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University Councils and Committees

Committee work that is overseen by the Office of the Provost

Committees and councils

Explore a comprehensive list of committees and councils chaired or co-chaired by offices of the provost in the drop-downs and links below.

University Committee on Academic Policies and Administration.

The University Committee on Academic Policies and Administration (UCAPA) serves to review, assess, and improve policies and procedures affecting academic practices at the University of Rochester. The committee will consider the impact on academic personnel University-wide as well as implications for accreditation and verification of compliance.

Committee responsibilities

Faculty career development, standards for letters of appointments, promotions issues, conflicts of commitment, conflicts of interest, retirement, academic calendar, distance education, transfer and articulation agreements, Title IV responsibilities, institutional records, central resource/clearing house for new programs, standing with accrediting bodies (institutional and specialized), verification of compliance (state and federal), assignment of credit hours, academic honesty, leave of absence, and legal matters.

Committee members

This list was last updated in Feb 2024.

  • Jennifer Mathews – Chair, Associate Vice Provost for Academic Administration, Office of the Provost
  • Rob Alexander – Vice Provost and University Dean for Enrollment Management, Office of the Provost
  • Judith Baumhauer – Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Medicine & Dentistry-MD
  • John Blackshear – Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Office of the Provost
  • Cindy Callard – Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, Warner School of Education and Human Development
  • Peter Christensen – Associate Dean, School of Arts and Sciences
  • Alan Czaplicki – Associate Vice Provost for Academic Data & Planning, Office of the Provost
  • Charlie DeSouza – Director of Academic Information Systems, University IT
  • Eli Eliav – Director and Vice Dean for Oral Health, Eastman Institute for Oral Health
  • Paul Funkenbusch – Associate Dean, Education & New Initiatives, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
  • Maggie Graham – Associate Vice Provost for Academic Initiatives, Office of the Provost
  • John Hain – Senior Associate Dean, Academic & Student Affairs, Eastman School of Music
  • David Lambert – Senior Associate Dean for Medical Student Education, School of Medicine & Dentistry-MD
  • Rick Libby – Senior Associate Dean for Graduate Student Education and Postdoctoral Affairs, School of Medicine & Dentistry-Grad
  • Mitch Lovett – Senior Associate Dean, Education & Innovation, Simon Business School
  • Kevin McFarland – Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Office of the Provost
  • Lydia Rotondo – Associate Dean for Education and Student Affairs, School of Nursing
  • Jeff Runner – Vice Provost and University Dean for Undergraduate Education, Office of the Provost
  • Ravi Shankar – Assistant Vice Provost and Director of the International Services Office , International Services Office
  • Melissa Sturge-Apple (designee Gretchen Briscoe) – Vice Provost and University Dean for Grad Education, Office of the Provost
  • Tina Sturgis – University Registrar, Office of the Provost

University Conflict of Interest Committee

Learn more about this committee’s mission and team members in these drop-downs

Purpose, authority, and responsibilities

The University of Rochester Conflict of Interest Committee (the “Committee”) directs the University’s review, oversight and management of faculty, staff and institutional conflicts of interest related to research for all schools, colleges and divisions of the University.

The Committee has responsibility and authority to:

  • Review financial and fiduciary interests disclosed by University faculty and staff to determine whether the interests may affect or be related to University research, and to identify actual or perceived conflicts of interest;
  • Develop strategies for the management, mitigation or elimination of actual or perceived institutional, faculty and staff conflicts of interest related to research, including both sponsored and institution-funded research, and recommend them to the deans, provost and president, as applicable, for their approval;
  • Advise the Board of Trustees and University of Rochester Medical Center Board with respect to financial or fiduciary interests that trustees or board members hold or propose to hold in companies that sponsor University research, license technology from the University, and on other matters related to conflict of interest;
  • Monitor and oversee the implementation of and compliance with institutional and individual conflict of interest management plans, and recommend sanctions when non-compliance is identified;
  • Develop, review and monitor University policies related to conflicts of interest in research;
  • Stay informed of the relevant regulations, external guidelines, and current developments in the area of conflict of interest in research;
  • Serve as a resource to the president, deans, department chairs, the Board of Trustees, Medical Center Board, and others in the University community on issues related to conflict of interest in research; and
  • Conduct or authorize investigations into any matters within its scope of responsibilities.

