Honorary Degrees
Recognizing exemplary individuals outside of the University of Rochester community
Previous honorary degree recipients
Explore the sortable table below for a full list of past honorary degree recipients.
ABBOTT, George | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1961 |
ABRAMS, Meyer Howard | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1978 |
ADAM, Robert Borthwick II | Doctor of Letters | 1937 |
ADAMS, John Quincy | Doctor of Divinity | 1913 |
ADAMS, Robert | Doctor of Science | 1943 |
AKELEY, Louis Ellsworth | Doctor of Laws | 1912 |
ALBERT, Michelle A. | Doctor of Science | 2023 |
ALCHIAN, Armen | Doctor of Laws | 1983 |
ALESSANDRO, Victor | Doctor of Music | 1948 |
ALEXANDER, Lamar | Doctor of Laws | 1991 |
ALLEN, Willard M. | Doctor of Science | 1957 |
ALLIS, M.H. | Master of Arts | 1860 |
ANDERSON, Galusha | Doctor of Divinity | 1866 |
ANDERSON, Galusha | Doctor of Laws | 1884 |
ANDERSON, John B. | Doctor of Divinity | 1916 |
ANDERSON, Marian | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1957 |
ANDERSON, Porter | Doctor of Science | 2015 |
ANSTICE, Henry | Doctor of Divinity | 1875 |
ANTHONY, Susan B. | Doctor of Laws | 2020 |
ARMSBY, James H. | Master of Arts | 1855 |
ARNOLD, Albert N. | Doctor of Divinity | 1860 |
ASHBERY, John | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1994 |
AUSTIN, John A. | Master of Arts | 1859 |
AXELROD, David | Doctor of Science | 1986 |
AYER, Nathan Wheeler | Master of Arts | 1859 |
AYRES, Leonard Porter | Doctor of Laws | 1930 |
BABBIT, Milton | Doctor of Music | 1997 |
BACKUS, J.S. | Master of Arts | 1851 |
BACKUS, Jay S. | Doctor of Divinity | 1859 |
BACKUS, Truman J. | Doctor of Laws | 1883 |
BAILEY, Joseph Mead | Doctor of Laws | 1879 |
BAIRD, Douglas G. | Doctor of Laws | 1994 |
BALDWIN, Charles J. | Doctor of Divinity | 1900 |
BANNISTER, Roger Gilbert | Doctor of Science | 1985 |
BARBOUR, Clarence A. | Doctor of Divinity | 1901 |
BARKER, Joseph Warren | Doctor of Engineering | 1944 |
BARNES, Henry W. | Doctor of Divinity | 1903 |
BARRETT, A.J. | Doctor of Divinity | 1884 |
BARRETT, Andrea | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2004 |
BARSTOW, Henry Hayden | Doctor of Divinity | 1921 |
BARTLETT, Murray | Doctor of Divinity | 1908 |
BAUSCH, Edward | Master of Arts | 1908 |
BAUSCH, Edward | Doctor of Laws | 1931 |
BAXTER, James Phinney | Doctor of Laws | 1960 |
BAYNE-JONES, Stanhope | Doctor of Science | 1943 |
BEADLE, George Wells | Doctor of Science | 1963 |
BEAVEN, Albert William | Doctor of Divinity | 1920 |
BECKER, Carl Lotus | Doctor of Letters | 1938 |
BECKER, Gary S. | Doctor of Science | 1995 |
BELMONT, Eleanor Robson | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1934 |
BENEDICT, Nehemiah H. | Doctor of Divinity | 1870 |
BENET, Stephen Vincent | Doctor of Letters | 1940 |
BENJAMIN, Edward Bernard | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1960 |
BENJAMIN, Regina | Doctor of Science | 2012 |
BENNETT, Richard B. | Doctor of Laws | 1932 |
BERELSON, Bernard | Doctor of Science | 1977 |
BERG, Paul Ph.D. | Doctor of Science | 1978 |
BERKNER, Lloyd Viel | Doctor of Science | 1960 |
BERNARDINI, Gilberto | Doctor of Science | 1964 |
BERNSTEIN, Basil B. | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1989 |
BERNSTEIN, Philip Sidney | Doctor of Divinity | 1959 |
BERRY, George Packer | Doctor of Science | 1955 |
BETTERIDGE, Walter Robert | Doctor of Divinity | 1906 |
BIAL, Deborah | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2015 |
BIBBY, Basil Glover | Doctor of Science | 1979 |
BIGELOW, J.F. | Master of Arts | 1857 |
BIGGS, Hermann Michael | Doctor of Laws | 1918 |
BIRNBAUM, Linda S. | Doctor of Science | 2010 |
BISHOP, John Michael | Doctor of Science | 1997 |
BLALOCK, Alfred | Doctor of Science | 1951 |
BLEULER, Manfred Eugen | Doctor of Science | 1976 |
BLOCH, Erich | Doctor of Science | 1986 |
BLOOM, Floyd Elliot | Doctor of Science | 1985 |
BOGLE, John Clifton | Doctor of Laws | 2000 |
BOLLINGER, Lee C. | Doctor of Laws | 2005 |
BOONSTRA, Cornelis | Doctor of Laws | 1992 |
BOWEN, Benjamin Lester | Doctor of Literature | 1912 |
BOWEN, Catherine Drinker | Doctor of Letters | 1945 |
BOX, George Edward Pelham | Doctor of Science | 1975 |
BOYD, Robert | Master of Arts | 1853 |
BOYER, Ernest Leroy | Doctor of Laws | 1975 |
BRACKETT, John Billings | Doctor of Divinity | 1872 |
BRADLEY, George B. | Doctor of Laws | 1894 |
BRADLEY, J.D. | Bachelor of Arts | 1858 |
BRANSCOMB, Lewis McAdory | Doctor of Science | 1971 |
BRAUNWALD, Eugene | Doctor of Science | 2010 |
BRECKINRIDGE, Mary | Doctor of Laws | 1940 |
BRENT, Charles Henry | Doctor of Laws | 1922 |
BRENT, Robert Leonard | Doctor of Science | 1988 |
BREYER, Stephen | Doctor of Laws | 1983 |
BRIDGES, Horace James | Doctor of Literature | 1927 |
BRIGGS, Asa | Doctor of Laws | 1980 |
BRIGGS, Horace | Master of Arts | 1862 |
BRIGHT, Edward | Doctor of Divinity | 1852 |
BRODSKY, Joseph | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1982 |
BRONFMAN, Edgar | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1999 |
BRONK, Mitchell | Doctor of Divinity | 1913 |
BROOKINS, Homer DeWilton | Master of Arts | 1913 |
BROOKS, Alexander Atwood | Doctor of Philosophy | 1875 |
BROWN, Harold | Doctor of Science | 1975 |
