHEWS, Christopher John (“Chris”) Doctor of Letters 2014
McCALL, Samuel Walker Doctor of Laws 1919
McCLINTOCK, Barbara Doctor of Science 1947
McCOY, Amassa Master of Arts 1855
McGUIRE, John Doctor of Divinity 1911
McILWAINE, J.H. Doctor of Divinity 1854
McKEON, Richard Peter Doctor of Humane Letters 1984
McKUSICK, Victor Almon Doctor of Science 1979
McLEAN, Charles D. Master of Arts 1868
McPARTLAND, Marian Doctor of Music 2007
McPHERSON, Mary Patterson Doctor of Laws 1984
McVICKER, Malcom Doctor of Laws 1870
MEES, Charles Edward Kenneth Doctor of Science 1921
MEIR, Golda Doctor of Laws 1974
MEITNER, Lise Doctor of Science 1946
MERRILL, George Edmands Doctor of Laws 1901
MEYER, Agnes Ernst Doctor of Humane Letters 1954
MEYER, Barry M. Doctor of Laws 2014
MILLER, Arthur R. Doctor of Laws 2008
MILLER, Merton H. Doctor of Laws 1994
MILLIKAN, Robert Andrews Doctor of Science 1934
MILNE, William James Doctor of Philosophy 1879
MILNE, William James Doctor of Laws 1911
MINER, Edward G. Doctor of Laws 1945
MITCHELL, John Purroy Doctor of Laws 1917
MOEHLMAN, Conrad Henry Doctor of Divinity 1929
MOORE, Daniel Jr. Doctor of Divinity 1865
MOORE, Douglas Stuart Doctor of Music 1947
MOORE, E. Mott Doctor of Laws 1870
MOORE, Earl Vincent Doctor of Music 1929
MOORE, Marianne Craig Doctor of Letters 1951
MOREHOUSE, Henry L. Doctor of Laws 1908
MOREHOUSE, Oliver Master of Arts 1854
MOREY, William Carey Doctor of Civil Laws 1908
MORGAN, John Rhys Doctor of Divinity 1878
MORISON, Robert S. Doctor of Science 1973
MORRIS, Herbert W. Doctor of Divinity 1876
MORROW, Dwight Whitney Doctor of Laws 1920
MORSEHOUSE, Henry L. Doctor of Divinity 1879
MOSS, Lemuel Doctor of Divinity 1868
MOSS, Lemuel Doctor of Laws 1883
MOYNIHAN, Daniel Patrick Doctor of Laws 1994
MULCAHY, Anne Doctor of Laws 2008
MUNDY, Ezekiel Wilson Doctor of Literature 1910
MUNRO, Annette Gardner Master of Arts 1910
MUNRO, Annette Gardner Doctor of Literature 1930
MURDOCK, J.N. Doctor of Divinity 1854
MURROW, Edward R. Doctor of Laws 1960
MYERS, Johnston Doctor of Divinity 1923
NAUTA, Walle J.H. Doctor of Science 1975
NEEDHAM, Charles W. Doctor of Laws 1901
NEEL, James V. Doctor of Science 1974
NEUSNER, Jacob Doctor of Humane Letters 1988
NEVINS, Allan Doctor of Laws 1955
NEWMAN, John P. Doctor of Divinity 1863
NEWTON, Isaac Doctor of Philosophy 1883
NICHOLS, Henry L. Master of Arts 1857
NICHOLS, Mike Doctor of Humane Letters 1972
NISHIMOTO, Kanichi Doctor of Laws 1991
NOLAN, Thomas Master of Arts 1911
NORDELL, Philip Doctor of Divinity 1886
NORMAN, Jessye Doctor of Music 2013
NORRIS, J. Carter Master of Arts 1892
NORTH_UP, George W. Doctor of Divinity 1866
NORTON, Asabel Wellington Doctor of Laws 1900
NOVELLO, Antonia Coello Doctor of Science 2001
NOYES, William Albert Jr. Doctor of Science 1965
OHGA, Norio Doctor of Music 1996
OLDEN, Kenneth Doctor of Science 2003
OLDS, George Daniel Doctor of Laws 1907
OLMSTEAD, J.M. Doctor of Divinity 1863
