Schedule an appointment
(585) 275-2662 Primary Care
(585) 275-3113 Counseling Center
Schedule an appointment
(585) 275-2662 Primary Care
(585) 275-3113 Counseling Center
Speak with a Nurse
(585) 275-1160
Send a message to my UHS Primary Care Provider or call a Physician after hours
UHSConnect Secure Messaging.
(585) 275-2662
Contact UHS about COVID-19
(585) 275-2662
Report an emergency
(585) 275-3333 (911 if off-campus)
Provide feedback about my experience at UHS
Contact the UHS Director’s Office
(585) 275-2679
Join the UHS team!
Request a UHS orientation presentation
My UHS Bill
Pay your bill in person or online
(585) 273-3700
Health history forms, immunizations or vaccines
(585) 275-0697
Health insurance for full-time students or mandatory health fee
(585) 275-2637
Health Services for employees or occupational health
Health Services for employees
(585) 275-4955
Medical records
Referrals & Prior Authorizations
(585) 276-7349
Prescriptions, medication refills, referrals to specialists, allergy shots, or other medical questions
(585) 275-1160
UHS Connect Secure Messaging.
UHS Connect with the subject line “UHS Connect Help.”
Well-being and health promotion programming
(585) 275-5775