BROWN, Kenneth Irving | Doctor of Laws | 1935 |
BROWN, Roscoe Conklin Ensign | Doctor of Literature | 1925 |
BROWN, T. Edwin | Doctor of Divinity | 1875 |
BROWNLEE, Paula P. | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1992 |
BRUBECK, Dave | Doctor of Music | 2008 |
BRUNING, John | Doctor of Science | 2024 |
BUCK, Peter Henry | Doctor of Science | 1939 |
BUNCHE, Ralph Johnson | Doctor of Laws | 1950 |
BURGESS, Warran Ramrolph | Doctor of Laws | 1948 |
BURKE, Kenneth | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1972 |
BURKHART, Harvey Jacon | Doctor of Laws | 1920 |
BURNS, Arthur F. | Doctor of Science | 1963 |
BURRITT, Bailey Barton | Doctor of Laws | 1945 |
BURROUGHS, John C. | Doctor of Divinity | 1858 |
BURTON, C.V.W. | Master of Arts | 1853 |
BURTON, Reuben E. | Doctor of Divinity | 1907 |
BUSH, George Herbert Walker | Doctor of Laws | 1983 |
BUTRICK, Wallace H. | Doctor of Divinity | 1898 |
CABOT, Richard Clarke | Doctor of Laws | 1930 |
CALLOWAY, Cab | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1993 |
CAMPBELL, Allen M. | Doctor of Science | 1981 |
CAMPBELL, E. Michael | Doctor of Science | 2024 |
CAMPBELL, R.G. | Doctor of Divinity | 1881 |
CANADAY, John E. | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1974 |
CARDINAL, Tantoo | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1993 |
CARMAN, Augustine Spencer | Doctor of Divinity | 1913 |
CARPENTER, Stephen H. | Doctor of Laws | 1871 |
CARSON, Benjamin S., Sr. | Doctor of Science | 2010 |
CARSTENSEN, Laura L. | Doctor of Science | 2024 |
CARTER, Ron | Doctor of Music | 2010 |
CARVER, George Washington | Doctor of Science | 1941 |
CASE, Everett Needham | Doctor of Laws | 1948 |
CASSETY, James M. | Doctor of Philosophy | 1883 |
CASTLE, William R. Jr. | Doctor of Laws | 1932 |
CHAMBERLAIN, J. | Master of Arts | 1853 |
CHAMPLIN, James T. | Doctor of Divinity | 1855 |
CHANDLER, C.N. | Master of Arts | 1853 |
CHERRY, Cummings Waldo | Doctor of Divinity | 1921 |
CHESONIS, Arunas | Doctor of Laws | 2004 |
CHOWN, J.P. | Doctor of Divinity | 1865 |
CHU, Steven | Doctor of Science | 1998 |
CHURCH, Sanford E. | Doctor of Laws | 1868 |
CHURCHILL, Winston L.S. | Doctor of Laws | 1941 |
CLARK, George W. | Doctor of Divinity | 1872 |
CLARK, J.W.B. | Doctor of Divinity | 1877 |
CLARK, Leland Charles Jr. | Doctor of Science | 1984 |
CLARK, Matthew | Doctor of Divinity | 2012 |
CLARK, Orlando Elmer | Master of Arts | 1907 |
CLARKE, Hans Thacher | Doctor of Science | 1953 |
CLARKE, Henry | Doctor of Divinity | 1918 |
CLEGHORN, Adams | Master of Arts | 1853 |
COATS, Adelbert S. | Doctor of Divinity | 1918 |
COCHRANE, Archibald L. | Doctor of Science | 1977 |
COE, George Albert | Doctor of Laws | 1909 |
COIT, Albert | Doctor of Divinity | 1888 |
COIT, Charles Pierpont | Doctor of Divinity | 1892 |
COLADARCI, Arthur P. | Doctor of Science | 1971 |
COLGROVE, Fredrick Welton | Doctor of Divinity | 1893 |
COLSON, Elizabeth Florence | Doctor of Science | 1985 |
COMSTOCK, Ada Louise | Doctor of Laws | 1924 |
CONABLE, Barber Jr. | Doctor of Laws | 1984 |
CONE, Edward T. | Doctor of Music | 1973 |
CONGER, Horace M. | Master of Arts | 1864 |
CONWAY, Jill Ker | Doctor of Laws | 1990 |
CONWELL, Esther | Doctor of Science | 2011 |
COOKE, Walter Platt | Doctor of Laws | 1928 |
COOPER, Sir William Mansfield | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1970 |
COOPER, Theodore | Doctor of Science | 1979 |
COPLAND, Aaron | Doctor of Music | 1976 |
COREA, Chick | Doctor of Music | 2017 |
COREY, Daniel G. | Doctor of Divinity | 1859 |
COREY, Sidney A. | Master of Arts | 1852 |
CORI, Getty Theresa | Doctor of Science | 1955 |
CORNER, George Washington | Doctor of Science | 1944 |
CORSON, Dale Raymond | Doctor of Science | 1975 |
COWLES, John | Doctor of Laws | 1959 |
CRANE, Cephas B. | Doctor of Divinity | 1868 |
CRAWSHAW, William Henry | Doctor of Literature | 1909 |
CREMIN, Lawerence | Doctor of Laws | 1980 |
CROSS, Wilber Lucius | Doctor of Laws | 1934 |
CROWELL, William | Doctor of Divinity | 1857 |
CROZIER, Catharine (Gleason) | Doctor of Musical Arts | 2000 |
CUMMINGS, Marcus F. | Master of Arts | 1872 |
CUNNINGHAM, Joseph F. | Doctor of Laws | 2016 |
CUOMO, Mario Matthew | Doctor of Laws | 1985 |
CURIE, Eve | Doctor of Letters | 1941 |
CURTIS, Edward Peck | Doctor of Laws | 1949 |
CURTISS, George William | Master of Arts | 1852 |
CUSHING, Harvey | Doctor of Science | 1931 |
CUTLER, Elliot Carr | Doctor of Science | 1946 |
DANFORTH, Edwina | Master of Arts | 1930 |
DAVIDSON, Thomas L. | Master of Arts | 1855 |
DAVIDSON, Thomas L. | Doctor of Divinity | 1863 |
DAVIES, Robertson | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1983 |
DAVIS, Natalie Zemon | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1986 |
DEAN, Henry W. | Master of Arts | 1854 |
DEAN, John H. | Master of Arts | 1870 |
DEAN, Vera Micheles | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1943 |
DEAN, Williams | Doctor of Divinity | 1851 |
DeKIEWIET, Cornelis Willem | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1943 |
DeMARCHIENNES, Emile de | Doctor of Laws | 1923 |
DENLIGH, John Halliday | Doctor of Laws | 1919 |
DEWEY, Charles Ayrault | Doctor of Letters | 1924 |
DEWEY, Thomas E. | Doctor of Laws | 1957 |
DEXTER, James E. | Master of Arts | 1853 |
