About the Counseling Center
General Information
The University Counseling Center (UCC) provides a comprehensive initial assessment and an individualized treatment plan to full-time members of the University of Rochester community who pay the mandatory health fee. Based on the initial assessment, a treatment plan is developed by the clinician that addresses the client’s unique needs and concerns. This plan may include recommendations such as, but not limited to: group therapy, workshops, brief therapy, referrals to community provider for specialized treatment or longer term therapy services, case management services, psychiatry or other campus services.
Our therapists are licensed professionals and professionals-in-training from a variety of mental health disciplines. They employ many treatment approaches and draw upon a wide range of training and experiences in the field of psychotherapy.
Our consulting psychiatrists are available for psychiatric evaluations and ongoing medication management. All psychiatry appointments require a referral from a UCC therapist or UHS primary care physician/nurse practitioner. Students who choose not to follow the UHS psychiatrist’s recommendations will be referred to other sources of care. UCC case management services are available to help with referral to the appropriate provider.
Diversity and Mission Statement
Diversity Statement
The University Counseling Center (UCC) is committed to diversity as a core value of our organization. UCC provides services within a context that values the uniqueness of each human being and remains sensitive to cultural and individual diversity in the immediate and extended community. This includes our respect for how ethnic/racial identity, religious beliefs, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic status, disability, ability, body shape/size, and veteran status might impact a person’s experience in the UR community and the larger societies and world in which we live.
The staff at UCC is also committed to maintaining awareness that our various cultural lenses have an impact on how we view our colleagues and our students, and we remain committed to dismantling our biases. This commitment is guided by the professional standards and ethics of our diverse mental health disciplines. UCC commits to these diversity principles and policies out of our profound respect for each student, staff, faculty, parent, family member and colleague within our community.
Mission Statement
The University Counseling Center provides an array of mental health services to students in a safe, caring, confidential, and culturally aware environment. We promote healing through self-awareness, self-care, and empowerment to help students achieve their personal and academic potential, fostering their wellness, resilience, and success at the university and beyond.
The UCC educates and trains clinically strong, culturally aware, and community-engaged multidisciplinary mental health professionals to have positive impacts on the world.
We provide responsive consultation and outreach to the entire campus community to support our university colleagues in their work with students.
The UCC Staff functions in an inclusive and professional atmosphere; we are committed to sustain and strengthen our ethical practice, clinical excellence, sensitivity to diverse identities and understanding of the impact of oppression on individuals and the community.
Locations, Hours and Phone/Fax Numbers
To make an appointment at any one of our locations: (585) 275-3113
UCC Fax number: (585) 442-0815
To reach the UCC professional on-call after hours for emergencies: (585) 275-3113
River Campus Office
Third Floor, UHS building
738 Library Road
Susan B. Anthony Circle Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Call (585) 275-3113 to schedule an appointment.
Eastman School Office
ESM Living Center, Room 107
A limited number of appointments available.
Call (585) 275-3113 to schedule an appointment.
Patient Rights, Concerns and Confidentiality
Patient Rights & Concerns
Patients are treated with respect, dignity, and privacy in a caring and considerate manner.
Patients are assured of confidentiality regarding their care and records and have a right to approve or refuse the release of their records, except when required by law or in a life-threatening situation.
Patients have a right to know who is responsible for providing care.
Patients have a right and a responsibility to ask questions and to participate in decisions involving their care and treatment unless contraindicated for medical reasons.
To the extent known, patients are entitled to information concerning the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and the assessment and management of pain in terms that can be understood.
Patients have the right to know the chances that treatment will be effective and to know the possible risks, side effects, and alternative methods of treatment.
Patients who decide not to be treated must be informed of the medical consequences of their refusal. Patients have the right to a second medical opinion before making any decision.
Patients have the right to information about
- Services available and after hours / emergency coverage.
- Fees for services, payment policies, and their financial obligation.
- Resources for health education, self-care, and prevention of illness.
- The right to refuse to participate in research.
- The right to voice concerns or complaints without fear of reprisal.
Patients are responsible for being honest, discussion their concerns openly, acting in a considerate and cooperative manner, and following through with agreed upon care.
We are extremely careful to protect the confidentiality of our records. Your University Counseling Center record is available only to those professionals directly involved with your care.
Information about your visits will not be disclosed without your permission to any University official or faculty member, or to your family, friends or roommates except in very specific circumstances. Those circumstances are limited to instances when your own life or that of another person is in danger, when child or elder abuse is suspected, and the very rare occasions when we are presented with a subpoena.
Notice of Privacy Practices Statement
View a copy of the Notice of Privacy Practices Statement. (PDF)