ORCUTT, Enid Knapp Botsford Doctor of Fine Arts 1982
OSPEL, Marcel Doctor of Laws 2005
OTIS, Elwell Stephen Doctor of Laws 1900
OTTO, Benjamin Doctor of Divinity 1922
OVERHISER, John C. Doctor of Philosophy 1879
PADGET, John R. Doctor of Laws 1996
PALEY, Albert Raymond Doctor of Fine Arts 1989
PALMER, Francis Bolles Doctor of Philosophy 1879
PARK, Edwards Albert Doctor of Science 1936
PARKER, Arthur Caswell Master of Science 1922
PARMELEE, D.S. Master of Arts 1853
PATTERSON, Robert Porter Doctor of Laws 1941
PATTISON, Harold Doctor of Divinity 1912
PAYNE, Sereno E. Doctor of Laws 1903
PEABODY, Andrew P. Doctor of Laws 1863
PEARSON, Lester Bowles Doctor of Laws 1947
PECK, Henry Master of Arts 1851
PECK, William A. Doctor of Science 2000
PEI, Ieoh Ming Doctor of Fine Arts 1982
PELL, Claiborne Doctor of Laws 1980
PENDERECKI, Krsysztof Doctor of Music 1972
PEPPER, George Wharton Doctor of Laws 1922
PEREZ, Antonio Doctor of Laws 2009
PERKINS, Dexter Doctor of Laws 1956
PERKINS, James Alfred Doctor of Laws 1965
PERKINS, James Breck Doctor of Laws 1897
PERLMAN, Itzhak Doctor of Music 2014
PETERS, Ellen Ash Doctor of Laws 1994
PETERSON, Peter G. Doctor of Laws 1994
PEYRE, Henri Maurice Doctor of Humane Letters 1966
PIMENTEL, George Claude Doctor of Science 1988
PLATT, Charles Adams Doctor of Laws 1933
PLIMPTON, George Arthur Doctor of Laws 1912
PORTER, Quincy Doctor of Music 1944
POWELL, Gen. Colin L. Doctor of Laws 2007
POWELL, Lyman Pierson Doctor of Laws 1914
POWER, Mrs. Helen Blackburn Doctor of Humane Letters 1971
PRENTIS, Henning Webb Jr. Doctor of Laws 1946
PREVIN, André Doctor of Music 2014
PRINCE, Harold Doctor of Fine Arts 1997
PRITZKER, Jay A. Doctor of Laws 1992
PROCOPE, Hjalmar Doctor of Laws 1940
PRUYN, John V.L. Doctor of Laws 1852
PUPIN, Michael Idvorsky Doctor of Laws 1928
QUINBY, I.F. Master of Arts 1852
RACKER, Efraim Doctor of Science 1979
RAUSCHENBUSCH, Walter Doctor of Divinity 1902
RASHID, Richard ’77 (MA), ’80 (PhD) Doctor of Science 2015
RAYMOND, John H. Doctor of Laws 1855
RAYTON, Wilbur Brambley Doctor of Science 1933
REES, Mina Spiegel Doctor of Science 1971
REESE, Morgan J. Doctor of Divinity 1852
REMINGTON, John Warner Doctor of Laws 1960
RICHTER, Gisela M.A. Doctor of Fine Arts 1940
RICKEY, Branch Doctor of Laws 1946
RIDDELL, William Renwick Doctor of Laws 1917
RIDER, Charles E. Master of Arts 1866
RIPLEY, William Zebina Doctor of Laws 1931
RISING, Francis Master of Arts 1870
RIVERS, Thomas Milton Doctor of Science 1938
ROACH, Maxwell Lemuel Doctor of Music 1990
ROBERTS, William Henry Doctor of Divinity 1910
ROBINS, Henry Burke Doctor of Divinity 1932
ROBINS, Henry E. Doctor of Divinity 1868
ROBINSON, Charles Mulford Master of Arts 1905
ROBINSON, David Hamilton Doctor of Philosophy 1887
ROCKEFELLER, John A. Master of Arts 1895
ROGERS, Thomas Doctor of Divinity 1881
ROLAND-RICCI, Vittorio Doctor of Laws 1921
ROMULO, Carlos Pena Doctor of Laws 1950