DICKE, Robert Henry | Doctor of Science | 1981 |
DOLE, Elizabeth Hanford | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1995 |
DONOVAN, Hedley Williams | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1968 |
DOUGLAS, Paul Howard | Doctor of Laws | 1952 |
DOUGLASS, Frederick | Doctor of Laws | 2018 |
DOX, Rutger | Doctor of Divinity | 1912 |
DRAKE, J.A. | Bachelor of Arts | 1858 |
DuBois, Eugene Floyd | Doctor of Science | 1948 |
DUBOS, Rene Jules | Doctor of Science | 1941 |
DuBRIDGE, Lee Alvin | Doctor of Laws | 1953 |
DUFFY, Robert J. | Doctor of Laws | 2015 |
DUKE, Leilani Lattin | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1998 |
DURANT, Henry | Doctor of Laws | 1871 |
DUTHIE, Robert Buthan | Doctor of Science | 1982 |
DuVIGNEAUD, Vincent | Doctor of Science | 1965 |
EADY, Cornelius | Doctor of Fine Arts | 2010 |
EATON, Elon Howard | Master of Science | 1910 |
ECKERT, Robert | Doctor of Laws | 2004 |
EISENHOWER, Dwight D. | Doctor of Laws | 1963 |
ELIOT, Martha May | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1948 |
ELLINGSON, Mark | Doctor of Laws | 1951 |
ELLMANN, Richard D. | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1981 |
ELLWANGER, George H. | Master of Arts | 1896 |
ELWELL, Herbert | Doctor of Music | 1954 |
ELY, William W. | Doctor of Laws | 1869 |
EMERSON, Henry Pendexter | Doctor of Laws | 1911 |
ESTABROOK, Ronald W. | Doctor of Science | 1980 |
ESTY, Alexander R. | Master of Arts | 1866 |
EVANS, Asher Benton | Master of Arts | 1864 |
EVANS, Benjamin | Doctor of Divinity | 1857 |
EVANS, Philip Saffert | Doctor of Divinity | 1906 |
EVERAERT, Pierre Jean | Doctor of Laws | 1993 |
EWING, James | Doctor of Science | 1932 |
FABER, William Fredrick | Doctor of Divinity | 1905 |
FAGAN, Garth | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1986 |
FAGIN, Claire M. | Doctor of Science | 1987 |
FAILLA, Gioacchino | Doctor of Science | 1949 |
FALCONER, Robert Alexander | Doctor of Laws | 1928 |
FAMA, Eugene F. | Doctor of Laws | 1987 |
FAUCI, Anthony | Doctor of Science | 1999 |
FAXON, Nathaniel Wales | Doctor of Science | 1958 |
FAY, Henry Harrison | Master of Arts | 1859 |
FELDMAN, Jerome | Doctor of Science | 1997 |
FELDSTEIN, Martin Stuart | Doctor of Laws | 1984 |
FELIX, Robert Hanna | Doctor of Science | 1964 |
FENN, Wallace Osgood | Doctor of Science | 1965 |
FENNELL, Fredrick | Doctor of Music | 1988 |
FENNER, Burt Leslie | Master of Arts | 1911 |
FENNO, Richard F., Jr. | Doctor of Laws | 2006 |
FERMI, Enrico | Doctor of Science | 1952 |
FIELDING, Ronald H. | Doctor of Laws | 2018 |
FINLETTER, Thomas Knight | Doctor of Laws | 1950 |
FINLEY, John Huston | Doctor of Laws | 1931 |
FISH, Henry C. | Master of Arts | 1852 |
FISH, Henry C. | Doctor of Divinity | 1858 |
FISHER, Edwin Augustus | Master of Arts | 1927 |
FISON, Lorimer | Master of Arts | 1880 |
FITZPATRICK, Thomas | Doctor of Science | 1996 |
FLAVELL, John H. | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1991 |
FLEMING, Renée | Doctor of Music | 2011 |
FOGEL, Robert William | Doctor of Science | 1987 |
FOLSOM, Marion Bayard | Doctor of Laws | 1945 |
FOOTE, Israel | Doctor of Divinity | 1864 |
FOOTE, Nathaniel | Doctor of Laws | 1917 |
FORBES, Jr., The Reverend Dr. James Alexander | Doctor of Divinity | 2013 |
FORBES, John Franklin | Doctor of Philosophy | 1887 |
FORD, Guy Stanton | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1938 |
FORD, Loretta C. | Doctor of Science | 2000 |
FOREMAN, Edward Reuben | Master of Arts | 1931 |
FORTE, Allen | Doctor of Music | 1978 |
FOSDICK, Frank Sheldon | Doctor of Laws | 1921 |
FOSDICK, Harry Emerson | Doctor of Laws | 1925 |
FOX, Dixon Ryan | Doctor of Laws | 1935 |
FOX, Norman | Doctor of Divinity | 1887 |
FREDRICKSON, Donald Sharp | Doctor of Science | 1986 |
FREEDMAN, James Oliver | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2002 |
FREEMAN, Douglas Southall | Doctor of Letters | 1943 |
FREEMAN, Robert | Doctor of Music | 2015 |
FRIEDMAN, Milton | Doctor of Science | 1971 |
FULTON, Jastin D. | Doctor of Divinity | 1870 |
GABBE, Steven G. | Doctor of Science | 2006 |
GADD, Steve | Doctor of Music | 2017 |
GAJDUSEK, Daniel Carleton | Doctor of Science | 1977 |
GALLIE, W. Edward | Doctor of Science | 1952 |
GALLO, Robert Charles | Doctor of Science | 1985 |
GALLY, Merritt | Doctor of Science | 1904 |
GALWAY, Sir James | Doctor of Music | 2014 |
GAMMEL, William | Doctor of Laws | 1859 |
GANNETT, Caroline Werner | Doctor of Laws | 1953 |
GANNETT, Mary Thorn Lewis | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1941 |
GANS, Rudolph | Doctor of Music | 1938 |
GARDNER, Addison | Doctor of Laws | 1851 |
GARDNER, Corliss B. | Doctor of Divinity | 1893 |
GARDNER, John W. | Doctor of Laws | 1962 |
GASSER, Herbert Spencer | Doctor of Science | 1940 |
GATES, Henry Louis Jr. | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1990 |
GATES, Thomas Sovereign Jr. | Doctor of Laws | 1975 |
GEHRIG, Bruno | Doctor of Laws | 2006 |
GIBSON, Edward George | Doctor of Science | 1974 |
GIFFORD, C.P. | Doctor of Divinity | 1896 |
GILBERT, Grove Karl | Doctor of Laws | 1898 |
GILBERT, Walter | Doctor of Science | 1979 |
GILLET, Fernand | Doctor of Music | 1973 |
GILLETT, Erastus Judd | Doctor of Divinity | 1857 |
GILMORE, David Chandler | Doctor of Divinity | 1915 |