The Committee, and its Chair (or Co-Chairs), will be appointed by the University’s Senior Vice President for Research, and will include at least the following:

  • two clinical research faculty members in the School of Medicine and Dentistry;
  • one basic research faculty in the School of Medicine and Dentistry;
  • one faculty member in the School of Arts and Sciences;
  • one faculty member in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences;
  • one representative from the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE); and
  • one community member, i.e., an individual who is not affiliated with the University, who can provide a broader community perspective.

These numbers are intended as minimums, and not as limitations.

Other members may be appointed to the Committee, or to attend as guests on a regular basis or from time to time, at the discretion of the Senior Vice President for Research, including but not limited to representatives of:

  • Data Science;
  • the Warner School of Education and Human Development;
  • the Simon School of Business;
  • the Advancement Office; and
  • the Communications Office.

In addition, the individuals in the following positions will serve on the Committee:

  • University’s Vice Provost for Research;
  • University General Counsel;
  • Director of the Office for Research and Project Administration;
  • Director of UR Ventures;
  • Chair of the School of Medicine and Dentistry Conflict of Interest Advisory Group (CIAG);
  • the Dean of Research for the Schools of Arts, Sciences and Engineering;
  • the Senior Associate Dean for Basic Research for the School of Medicine and Dentistry;
  • the Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Research for the School of Medicine and Dentistry;
  • the Associate Dean of Research for the School of Nursing;
  • the Vice President for Government and Community Relations;
  • the Director of the Office for Human Subject Protection; and
  • the attorney in the Office of Counsel to the Medical Center who serves on CIAG.

Members will not serve in more than one category. For example, the Senior Associate Dean for Basic Research in the School of Medicine and Dentistry will not count as the SMD basic research faculty member.

Conflicts of committee members, consultants, or observers

Committee members must recuse themselves from Committee discussions and deliberations, at a Committee meeting or otherwise, on a particular matter under the following conditions:

  • The individual has a direct personal financial interest with respect to the matter;
  • Their family member has a direct personal financial interest in the matter;
  • An individual who they directly report to, or who is their direct report, has a financial interest in the matter.

Committee members may also recuse themselves from other matters if they believe they may not be able to remain objective, or where they believe there may be an appearance of a conflict. The Committee may, in its discretion, invite a conflicted member to stay for the discussion of an issue, but they shall be recused from the meeting prior to the Committee’s decision or recommendation. Recusal will be documented in the meeting minutes.


The Senior Vice President for Research will appoint a COI Manager who will be responsible for coordinating and managing the process for reviewing COIs related to research. The COI Manager’s responsibilities will coordinating meeting locations and times; preparing meeting agendas and supporting materials; preparing minutes that include a record of topics discussed, and the Committee’s conclusions and recommendations, including whether there was concurrence by all present on any actions and recommendations; communicating with individuals and offices responsible for distributing and collecting disclosures of financial and fiduciary interests related to research on behalf of the Committee; assisting and collaborating with deans, department chairs, faculty and staff in determining whether arrangements may constitute actual or perceived conflicts of interest, and in developing conflict of interest management strategies and plans; communicating with other departments and offices about disclosed financial and fiduciary interests that may be potential conflicts of interest in areas other than research; overseeing the annual review and monitoring processes for conflict of interest management plans; and providing guidance on laws, regulations, guidance, and University policies on conflict of interest in research.

Committee members

This list was last updated in November 2021.

  • Donna Gooden Payne – Chair, VP and General Counsel
  • Julie Myers – Co-chair, Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
  • Nicholas Bigelow – Professor of Physics
  • William Carpenter – Managing Director, WMC Ventures/Former CEO Bausch & Lomb
  • Diane Caselli – Senior Counsel, URMC, CIAG staff
  • Scott Caitlin – AVP, Technology Ventures
  • Robert Gross – Professor of Neurology, Pharmacology & Physiology
  • Krystel Huxlin – Professor of Ophthalmology, Neurobiology, Anatomy, Brain & Cognitive Science and Visual Science
  • J. Steven Lamberti – Professor of Psychiatry/Director, Severe Mental Disorders Program
  • Gunta Liders – Associate VP for Research Administration
  • Jane Liesveld – Professor of Medicine
  • Jeffrey Lyness – Professor/Associate Chair of Education, Department of Psychiatry, Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs SMD Chair of CIAG
  • Sally Norton – Associate Dean for Research, SON
  • Kelley O’Donoghue – Director, Office of Human Subjects Protection
  • Kevin J. Parker – Dean Emeritus of Engineering, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Peter Robinson – VP and COO of URMC
  • Lewis Rothberg – Professor of Chemistry
  • Steven Stagnitto – Controller & Director Administrative Division, LLE
  • John Tarduno – Dean for Research, Arts, Sciences & Engineering/Professor of Geophysics
  • David Waldman – Professor and Chair of Imaging Sciences
  • Martin Zand – Professor, Medicine M&D-Nephrology Division