ROOT, Orrin Doctor of Laws 1865
ROSTEN, Leo C. Doctor of Humane Letters 1973
ROTHSTEIN, Aser Doctor of Science 1983
ROWE, John Wallis Doctor of Science 2002
ROWLEY, Frank H. Doctor of Divinity 1897
RUDOLPH, Fredrick Doctor of Humane Letters 1994
RUSSELL, Fredrick Fuller Doctor of Science 1942
SACHER, Paul Doctor of Humane Letters 1990
SAGE, A. Judson Doctor of Divinity 1872
SAMUELSON, Paul Anthony Doctor of Science 1976
SANDBERG, Avery A. Doctor of Science 1990
SANDERS, Henry M. Doctor of Divinity 1891
SASSON, Steven Doctor of Science 2009
SATCHER, David Doctor of Science 1995
SATTERLEE, LeRoy Master of Arts 1865
SAUNDERS, Wilbour Eddy Doctor of Humane Letters 1951
SAVAGE, Leonard J. Doctor of Science 1963
SAYRE, Francis Bowes Doctor of Laws 1949
SCHERAGA, Harold Doctor of Science 1988
SCHLESINGER, Aurthur Meier Doctor of Laws 1948
SCHMITT, Kilian Joseph Doctor of Laws 1986
SCHNEIDER, MARIA Doctor of Musical Arts 2024
SCHUMAN, William Doctor of Music 1972
SCOTT, John Hart Doctor of Divinity 1905
SCOTT, William Amasa Doctor of Laws 1911
SEABURY, Samuel Doctor of Laws 1933
SEAMAN, Christopher Doctor of Music 2009
SEARING, Richard Addison Master of Arts 1915
SEITZ, Frederick Doctor of Science 1984
SELDEN, Samuel L. Doctor of Laws 1856
SEN, Amartya Doctor of Humane Letters 2007
SERKIN, Rudolph Doctor of Music 1972
SEXTON, John Doctor of Laws 2005
SEYMOUR, E.C. Master of Arts 1856
SHAD, John S.R. Doctor of Laws 1987
SHAFFER, Philip Anderson Doctor of Science 1939
SHAKOW, David Doctor of Science 1971
SHANKER, Albert Doctor of Laws 1985
SHANNON, Robert ’54, ’57 (MA) Doctor of Engineering 2020
SHAPIRO, Joshua D. Doctor of Letters 2023
SHAW, James B. Doctor of Divinity 1852
SHAW, Robert Lawson Doctor of Humane Letters 1991
SHELDON, Rufus Master of Arts 1864
SHERMAN, I. Doctor of Laws 1880
SHERRILL, Henry Knox Doctor of Divinity 1951
SHULTZ, George Doctor of Science 1973
SIEBERT, Muriel Doctor of Laws 2004
SIEDMAN, L. William Doctor of Laws 1989
SILL, John W. Master of Arts 1861
SIMMONS, Ruth Doctor of Humane Letters 2012
SIMON, J. Peter Doctor of Laws 2008
SIMON, William E. Doctor of Laws 1985
SIMPSON, Alan Doctor of Humane Letters 1964
SINCLAIR, Adelaide Doctor of Humane Letters 1956
SINGER, Paul Doctor of Science 2017
SKINNER, Cornelia Otis Doctor of Humane Letters 1942
SKINNER, David B. Doctor of Science 1980
SLATER, John Clarke Doctor of Science 1964
SLATER, John Rothwell Doctor of Literature 1964
SLATKIN, Leonard Doctor of Music 1994
SLICHTER, Sumner Huber Doctor of Laws 1949
SLOCUM, Arthur Gaylord Doctor of Laws 1892
SLONIMSKY, Nicholas Doctor of Music 1989
SMITH, Charles E. Doctor of Divinity 1891
SMITH, David H. Doctor of Science 1992
SMITH, Dorothy M. Doctor of Science 1972
SMITH, E. Darwin Doctor of Laws 1868
SMITH, George William Doctor of Laws 1896
SMITH, Justin A. Doctor of Arts 1854
SMITH, Stephen Doctor of Laws 1891
SMITH, Walter Bedell Doctor of Laws 1950