GLEASON, Marion N. | Master of Science | 1962 |
GODOWSKY, Leopold | Doctor of Science | 1977 |
GOLDBERG, Herman Raphael | Doctor of Laws | 1965 |
GOLDIN, Claudia | Doctor of Science | 2023 |
GOLDSCHMEDING, Frits | Doctor of Laws | 1994 |
GOLER, George W. | Doctor of Science | 1925 |
GOLISANO, Thomas | Doctor of Laws | 2007 |
GOODSPEAD, Edgar J. | Doctor of Divinity | 1896 |
GOODSPEAD, Thomas Wakefield | Doctor of Laws | 1913 |
GOUBLEMAN, Jacob Samuel | Doctor of Divinity | 1887 |
GOWANS, James Learmonth | Doctor of Science | 1987 |
GRAVES, Frank Pierrepont | Doctor of Literature | 1923 |
GRAY, David | Master of Arts | 1874 |
GRAY, Edgar Harkness | Doctor of Divinity | 1864 |
GRAY, Hanna Holborn | Doctor of Laws | 1980 |
GRAY, Harry Barkus | Doctor of Science | 1987 |
GREENE, Evarts Boutell | Doctor of Laws | 1931 |
GREENE, Maxine | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1993 |
GREENE, Samuel H. | Doctor of Divinity | 1892 |
GREENWOOD, John William | Doctor of Divinity | 1916 |
GROUT, Donald J. | Doctor of Music | 1981 |
GUILLEMIN, Roger | Doctor of Science | 1976 |
GUTMANN, Amy | Doctor of Laws | 2005 |
HAMBURG, David | Doctor of Science | 1981 |
HAMILTON, Alice | Doctor of Science | 1938 |
HAMILTON, Edith | Doctor of Letters | 1949 |
HANKS, Horace Tracy | Doctor of Laws | 1898 |
HARKNESS, William | Doctor of Laws | 1874 |
HARLESTON, Bernard | Doctor of Science | 1972 |
HARMAN, Avraham | Doctor of Laws | 1968 |
HARMSWORTH, Charles | Doctor of Laws | 1917 |
HARRIS, Roy Ellsworth | Doctor of Music | 1946 |
HARRIS, William H. | Master of Arts | 1864 |
HARRISON, Guy Fraser | Doctor of Music | 1952 |
HARVEY, Ransom | Doctor of Divinity | 1901 |
HAUGHNAUT, P.B. | Master of Arts | 1851 |
HAVENS, Raymond Dexter | Doctor of Literature | 1926 |
HAWKES, Herbert Edwin | Doctor of Laws | 1929 |
HAYDEN, Francis V. | Doctor of Laws | 1878 |
HAYDON, F.W. | Master of Arts | 1863 |
HECHT, Anthony | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1987 |
HEINEKEN, Alfred Henry | Doctor of Laws | 1989 |
HEINRICHS, Jacob | Doctor of Divinity | 1914 |
HENDERSON, Donald Ainslie | Doctor of Science | 1977 |
HENDERSON, Virginia | Doctor of Science | 1972 |
HENNEY, Jane E. | Doctor of Science | 2006 |
HERDLE, Gertrude Rosalind | Master of Arts | 1925 |
HEWSON, William | Master of Arts | 1854 |
HICKOK, Henry F. | Doctor of Divinity | 1882 |
HILL, Archibald | Doctor of Science | 1959 |
HILL, John M. | Doctor of Divinity | 1853 |
HILLEBOE, Herman Ertresvaag | Doctor of Science | 1953 |
HOCKFIELD, Susan (’73) | Doctor of Science | 2013 |
HODGE, M.G. | Master of Arts | 1854 |
HODGMAN, Thomas Morey Jr. | Doctor of Laws | 1907 |
HOFFMAN, Malvina | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1937 |
HOFFMAN, Paul Gray | Doctor of Laws | 1944 |
HOLT, L. Emmett | Doctor of Laws | 1902 |
HOOKER, Albert Huntington | Master of Science | 1920 |
HOOKER, Elon Howard | Doctor of Science | 1927 |
HORTON, Frank | Doctor of Laws | 1993 |
HOTELLING, Harold | Doctor of Science | 1963 |
HOUGHTON, Alanson Bigelow | Doctor of Laws | 1930 |
HOUGHTON, Arthur Amory | Doctor of Laws | 1952 |
HOVHANESS, Alan | Doctor of Music | 1958 |
HOWARD, W.G. | Doctor of Divinity | 1854 |
HOWE, Harrison Estell | Doctor of Science | 1927 |
HOWELL, E.E. | Master of Arts | 1880 |
HOYT, Colgate | Master of Arts | 1895 |
HOYT, Wayland | Doctor of Divinity | 1877 |
HU, Shih | Doctor of Laws | 1942 |
HUGHES, Edwin Holt | Doctor of Laws | 1924 |
HULL, Robert Bruce | Doctor of Divinity | 1887 |
HUMPHREY, George Magoffin | Doctor of Laws | 1953 |
HUNT, Emory William | Doctor of Laws | 1902 |
HUNT, Washington | Doctor of Laws | 1851 |
HUNTINGTON, George Briggs | Doctor of Divinity | 1921 |
HURLBUT, Robert | Doctor of Science | 2012 |
HURTADO, Alberto | Doctor of Science | 1959 |
HUTCHESON, Emest | Doctor of Music | 1942 |
HUTCHINS, Robert Maynard | Doctor of Laws | 1958 |
INGELFINGER, Franz J. | Doctor of Science | 1976 |
JACKS, Lawrence Pearsall | Doctor of Laws | 1930 |
JACKSON, Shirley Ann | Doctor of Science | 2007 |
JAMES, Frank Cyril | Doctor of Laws | 1954 |
JAMES, Owen | Doctor of Divinity | 1895 |
JENSEN, Michael C. | Doctor of Laws | 2001 |
JEWETT, Milo P. | Doctor of Laws | 1861 |
JOHNSON, Alfred LeRoy | Doctor of Science | 1945 |
JOHNSON, Elias H. | Doctor of Divinity | 1878 |
JOHNSON, Rossiter | Doctor of Philosophy | 1888 |
JOHNSON, Rossiter | Doctor of Laws | 1893 |
JOHNSON, William A., Jr. | Doctor of Laws | 2006 |
JOHNSON-MASTERS, Virginia | Doctor of Science | 1987 |
JONES, Lloyd Ancile | Doctor of Science | 1933 |
JONES, Philip L. | Doctor of Divinity | 1894 |
KAELBER, William G. | Master of Humane Letters | 1943 |
KALFF, Peter | Doctor of Laws | 1998 |
KAPPLER, John W. | Doctor of Science | 1991 |
KARRER, Heinz | Doctor of Laws | 2010 |
KEATING, Kenneth B. | Doctor of Laws | 1954 |
KEEGAN, Robert | Doctor of Laws | 2010 |
KELLY, Robert | Doctor of Laws | 1852 |
KELSEY, Francis W. | Doctor of Philosophy | 1888 |
KELSEY, Francis Willey | Doctor of Laws | 1910 |
KENDRICK, Henry L. | Doctor of Laws | 1869 |
KENDRICK, J. Ryland | Doctor of Divinity | 1866 |
KENNAN, George | Doctor of Literature | 1916 |
KENNEDY, Donald | Doctor of Laws | 1984 |
KENNY, Elizabeth | Doctor of Science | 1943 |
KENNY, Shirley Strum | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1988 |
