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UCC Training Program Seminars and Meetings

The seminars conducted by UCC are designed to support the clinical responsibilities of trainees and to advance their conceptual and theoretical understanding of clinical work. All seminars are case-oriented and thus emphasize a “hands on” approach to integrating theory with clinical practice. Doctoral interns are required to attend all of the following seminars except for the postdoc seminar. Postdoctoral fellows’ seminar requirements are listed within each description. If a postdoctoral fellow is interested in attending an additional, not required seminar, they may do so after consulting with the seminar leader and postdoc coordinator.

Psychology Intern Seminar

This weekly seminar provides an in-depth exploration of therapy – focusing in particular on the practical application of brief treatment, clinical topics, and multiculturally sensitive counseling in our university counseling center context. We will focus on issues of diagnosis and client suitability for brief treatment, conceptualization and process-oriented intervention, establishing and maintaining a focus in treatment, and termination. Participants will explore their own interpersonal process and transference/countertransference paradigms that surface when working within a brief model. Participants will have the opportunity to see the work of their colleagues and present their own. This seminar is required for all psychology interns.  This seminar will also provide space for development of leadership and advocacy roles as psychologists.

Group Psychotherapy Seminar

This weekly seminar focuses on the clinical experience of co-leading a yearlong, process-oriented psychotherapy group. The seminar begins with didactic instruction in the provision of group psychotherapy that includes reading from relevant group psychotherapy literature, and covers stages of group development, establishing therapeutic norms, managing group conflict, subgrouping, therapist tasks and functions, and the evolving co-therapy relationship. Once the clinical groups begin for the school year, each week, on a rotating basis, one group is presented in the seminar. The group process within the training group is used experientially to understand group dynamics. Particular attention is paid to issues discussed during the didactic portion. Readings are assigned periodically. This seminar is required for all trainees who are co-leading interpersonal process groups.

Supervision Seminar

The supervision seminar meets weekly and is devoted to the ongoing supervision of the supervision that the interns and fellows provide to more junior trainees. Attendees will learn to make supervisory interventions appropriate to the supervisee’s stage of development, identify transference and countertransference reactions in both treatment and supervisory settings and integrate different models of supervision to meet each supervisee’s need. This seminar is required for all trainees who are engaged in supervising.

Fellows Seminar

This weekly seminar focuses on experiences unique to the fellows. Supervision for administrative evaluations and teaching is included. Discussion of professional development issues, ethical concerns, multicultural aspects of college counseling work, and the sharing of clinical work are central components. Required for all fellows.

Social Work Seminar

Social work interns will meet weekly for 90 minutes. Participants will explore their own interpersonal process and transference/countertransference that may surface when working clients.  Seminar topics may include professional identity development, ethics, different treatment models, and issues prevalent in a college population.

Clinical Case Conference

This is a weekly meeting where all trainees and supervising staff meet (approximately 25 people) to discuss advanced clinical issues. What is unique is that the senior supervising staff present audio- or video-tapes of their own work. This enables the work of seasoned therapists to be demystified and made available for view by all staff and trainees. The clinical conference is a major learning experience at UCC and is required for all interns and fellows.

Multicultural Seminar

This weekly 1 hour seminar uses didactic instruction, case presentations and in-group process to examine how issues of diversity affect us as therapists and impact our work. Diversity of identity issues specifically addressed through reading, group discussions and experiential process activities include ethnic, racial, gender, sex, ability, class, and spirituality. Furthermore, worldview, identity development, power and prejudice are discussed as both social and political constructs as well as being an important aspect of personal development. The APA multicultural competencies guide the focus of this seminar. We highlight the triadic model of knowledge, awareness and skills. One group is dedicated to all interns and another to all fellows.

Psychopharmacology Workshop

This seminar occurs three times during the year and explores all aspects of using medication to treat psychiatric illnesses. Specific attention is given to the relationships that arise when a triad is formed between the client, the therapist, and the prescriber. Classes of psychotropic medications, mechanisms of action, and risks and benefits of various medications are discussed. Clinical indications for using medications as augmentation for therapy are examined throughout the year, using specific case examples. Psychopharmacology Workshops are open to Fellows.

On-Call Seminar

In this monthly seminar, difficult on-call cases are reviewed. Readings on crisis management are provided and discussed. This seminar is required for trainees who are engaged in providing on-call services.

Substance Use Workshops

These workshops occur periodically through the year and focus on diagnosis and treatment of clients with substance abuse and other comorbid diagnoses. A combination of didactic and experiential processes provide the trainees with opportunities to build upon their skill base in assessment and treatment of substance abuse.

Ethics Workshops

Ethics workshops are held periodically throughout the year and provide opportunities to engage in discussions of current ethical issues and quandaries in clinical practice. Fellows will cover Ethics and Ethical issues in Fellows and Fellows Multicultural Seminars.

Professional Development Workshops

Professional Development Workshops are held periodically through the year and are designed to address topics of particular salience for trainees as they evolve as clinicians and professionals. The primary focus of these workshops is to provide formal support and information for job searches. Workshops will cover a range of relevant topics, including identifying personal and professional goals, developing CVs and practicing interviewing. Fellows will cover Professional Development issues in Fellows Seminar.

Eating Disorder Workshops

Eating disorder workshops are held periodically through the year. Assessment, diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders and eating disordered behavior in a college setting are reviewed. Eating Disorder Workshops are open to Fellows

Other UCC Meetings

Staff Meeting

All interns and fellows meet monthly in an open forum to discuss current issues in the clinic. This is also a time of relaxing together.

Director of Training Meeting

Professionals-in-training meet monthly with the Director of Training and the Associate Director of Social Work and Case Management to provide feedback on training and discuss relevant issues.

Outreach Meeting

All clinical staff meets monthly to discuss past, current and future outreach and consultation needs in the university community.

Clinical Meeting

All clinical staff and support staff meet weekly for ½ hour for updates on clinical services.