Operational Excellence Committee

Convened by the provost and chief financial officer, the Operational Excellence Committee prioritizes macro-level business operations within the University to ensure the effective and efficient use of resources across the enterprise.

See committee members
  • Elizabeth Milavec – Co-chair, Executive Vice President for Administration and Finance and Chief Financial Officer
  • David Figlio – Co-chair, Provost and Gordon Fyfe Professor of Economics and Education
  • David C. Linehan, M.D – Co-chair, Sr. VP for Health Sciences, CEO of the University of Rochester Medical Center, Dean of the School of Medicine and Dentistry
  • Adam Anolik – Chief Financial Officer and Associate Vice President, University of Rochester Medical Center
  • Steve Dewhurst – Vice President for Research
  • Jim Forrester – Chief Technology Officer and Associate Vice President Information Technology, University of Rochester Medical Center
  • Kathy Gallucci – Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
  • Julie Myers – Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer for the University
  • Tony Green – Executive Vice Provost for Academic Finance and Planning

University Standing Committee for Promotions

The University Standing Committee for Promotions is appointed by the provost in consultation with the president from a list of names submitted by the school deans based upon recommendations of department chairs.

Work of the committee

Fifteen tenured faculty serve on three subcommittees: Arts & Humanities; Physical & Biological Sciences; Social Sciences. The committees are used in cases of promotion from assistant to associate professor without tenure as stipulated in the Faculty Handbook.

The committees receive the materials submitted by candidates for promotion–detailed description of their research, teaching, and service activities, and letters of evaluation—which have been forwarded to the provost with the support of their dean. Based on its review, the promotion committee makes recommendations to the president and provost, who review the recommendation and subsequently make their own recommendation (when positive) to the Board of Trustees, whose decision is final.

Committee members

This list was last updated in July 2022.

David Figlio is the Convener, Provost and Gordon Fyfe Professor of Economics and Education. See additional committee members below.

Arts and Humanities
  • Paul Audi – Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy
  • Matthew BaileyShea – Associate Professor, Department of Music
  • Jonathan Baldo – Professor, Department of Humanities
  • Joanne Bernardi – Professor, Department of Modern Languages & Cultures
  • Jennifer Creech – Associate Professor, Department of Modern Languages & Cultures
Physical and Biological Sciences
  • Riccardo Bett – Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Nicholas Bigelow – Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy
  • Allan Greenleaf – Professor, Department of Mathematics
  • John Kessler – Associate Professor, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences
  • Andrei Seluanov – Professor, Department of Biology
Social Sciences
  • Narayana Kocherlakota – Professor, Department of Economics
  • Andre Marqui – Associate Professor, Counseling & Human Development
  • Joan Rubin – Professor, Department of History
  • Melissa Sturge-Apple – Associate Professor, Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology
  • Jerold Warner – Professor, Business Administration

Student Health Insurance Plan Oversight Committee

The Student Health Insurance Plan Oversight Committee is comprised of the senior leaders in the offices of University Health Services, Finance, Council, and Benefits with undergraduate and graduate student representatives. Convened by the director of University Health Services, the committee meets for the purpose of reviewing and advising on the Student Health Insurance Plan.

See committee members

This list was last updated in November 2021.

  • Ralph Manchester, MD – Chair, Vice Provost, Director of UHS
  • Caroline Ballou – Assistant Controller, Financial Reporting
  • Caroline Burnicki – Interim University Controller
  • Rachel Carmen – Assoc. Director of University Benefits
  • Richard Crummins – Deputy General Counsel
  • Amy Happ – Deputy to the Provost
  • Alyssa Merrill, MS – Graduate Student Representative
  • Elizabeth Milavec – Executive Vice President for Administration and Finance and Chief Financial Officer
  • Rob Rich – Graduate Student Representative