KERR, Clark | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1967 |
KEYS, J.J. | Master of Arts | 1870 |
KIMBALL, Dexter Simpson | Doctor of Laws | 1926 |
KING, John A. | Doctor of Laws | 1857 |
KING, Rufus | Doctor of Laws | 1876 |
KINGSLAKE, Rudolf | Doctor of Science | 1986 |
KIRKPATRICK, Jean J. | Doctor of Laws | 1997 |
KIRKPATRICK, Ralph | Doctor of Music | 1973 |
KIRSCHSTEIN, Ruth | Doctor of Science | 1998 |
KISTIANKOWSKY, George Bogdan | Doctor of Science | 1960 |
KNIGHT, Frank Hyneman | Doctor of Laws | 1963 |
KNUTH, Donald Ervin | Doctor of Science | 1986 |
KORNBERG, Arthur | Doctor of Science | 1962 |
KOUSSEVITSKY, Serge | Doctor of Music | 1940 |
KRAUSE, Richard M. | Doctor of Science | 1979 |
KREPS, Juanita | Doctor of Laws | 1984 |
KREYER, Carl Trugott | Doctor of Laws | 1908 |
KREYER, Karl T. | Doctor of Philosophy | 1876 |
KRISTELLER, Paul Oskar | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1977 |
KUDLOW, Lawrence (’69) | Doctor of Laws | 2013 |
LAMONT, Thomas William | Doctor of Laws | 1929 |
LANEY, Calvin Cooke | Master of Arts | 1928 |
LAST, Jay T. | Doctor of Science | 2011 |
LATHROP, Edward | Doctor of Divinity | 1854 |
LAVERY, Charles Joseph | Doctor of Laws | 1979 |
LAWRENCE, Jacob | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1992 |
LEE, Henry W. | Doctor of Divinity | 1851 |
LEGHARI, Farooq Ahmad Khan | Doctor of Laws | 1994 |
LELAND, Waldo Gifford | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1939 |
LEVI, Edward Hirsh | Doctor of Laws | 1969 |
LEVIN, Robert D. | Doctor of Music | 1996 |
LEWIS, William Mather | Doctor of Laws | 1935 |
LEWIS, Wilmarth Sheldon | Doctor of Letters | 1946 |
LIEBERSON, Goddard | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1974 |
LIGHTFOOT, Sara Lawrence | Doctor of Science | 1985 |
LINCOLN, Heman | Doctor of Divinity | 1865 |
LINDBERGH, Anne Morrow | Doctor of Letters | 1939 |
LINOWITZ, Sol M. | Doctor of Laws | 1991 |
LIPPMAN, Walter | Doctor of Laws | 1936 |
LONGCOPE, Warfield Theobald | Doctor of Science | 1941 |
LOOMIS, Justin R. | Doctor of Laws | 1858 |
LOPIANO, Donna | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2005 |
LOWRY, Douglas | Doctor of Music | 2013 |
LUCHERINI, Luigi | Doctor of Laws | 2005 |
LUDLAM, George P. | Master of Arts | 1914 |
LYDENBERG, Harry Miller | Doctor of Letters | 1942 |
LYMAN, Richard Wall | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1975 |
MAAS, Arie | Doctor of Laws | 1988 |
MAASS, Otto | Doctor of Science | 1947 |
MacGREGOR, Ian | Doctor of Laws | 1983 |
MacKENZIE, Norman A.M. | Doctor of Laws | 1956 |
MacMILLIAN, Ernest | Doctor of Music | 1956 |
MACOMBER, Francis A. | Doctor of Laws | 1887 |
MACOMBER, John D. | Doctor of Laws | 1990 |
MacQUEEN, Donald Bruce | Doctor of Divinity | 1928 |
MADDY, Joseph Edgar | Doctor of Music | 1959 |
MAGOON, E.L. | Doctor of Divinity | 1853 |
MALONE, Damas | Doctor of Letters | 1936 |
MALONEY, James Jr. | Doctor of Science | 1983 |
MANCHESTER, Herbert | Doctor of Divinity | 1911 |
MANGIONE, Charles Frank | Doctor of Music | 1985 |
MANN, Alexander M. | Doctor of Divinity | 1856 |
MANNING, M. Claudius | Master of Arts | 1860 |
MARQUARND, John Philips | Doctor of Letters | 1945 |
MARRACK, Philippa | Doctor of Science | 1991 |
MARSHAL, Benjamin D. | Doctor of Divinity | 1871 |
MARTIN, Edward Sanford | Doctor of Literature | 1917 |
MARTIN, Joseph B. | Doctor of Science | 1996 |
MASON, Daniel Gregory | Doctor of Music | 1932 |
MASON, J.O. | Master of Arts | 1853 |
MASON, J.O. | Doctor of Divinity | 1860 |
MASON, John H. | Doctor of Divinity | 1903 |
MASSOLENI, Ettore | Doctor of Music | 1949 |
MASTERS, William Howell | Doctor of Science | 1987 |
MATHEWS, Shailer | Doctor of Laws | 1926 |
MATTHEWS, Christopher John (“Chris”) | Doctor of Letters | 2014 |
McCALL, Samuel Walker | Doctor of Laws | 1919 |
McCLINTOCK, Barbara | Doctor of Science | 1947 |
McCOY, Amassa | Master of Arts | 1855 |
McGUIRE, John | Doctor of Divinity | 1911 |
McILWAINE, J.H. | Doctor of Divinity | 1854 |
McKEON, Richard Peter | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1984 |
McKUSICK, Victor Almon | Doctor of Science | 1979 |
McLEAN, Charles D. | Master of Arts | 1868 |
McPARTLAND, Marian | Doctor of Music | 2007 |
McPHERSON, Mary Patterson | Doctor of Laws | 1984 |
McVICKER, Malcom | Doctor of Laws | 1870 |
MEES, Charles Edward Kenneth | Doctor of Science | 1921 |
MEIR, Golda | Doctor of Laws | 1974 |
MEITNER, Lise | Doctor of Science | 1946 |
MERRILL, George Edmands | Doctor of Laws | 1901 |
MEYER, Agnes Ernst | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1954 |
MEYER, Barry M. | Doctor of Laws | 2014 |
MILLER, Arthur R. | Doctor of Laws | 2008 |
MILLER, Merton H. | Doctor of Laws | 1994 |
MILLIKAN, Robert Andrews | Doctor of Science | 1934 |
MILNE, William James | Doctor of Philosophy | 1879 |
MILNE, William James | Doctor of Laws | 1911 |
MINER, Edward G. | Doctor of Laws | 1945 |
MITCHELL, John Purroy | Doctor of Laws | 1917 |
MOEHLMAN, Conrad Henry | Doctor of Divinity | 1929 |
MOORE, Daniel Jr. | Doctor of Divinity | 1865 |
MOORE, Douglas Stuart | Doctor of Music | 1947 |
MOORE, E. Mott | Doctor of Laws | 1870 |
MOORE, Earl Vincent | Doctor of Music | 1929 |
MOORE, Marianne Craig | Doctor of Letters | 1951 |
