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Immunization Requirements for Students in Health Professions

PLEASE NOTE: If you are not an entering Health Profession student, please check Full-Time Students.

University Health Service assists students in meeting NYS college student, health profession, and federal OSHA requirements.

  • All matriculated School of Medicine and Dentistry medical students must fully comply with all applicable health and immunization requirements by July 31 of the year of entry. After July 31, a late fee will be charged. If not complete by September 15, the student may be required to discontinue all academic programs.
  • All matriculated School of Nursing students must fully comply with all applicable health and immunization requirements before being cleared to register for classes.
  • All other matriculated Health Profession students must fully comply with all applicable health and immunization requirements by the date required for their program.

Initial Requirements Upon Entry:

  1. Completed Health History Form, including a complete immunization history.
  2. Completed Allergy and Medication Form.
  3. Completed Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire
  4. Documented physical examination within 12 months of sufficient scope to confirm that there are no health impairments that would be of potential risk to patients or personnel, or which might interfere with the performance of responsibilities, including the habituation or addiction to depressants, stimulants, narcotics, alcohol or other drugs or substances which may alter the individual’s behavior.
  5. Documentation of health insurance coverage. All full-time students will be covered and charged for University-sponsored health insurance unless they provide evidence of health insurance coverage that meets University insurance criteria. All full-time students must complete the Online Insurance Process every year.

Federal, New York State and University Health Requirements

Measles (rubeola): Two (2) doses of live vaccine. The vaccine must have been given on or after the first birthday, in 1968 or later, and without immune globulin. A second dose of measles vaccine must meet the same requirement, but should be given no sooner than 30 days after the first dose. Serologic evidence of measles immunity is acceptable for establishing immunity.

Mumps vaccine: Two (2) doses of live vaccine given on or after the first birthday AND on or after 1/1/69. Serologic evidence of mumps immunity is acceptable for establishing immunity.

Rubella: One (1) dose of live vaccine given on or after the first birthday AND on or after 1/1/69. Serologic evidence of immunity is acceptable.

Meningococcus: One (1) dose of vaccine within the last 5 years, or written acknowledgement of receipt of information concerning vaccination and signature declining vaccination.

Tuberculin Skin Test:

Two TST (Mantoux intradermal skin test) and interpretations are required, the first within one year of the second and the second within 3 months of the start of appointment, unless history of past positive skin test is reported. Chest x-ray: If the TST is positive, a negative chest x-ray report after a positive TST is required. We also accept QuantiFERON Gold blood tests resulted within 3 months of the start of appointment.

If you have had a baseline two TST with subsequent annual TB assessments completed through your present employer or educational facility: We require documentation of the baseline two TST with interpretations, plus documentation of all subsequent annual TB assessments. The most recent TB assessment must be within the last 12 months of the start of appointment.

Tetanus-Diphtheria: Tetanus – Diphtheria (initial series) and booster every 10 years


Tdap: The CDC recommends that health care providers who have direct patient contact should receive a single dose of Tdap as soon as feasible if they have not previously received it.

Polio: All students must have received polio vaccine. Enter the date of last vaccination on the form. Either Oral (OPV) or Intramuscular (IPV) forms of vaccine are acceptable. Serological results/titers are not accepted as proof of immunity.

Hepatitis B Vaccine: The CDC STRONGLY RECOMMENDS hepatitis B vaccination (includes 3 doses of vaccine and post-vaccine titer 1-2 months after 3rd dose) for all health care professionals. A signed declination form must be completed if the applicant declines vaccine.

Varicella Status: Documentation of 2 doses of varicella vaccine or a varicella titer result must be provided. UHS strongly recommends vaccination for any students who have a negative varicella titer.

Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19 vaccinations are not required but are strongly encouraged to keep our patients, colleagues, and community safe. Documentation of your vaccination status (whether you got vaccinated or declined ) is required by providing proof of vaccination or declining.

You must have official documentation that supports the dates you have filled out on the Health History Form, otherwise those immunizations, titers, etc. cannot be accepted. You must attach/upload the documentation with your Health History Form.

Physical Examination – The Physical Examination for Health Profession Students MUST be filled out by:

  • A health care practitioner – OR –
  • An accompanying professional/employee health update form must be attached

You can find the physical examination form here. This page must be uploaded as an attachment with your Health history Form via UHSConnect.


If you are a School of Nursing Student email or call 585-275-0697.

If you are part of any other health professions program please contact the UHS Medical Center Office at