SOLOW, Robert s Doctor of Laws 2007
SOLTI, Sir Georg Doctor of Music 1987
SOWERBY, Leo Doctor of Music 1934
SPEICHER, Jacob Doctor of Divinity 1930
SPENCER, Ray Thomas Master of Arts 1867
SPERRY, Warren Myron Doctor of Science 1965
SPINNING, James Martin Doctor of Laws 1965
SPIVACKE, Harold Doctor of Music 1955
SPRINKEL, Beryl Wayne Doctor of Laws 1986
STAHL, Franklin William Doctor of Science 1982
STARGELL, Willie Doctor of Laws 1983
STEINHAUSEN, Meta Behn Doctor of Humane Letters 1946
STEITZ, Joan Argetsinger Doctor of Science 1984
STEPHENS, John Boak Mills Doctor of Laws 1924
STERN, Isaac Doctor of Music 1972
STERRETT, James McBride Doctor of Divinity 1886
STEVENS, George Barker Doctor of Laws 1902
STEVENS, James Stacey Doctor of Laws 1907
STEVENS, John Doctor of Divinity 1873
STEVENS, William A. Doctor of Laws 1882
STEWART, Harold Stanley Doctor of Divinity 1932
STEWART, Joseph A. Doctor of Divinity 1893
STIGLER, George J. Doctor of Science 1974
STOCK, Frederick August Doctor of Music 1941
STORK, Gilbert Josse Doctor of Science 1982
STRATAS, Theresa Doctor of Music 1998
STRAVINSKY, Igor Doctor of Humane Letters 1966
STRAYER, Paul Moore Doctor of Divinity 1915
STROMGREN, Erik Doctor of Science 1976
STRONG, Augustus Hopkins Doctor of Literature 1912
STRONG, Charles Augustus Doctor of Laws 1919
STRONG, Henry Doctor of Laws 1904
STRONG, John Henry Doctor of Divinity 1914
STRUNK, Oliver Doctor of Letters 1936
SUTHERLAND, Ward T. Doctor of Divinity 1896
SUZUKI, Shinichi Doctor of Music 1972
SWARTTOUW, Frans Doctor of Laws 1990
SWASEY, Ambrose Doctor of Laws 1925
SWETLAND, Roger M. Doctor of Laws 1916
SWETLAND, Roger W. Master of Arts 1908
SWIFT, Lewis Doctor of Philosophy 1879
TAFT, Charles Phelps II Doctor of Laws 1937
TALBIRD, Henry J. Master of Arts 1852
TARDIEU, Andre Doctor of Laws 1917
TAYLOR, Deems Doctor of Music 1939
TAYLOR, E.E.L. Doctor of Divinity 1855
TAYLOR, James M. Doctor of Divinity 1886
TAYLOR, William R. Doctor of Divinity 1891
TEALL, Francis Augustus Master of Arts 1875
TEER, Barbara Ann Doctor of Laws 1994
TEMPLETON, John Marks Doctor of Laws 1992
TENNEY, Stephen Marsh Doctor of Science 1984
TENNY, Charles Buckley Doctor of Divinity 1917
THALER, Richard Doctor of Science 2010
THANHYA, Theodore Doctor of Divinity 1918
THIER, Samuel O. Doctor of Science 2000
THOMAS, Lewis Doctor of Science 1974
THOMPSON, Randall Doctor of Music 1933
TINKER, Chauncey Brewster Doctor of Letters 1937
TOWNSEND, John P. Doctor of Laws 1895
TRES_TRAIL, Frederic Doctor of Divinity 1880
TREVOR, John Bond Doctor of Laws 1932
TROWBRIDGE, William P. Master of Arts 1856
TRUE, Benjamin O. Doctor of Divinity 1888
TULLY, Alice Bigelow Doctor of Humane Letters 1991
TURRIN, Joseph Master of Humane Letters 2006
TUTU, Desmond Mpilo Doctor of Divinity 1985
UNDERHILL, Edward B. Doctor of Laws 1863
VALENTINE, Alan Doctor of Humane Letters 1966
VAN BENSCHOTEN, James C. Doctor of Laws 1875