MOREHOUSE, Henry L. | Doctor of Laws | 1908 |
MOREHOUSE, Oliver | Master of Arts | 1854 |
MOREY, William Carey | Doctor of Civil Laws | 1908 |
MORGAN, John Rhys | Doctor of Divinity | 1878 |
MORISON, Robert S. | Doctor of Science | 1973 |
MORRIS, Herbert W. | Doctor of Divinity | 1876 |
MORROW, Dwight Whitney | Doctor of Laws | 1920 |
MORSEHOUSE, Henry L. | Doctor of Divinity | 1879 |
MOSS, Lemuel | Doctor of Divinity | 1868 |
MOSS, Lemuel | Doctor of Laws | 1883 |
MOYNIHAN, Daniel Patrick | Doctor of Laws | 1994 |
MULCAHY, Anne | Doctor of Laws | 2008 |
MUNDY, Ezekiel Wilson | Doctor of Literature | 1910 |
MUNRO, Annette Gardner | Master of Arts | 1910 |
MUNRO, Annette Gardner | Doctor of Literature | 1930 |
MURDOCK, J.N. | Doctor of Divinity | 1854 |
MURROW, Edward R. | Doctor of Laws | 1960 |
MYERS, Johnston | Doctor of Divinity | 1923 |
NAUTA, Walle J.H. | Doctor of Science | 1975 |
NEEDHAM, Charles W. | Doctor of Laws | 1901 |
NEEL, James V. | Doctor of Science | 1974 |
NEUSNER, Jacob | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1988 |
NEVINS, Allan | Doctor of Laws | 1955 |
NEWMAN, John P. | Doctor of Divinity | 1863 |
NEWTON, Isaac | Doctor of Philosophy | 1883 |
NICHOLS, Henry L. | Master of Arts | 1857 |
NICHOLS, Mike | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1972 |
NISHIMOTO, Kanichi | Doctor of Laws | 1991 |
NOLAN, Thomas | Master of Arts | 1911 |
NORDELL, Philip | Doctor of Divinity | 1886 |
NORMAN, Jessye | Doctor of Music | 2013 |
NORRIS, J. Carter | Master of Arts | 1892 |
NORTH_UP, George W. | Doctor of Divinity | 1866 |
NORTON, Asabel Wellington | Doctor of Laws | 1900 |
NOVELLO, Antonia Coello | Doctor of Science | 2001 |
NOYES, William Albert Jr. | Doctor of Science | 1965 |
OHGA, Norio | Doctor of Music | 1996 |
OLDEN, Kenneth | Doctor of Science | 2003 |
OLDS, George Daniel | Doctor of Laws | 1907 |
OLMSTEAD, J.M. | Doctor of Divinity | 1863 |
ORCUTT, Enid Knapp Botsford | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1982 |
OSPEL, Marcel | Doctor of Laws | 2005 |
OTIS, Elwell Stephen | Doctor of Laws | 1900 |
OTTO, Benjamin | Doctor of Divinity | 1922 |
OVERHISER, John C. | Doctor of Philosophy | 1879 |
PADGET, John R. | Doctor of Laws | 1996 |
PALEY, Albert Raymond | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1989 |
PALMER, Francis Bolles | Doctor of Philosophy | 1879 |
PARK, Edwards Albert | Doctor of Science | 1936 |
PARKER, Arthur Caswell | Master of Science | 1922 |
PARMELEE, D.S. | Master of Arts | 1853 |
PATTERSON, Robert Porter | Doctor of Laws | 1941 |
PATTISON, Harold | Doctor of Divinity | 1912 |
PAYNE, Sereno E. | Doctor of Laws | 1903 |
PEABODY, Andrew P. | Doctor of Laws | 1863 |
PEARSON, Lester Bowles | Doctor of Laws | 1947 |
PECK, Henry | Master of Arts | 1851 |
PECK, William A. | Doctor of Science | 2000 |
PEI, Ieoh Ming | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1982 |
PELL, Claiborne | Doctor of Laws | 1980 |
PENDERECKI, Krsysztof | Doctor of Music | 1972 |
PEPPER, George Wharton | Doctor of Laws | 1922 |
PEREZ, Antonio | Doctor of Laws | 2009 |
PERKINS, Dexter | Doctor of Laws | 1956 |
PERKINS, James Alfred | Doctor of Laws | 1965 |
PERKINS, James Breck | Doctor of Laws | 1897 |
PERLMAN, Itzhak | Doctor of Music | 2014 |
PETERS, Ellen Ash | Doctor of Laws | 1994 |
PETERSON, Peter G. | Doctor of Laws | 1994 |
PEYRE, Henri Maurice | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1966 |
PIMENTEL, George Claude | Doctor of Science | 1988 |
PLATT, Charles Adams | Doctor of Laws | 1933 |
PLIMPTON, George Arthur | Doctor of Laws | 1912 |
PORTER, Quincy | Doctor of Music | 1944 |
POWELL, Gen. Colin L. | Doctor of Laws | 2007 |
POWELL, Lyman Pierson | Doctor of Laws | 1914 |
POWER, Mrs. Helen Blackburn | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1971 |
PRENTIS, Henning Webb Jr. | Doctor of Laws | 1946 |
PREVIN, André | Doctor of Music | 2014 |
PRINCE, Harold | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1997 |
PRITZKER, Jay A. | Doctor of Laws | 1992 |
PROCOPE, Hjalmar | Doctor of Laws | 1940 |
PRUYN, John V.L. | Doctor of Laws | 1852 |
PUPIN, Michael Idvorsky | Doctor of Laws | 1928 |
QUINBY, I.F. | Master of Arts | 1852 |
RACKER, Efraim | Doctor of Science | 1979 |
RAUSCHENBUSCH, Walter | Doctor of Divinity | 1902 |
RASHID, Richard ’77 (MA), ’80 (PhD) | Doctor of Science | 2015 |
RAYMOND, John H. | Doctor of Laws | 1855 |
RAYTON, Wilbur Brambley | Doctor of Science | 1933 |
REES, Mina Spiegel | Doctor of Science | 1971 |
REESE, Morgan J. | Doctor of Divinity | 1852 |
REMINGTON, John Warner | Doctor of Laws | 1960 |
RICHTER, Gisela M.A. | Doctor of Fine Arts | 1940 |
RICKEY, Branch | Doctor of Laws | 1946 |
RIDDELL, William Renwick | Doctor of Laws | 1917 |
RIDER, Charles E. | Master of Arts | 1866 |
RIPLEY, William Zebina | Doctor of Laws | 1931 |
RISING, Francis | Master of Arts | 1870 |
RIVERS, Thomas Milton | Doctor of Science | 1938 |
ROACH, Maxwell Lemuel | Doctor of Music | 1990 |
ROBERTS, William Henry | Doctor of Divinity | 1910 |
ROBINS, Henry Burke | Doctor of Divinity | 1932 |
ROBINS, Henry E. | Doctor of Divinity | 1868 |
ROBINSON, Charles Mulford | Master of Arts | 1905 |
ROBINSON, David Hamilton | Doctor of Philosophy | 1887 |
ROCKEFELLER, John A. | Master of Arts | 1895 |
