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Lifetime Achievement in Graduate Education

Recognizing doctoral faculty members

Past recipients

Explore the table below for a full list of previous Lifetime Achievement in Graduate Education Award winners.

Year Recipient Title and Department
2023 Dr. Michael Tanenhaus Brain & Cognitive Science
2022 William Thomson Elmer B. Milliman Professor of Economics
2018 Deborah Cory-Slechta Professor of Environmental Medicine
2017 Thomas Hahn Professor of English
2016 Duncan Moore Rudolf and Hilda Kingslake Professor of Optical Engineering
2015 Ralph P. Locke Professor of Musicology
2014 Douglas Turner Professor of Chemistry
2013 Richard Aslin William R. Kenan Professor in Brain & Cognitive Sciences and Center for Visual Science
2012 Gautam Mitra Professor of Geology
2010 Richard Eisenberg Professor of Chemistry
2009 Nelita True Professor of Piano
2007 Henry Kyburg Gideon Webster Burbank Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy
2006 Alan C. Stockman Marie Curran Wilson and Joseph Chamberlain Wilson Professor of Economics
2005 Harriet Kitzman Loretta C. Ford Professor of Nursing
2004 W.J. (Jack) Hall Professor Emeritus, Statistics
Professor, Biostatistics and Computation Biology