VAN BENSCHOTEN, Sanford Master of Arts 1862
VAN VOORHIS, John Doctor of Laws 1958
VanSCHAICK, George S. Doctor of Laws 1938
VARMUS, Harold Doctor of Science 2004
VEDDER, Henry C. Doctor of Divinity 1897
VILLERS, Thomas J. Doctor of Divinity 1903
VOEGTLIN, Carl Doctor of Science 1947
VOLKER, Joseph F. Doctor of Science 1975
vonDOHNANYI, Christoph Doctor of Music 1998
WADSWORTH, Eliot Doctor of Laws 1921
WADSWORTH, James Wolcott Doctor of Laws 1942
WAGNER, Gerrit Abram Doctor of Laws 1987
WALKER, George Doctor of Music 2012
WALLIS, Wilson Allen Doctor of Laws 1984
WARD, Henry A. Doctor of Laws 1896
WARFIELD, William Doctor of Music 1988
WARING, Fred Doctor of Music 1951
WARREN, Jonah G. Doctor of Divinity 1856
WARREN, Stafford L. Doctor of Science 1956
WATSON, James Sibley Doctor of Science 1972
WAYLAND, Francis Doctor of Laws 1879
WEAVER, Warren Doctor of Humane Letters 1963
WEBSTER, Harrison E. Doctor of Laws 1888
WEED, Lewis Hill Doctor of Science 1929
WEGMAN, Robert B. Doctor of Laws 2005
WEINBERG, Alvin M. Doctor of Science 1973
WEINBERG, Stephen Doctor of Science 1979
WEISKOTTEN, Herman Gates Doctor of Science 1954
WEISSKOPH, Victor Doctor of Science 1974
WELLES, Francis Raymond Doctor of Laws 1910
WELLES, Henry Doctor of Laws 1861
WESTCOTT, Isaac Doctor of Divinity 1864
WESTERVELT, Zenas F. Doctor of Laws 1895
WESTON, David Doctor of Divinity 1873
WESTON, Henry G. Doctor of Divinity 1859
WHEDON, G. Donald Doctor of Science 1978
WHIPPLE, George Hoyt Doctor of Laws 1950
WHITE, David Doctor of Science 1923
WHITEHORN, John Clare M.D. Doctor of Science 1971
WHITNEY, Willis Rodney Doctor of Science 1932
WHITTON, Charlotte Doctor of Laws 1952
WILBOR, William C. Doctor of Divinity 1900
WILBUR, Lyman Doctor of Laws 1930
WILBUR, Richard Purdy Doctor of Humane Letters 1976
WILCOX, Albert Henry Doctor of Humane Letters 1932
WILCOX, William Craig Doctor of Laws 1913
WILDER, Alec Doctor of Humane Letters 1973
WILDKINSON, Willam C. Doctor of Divinity 1873
WILEY, Louis Master of Arts 1916
WILLARD, Daniel Doctor of Laws 1932
WILLCOX, William Russell Master of Arts 1904
WILLIAMS, John A. Doctor of Humane Letters 2003
WILLIAMS, John T. Doctor of Music 2001
WILLIAMS, Talcott Doctor of Literature 1903
WILLIAMSON, James Doctor of Science 1989
WILLIS, Frances Elizabeth Doctor of Humane Letters 1960
WILSON, Lewis Albert Doctor of Laws 1952
WITMER, Jr., Robert (’59) Doctor of Laws 2020
WOELFKIN, Cornelius Doctor of Divinity 1906
WOLFERS, Arnold Doctor of Laws 1945
WOOD, George Master of Arts 1852
WOODWARD, Roland Beaven Doctor of Laws 1932
WRIGHT, E.S. Doctor of Divinity 1860
WRIGHT, Sewall Doctor of Science 1942
WYANT, James ’67 (MS) ’69 (PhD) Doctor of Science 2021
YOUNG, Whitney Moore Jr. Doctor of Laws 1966
ZAFFARONI, Alejandro Doctor of Science 1972
ZEKELMAN, Alan Doctor of Laws 2016
ZHANG, Jie Doctor of Science 2013
ZINMAN, David Joel Doctor of Music 1996
ZUBIN, Joseph L. Doctor of Science 1976