ROGERS, Thomas | Doctor of Divinity | 1881 |
ROLAND-RICCI, Vittorio | Doctor of Laws | 1921 |
ROMULO, Carlos Pena | Doctor of Laws | 1950 |
ROOT, Orrin | Doctor of Laws | 1865 |
ROSTEN, Leo C. | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1973 |
ROTHSTEIN, Aser | Doctor of Science | 1983 |
ROWE, John Wallis | Doctor of Science | 2002 |
ROWLEY, Frank H. | Doctor of Divinity | 1897 |
RUDOLPH, Fredrick | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1994 |
RUSSELL, Fredrick Fuller | Doctor of Science | 1942 |
SACHER, Paul | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1990 |
SAGE, A. Judson | Doctor of Divinity | 1872 |
SAMUELSON, Paul Anthony | Doctor of Science | 1976 |
SANDBERG, Avery A. | Doctor of Science | 1990 |
SANDERS, Henry M. | Doctor of Divinity | 1891 |
SASSON, Steven | Doctor of Science | 2009 |
SATCHER, David | Doctor of Science | 1995 |
SATTERLEE, LeRoy | Master of Arts | 1865 |
SAUNDERS, Wilbour Eddy | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1951 |
SAVAGE, Leonard J. | Doctor of Science | 1963 |
SAYRE, Francis Bowes | Doctor of Laws | 1949 |
SCHERAGA, Harold | Doctor of Science | 1988 |
SCHLESINGER, Aurthur Meier | Doctor of Laws | 1948 |
SCHMITT, Kilian Joseph | Doctor of Laws | 1986 |
SCHNEIDER, MARIA | Doctor of Musical Arts | 2024 |
SCHUMAN, William | Doctor of Music | 1972 |
SCOTT, John Hart | Doctor of Divinity | 1905 |
SCOTT, William Amasa | Doctor of Laws | 1911 |
SEABURY, Samuel | Doctor of Laws | 1933 |
SEAMAN, Christopher | Doctor of Music | 2009 |
SEARING, Richard Addison | Master of Arts | 1915 |
SEITZ, Frederick | Doctor of Science | 1984 |
SELDEN, Samuel L. | Doctor of Laws | 1856 |
SEN, Amartya | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2007 |
SERKIN, Rudolph | Doctor of Music | 1972 |
SEXTON, John | Doctor of Laws | 2005 |
SEYMOUR, E.C. | Master of Arts | 1856 |
SHAD, John S.R. | Doctor of Laws | 1987 |
SHAFFER, Philip Anderson | Doctor of Science | 1939 |
SHAKOW, David | Doctor of Science | 1971 |
SHANKER, Albert | Doctor of Laws | 1985 |
SHANNON, Robert ’54, ’57 (MA) | Doctor of Engineering | 2020 |
SHAPIRO, Joshua D. | Doctor of Letters | 2023 |
SHAW, James B. | Doctor of Divinity | 1852 |
SHAW, Robert Lawson | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1991 |
SHELDON, Rufus | Master of Arts | 1864 |
SHERMAN, I. | Doctor of Laws | 1880 |
SHERRILL, Henry Knox | Doctor of Divinity | 1951 |
SHULTZ, George | Doctor of Science | 1973 |
SIEBERT, Muriel | Doctor of Laws | 2004 |
SIEDMAN, L. William | Doctor of Laws | 1989 |
SILL, John W. | Master of Arts | 1861 |
SIMMONS, Ruth | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2012 |
SIMON, J. Peter | Doctor of Laws | 2008 |
SIMON, William E. | Doctor of Laws | 1985 |
SIMPSON, Alan | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1964 |
SINCLAIR, Adelaide | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1956 |
SINGER, Paul | Doctor of Science | 2017 |
SKINNER, Cornelia Otis | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1942 |
SKINNER, David B. | Doctor of Science | 1980 |
SLATER, John Clarke | Doctor of Science | 1964 |
SLATER, John Rothwell | Doctor of Literature | 1964 |
SLATKIN, Leonard | Doctor of Music | 1994 |
SLICHTER, Sumner Huber | Doctor of Laws | 1949 |
SLOCUM, Arthur Gaylord | Doctor of Laws | 1892 |
SLONIMSKY, Nicholas | Doctor of Music | 1989 |
SMITH, Charles E. | Doctor of Divinity | 1891 |
SMITH, David H. | Doctor of Science | 1992 |
SMITH, Dorothy M. | Doctor of Science | 1972 |
SMITH, E. Darwin | Doctor of Laws | 1868 |
SMITH, George William | Doctor of Laws | 1896 |
SMITH, Justin A. | Doctor of Arts | 1854 |
SMITH, Stephen | Doctor of Laws | 1891 |
SMITH, Walter Bedell | Doctor of Laws | 1950 |
SOLOW, Robert s | Doctor of Laws | 2007 |
SOLTI, Sir Georg | Doctor of Music | 1987 |
SOWERBY, Leo | Doctor of Music | 1934 |
SPEICHER, Jacob | Doctor of Divinity | 1930 |
SPENCER, Ray Thomas | Master of Arts | 1867 |
SPERRY, Warren Myron | Doctor of Science | 1965 |
SPINNING, James Martin | Doctor of Laws | 1965 |
SPIVACKE, Harold | Doctor of Music | 1955 |
SPRINKEL, Beryl Wayne | Doctor of Laws | 1986 |
STAHL, Franklin William | Doctor of Science | 1982 |
STARGELL, Willie | Doctor of Laws | 1983 |
STEINHAUSEN, Meta Behn | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1946 |
STEITZ, Joan Argetsinger | Doctor of Science | 1984 |
STEPHENS, John Boak Mills | Doctor of Laws | 1924 |
STERN, Isaac | Doctor of Music | 1972 |
STERRETT, James McBride | Doctor of Divinity | 1886 |
STEVENS, George Barker | Doctor of Laws | 1902 |
STEVENS, James Stacey | Doctor of Laws | 1907 |
STEVENS, John | Doctor of Divinity | 1873 |
STEVENS, William A. | Doctor of Laws | 1882 |
STEWART, Harold Stanley | Doctor of Divinity | 1932 |
STEWART, Joseph A. | Doctor of Divinity | 1893 |
STIGLER, George J. | Doctor of Science | 1974 |
STOCK, Frederick August | Doctor of Music | 1941 |
STORK, Gilbert Josse | Doctor of Science | 1982 |
STRATAS, Theresa | Doctor of Music | 1998 |
STRAVINSKY, Igor | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1966 |
STRAYER, Paul Moore | Doctor of Divinity | 1915 |
STROMGREN, Erik | Doctor of Science | 1976 |
STRONG, Augustus Hopkins | Doctor of Literature | 1912 |
STRONG, Charles Augustus | Doctor of Laws | 1919 |
STRONG, Henry | Doctor of Laws | 1904 |
