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Scheduling Appointments at UHS Primary Care

Visits to the University Health Service (UHS) Primary Care are by appointment. We have offices on the River Campus, in the UR Medical Center, and at the Eastman School of Music. To schedule an appointment, call (585) 275-2662 or log into UHSConnect, our online patient portal. Student patients can schedule non-urgent appointments through UHSConnect 24 hours a day.

Whenever possible, appointments will be scheduled with your UHS primary care provider (PCP) at the office where you would like to be seen. If your PCP is not available at a time that fits your schedule, we will schedule an appointment with a member of your PCP’s team, which includes physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and registered nurses.

If you need to cancel your appointment: Please call (585) 275-2662 and leave a phone message at the prompt. If your appointment was made through UHSConnect, you may also cancel it through the portal. We ask that you call at least 24 hours in advance.

Telemedicine Appointments with UHS Primary Care Providers

In Spring 2020 UHS implemented telemedicine services to provide care for patients in New York State. To schedule a telemedicine appointment with a UHS health care provider, call UHS at (585) 275-2662.

You will need to download the free Zoom Cloud Meetings App onto your mobile device or computer before your first telemedicine appointment. The instructions below provide instructions for downloading the app. Please review the consent form before your appointment.

Specific Types of Appointments

Annual Gynecological Exam or a Preventive Care Physical Exam
If your appointment is for an annual gynecological exam or a preventive care physical exam, please complete the appropriate form below before your visit OR plan to arrive 15 minutes early to complete the form.

Allergy Injections
If you need allergy injections, you can receive them at the University Health Service. We will ask you to schedule an initial appointment with a nurse by calling (585) 275-2662 or through UHSConnect. The documents below provide more information about receiving your allergy injections at UHS.

Appointments with a UHS Psychiatrist
To schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist you will need a referral from your primary care provider at the University Health Service or a therapist at the University Counseling Center (UCC). Call (585) 275-2662 to schedule with your UHS primary care provider or (585) 275-3113 to schedule with your UCC therapist.

It’s Your Choice – Sensitive Exam Policy
You should feel safe and comfortable every time you have an appointment with one of the UHS primary care doctors and nurse practitioners. To learn more about our sensitive exam policy, click here.