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Patient Rights and Responsibilities

To assure our patients are treated in a manner recognizing their basic human rights, the University Health Service has established the following Statement of Patient Rights and Responsibilities:

Patient Rights

Patients have a right to:

  • Be treated with respect, dignity, and privacy in a caring manner in a clean, safe, smoke-free environment.
  • Receive treatment without discrimination as to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, or source of payment.
  • Have a second staff member in the room when being examined.
  • Confidentiality regarding their care and records and to authorize or refuse the release of their records, except when required by law or in a life-threatening situation.
  • Know the name and credentials of those caring for them.
  • Ask questions and participate in all decisions involving their care and treatment unless not advisable for medical reasons. Review their medical records and obtain copies of their records.
  • Receive complete information about their diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis in a language they can understand, including timely assessment and treatment of pain.
  • Be advised of the possible risks, benefits, side effects, and alternative methods of treatment.
  • Be informed of the medical consequences of refusing treatment.
  • Patients have the right to change providers or request a second medical opinion. Patients may be referred outside UHS for second opinions.
  • Refuse to participate in research.
  • Voice concerns or complaints about care to any staff person, verbally or in writing without fear of reprisal.
  • Receive information about:
    • Services available and after hours/emergency coverage.
    • Fees for services, payment policies, and their financial obligation.
    • Resources for health education, self-care, and prevention of illness

Patients’ Responsibilities

  • Patients have a responsibility to:
  • Provide accurate and complete information, to the best of their ability.
  • Follow instructions and ask questions when they do not understand their care, treatment, or service.
  • Follow the care, treatment, and service plan and express any concerns about their ability to follow the proposed care plan or course of action.
  • Accept the outcomes if they do not follow the care, treatment, and service plan.
  • Follow rules and regulations, i.e., keep appointments, notify office if unable to keep an appointment, provide accurate insurance information, and pay bills for services received if not covered by insurance.
  • Show respect and consideration for other patients, staff, and property.