STRONG, John Henry | Doctor of Divinity | 1914 |
STRUNK, Oliver | Doctor of Letters | 1936 |
SUTHERLAND, Ward T. | Doctor of Divinity | 1896 |
SUZUKI, Shinichi | Doctor of Music | 1972 |
SWARTTOUW, Frans | Doctor of Laws | 1990 |
SWASEY, Ambrose | Doctor of Laws | 1925 |
SWETLAND, Roger M. | Doctor of Laws | 1916 |
SWETLAND, Roger W. | Master of Arts | 1908 |
SWIFT, Lewis | Doctor of Philosophy | 1879 |
TAFT, Charles Phelps II | Doctor of Laws | 1937 |
TALBIRD, Henry J. | Master of Arts | 1852 |
TARDIEU, Andre | Doctor of Laws | 1917 |
TAYLOR, Deems | Doctor of Music | 1939 |
TAYLOR, E.E.L. | Doctor of Divinity | 1855 |
TAYLOR, James M. | Doctor of Divinity | 1886 |
TAYLOR, William R. | Doctor of Divinity | 1891 |
TEALL, Francis Augustus | Master of Arts | 1875 |
TEER, Barbara Ann | Doctor of Laws | 1994 |
TEMPLETON, John Marks | Doctor of Laws | 1992 |
TENNEY, Stephen Marsh | Doctor of Science | 1984 |
TENNY, Charles Buckley | Doctor of Divinity | 1917 |
THALER, Richard | Doctor of Science | 2010 |
THANHYA, Theodore | Doctor of Divinity | 1918 |
THIER, Samuel O. | Doctor of Science | 2000 |
THOMAS, Lewis | Doctor of Science | 1974 |
THOMPSON, Randall | Doctor of Music | 1933 |
TINKER, Chauncey Brewster | Doctor of Letters | 1937 |
TOWNSEND, John P. | Doctor of Laws | 1895 |
TRES_TRAIL, Frederic | Doctor of Divinity | 1880 |
TREVOR, John Bond | Doctor of Laws | 1932 |
TROWBRIDGE, William P. | Master of Arts | 1856 |
TRUE, Benjamin O. | Doctor of Divinity | 1888 |
TULLY, Alice Bigelow | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1991 |
TURRIN, Joseph | Master of Humane Letters | 2006 |
TUTU, Desmond Mpilo | Doctor of Divinity | 1985 |
UNDERHILL, Edward B. | Doctor of Laws | 1863 |
VALENTINE, Alan | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1966 |
VAN BENSCHOTEN, James C. | Doctor of Laws | 1875 |
VAN BENSCHOTEN, Sanford | Master of Arts | 1862 |
VAN VOORHIS, John | Doctor of Laws | 1958 |
VanSCHAICK, George S. | Doctor of Laws | 1938 |
VARMUS, Harold | Doctor of Science | 2004 |
VEDDER, Henry C. | Doctor of Divinity | 1897 |
VILLERS, Thomas J. | Doctor of Divinity | 1903 |
VOEGTLIN, Carl | Doctor of Science | 1947 |
VOLKER, Joseph F. | Doctor of Science | 1975 |
vonDOHNANYI, Christoph | Doctor of Music | 1998 |
WADSWORTH, Eliot | Doctor of Laws | 1921 |
WADSWORTH, James Wolcott | Doctor of Laws | 1942 |
WAGNER, Gerrit Abram | Doctor of Laws | 1987 |
WALKER, George | Doctor of Music | 2012 |
WALLIS, Wilson Allen | Doctor of Laws | 1984 |
WARD, Henry A. | Doctor of Laws | 1896 |
WARFIELD, William | Doctor of Music | 1988 |
WARING, Fred | Doctor of Music | 1951 |
WARREN, Jonah G. | Doctor of Divinity | 1856 |
WARREN, Stafford L. | Doctor of Science | 1956 |
WATSON, James Sibley | Doctor of Science | 1972 |
WAYLAND, Francis | Doctor of Laws | 1879 |
WEAVER, Warren | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1963 |
WEBSTER, Harrison E. | Doctor of Laws | 1888 |
WEED, Lewis Hill | Doctor of Science | 1929 |
WEGMAN, Robert B. | Doctor of Laws | 2005 |
WEINBERG, Alvin M. | Doctor of Science | 1973 |
WEINBERG, Stephen | Doctor of Science | 1979 |
WEISKOTTEN, Herman Gates | Doctor of Science | 1954 |
WEISSKOPH, Victor | Doctor of Science | 1974 |
WELLES, Francis Raymond | Doctor of Laws | 1910 |
WELLES, Henry | Doctor of Laws | 1861 |
WESTCOTT, Isaac | Doctor of Divinity | 1864 |
WESTERVELT, Zenas F. | Doctor of Laws | 1895 |
WESTON, David | Doctor of Divinity | 1873 |
WESTON, Henry G. | Doctor of Divinity | 1859 |
WHEDON, G. Donald | Doctor of Science | 1978 |
WHIPPLE, George Hoyt | Doctor of Laws | 1950 |
WHITE, David | Doctor of Science | 1923 |
WHITEHORN, John Clare M.D. | Doctor of Science | 1971 |
WHITNEY, Willis Rodney | Doctor of Science | 1932 |
WHITTON, Charlotte | Doctor of Laws | 1952 |
WILBOR, William C. | Doctor of Divinity | 1900 |
WILBUR, Lyman | Doctor of Laws | 1930 |
WILBUR, Richard Purdy | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1976 |
WILCOX, Albert Henry | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1932 |
WILCOX, William Craig | Doctor of Laws | 1913 |
WILDER, Alec | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1973 |
WILDKINSON, Willam C. | Doctor of Divinity | 1873 |
WILEY, Louis | Master of Arts | 1916 |
WILLARD, Daniel | Doctor of Laws | 1932 |
WILLCOX, William Russell | Master of Arts | 1904 |
WILLIAMS, John A. | Doctor of Humane Letters | 2003 |
WILLIAMS, John T. | Doctor of Music | 2001 |
WILLIAMS, Talcott | Doctor of Literature | 1903 |
WILLIAMSON, James | Doctor of Science | 1989 |
WILLIS, Frances Elizabeth | Doctor of Humane Letters | 1960 |
WILSON, Lewis Albert | Doctor of Laws | 1952 |
WITMER, Jr., Robert (’59) | Doctor of Laws | 2020 |
WOELFKIN, Cornelius | Doctor of Divinity | 1906 |
WOLFERS, Arnold | Doctor of Laws | 1945 |
WOOD, George | Master of Arts | 1852 |
WOODWARD, Roland Beaven | Doctor of Laws | 1932 |
WRIGHT, E.S. | Doctor of Divinity | 1860 |
WRIGHT, Sewall | Doctor of Science | 1942 |
WYANT, James ’67 (MS) ’69 (PhD) | Doctor of Science | 2021 |
YOUNG, Whitney Moore Jr. | Doctor of Laws | 1966 |
ZAFFARONI, Alejandro | Doctor of Science | 1972 |
ZEKELMAN, Alan | Doctor of Laws | 2016 |
ZHANG, Jie | Doctor of Science | 2013 |
ZINMAN, David Joel | Doctor of Music | 1996 |
ZUBIN, Joseph L. | Doctor of Science | 1976 |