University of Rochester
Coalition on Student Mental Health and Wellness
Working together to make student mental health and wellness ever better
Improving student well-being
The University Coalition on Student Mental Health and Wellness is working to assess and support student mental health at Rochester.
Formed in 2021 by President Mangelsdorf and Dean of Graduate Education Melissa Sturge-Apple, the group has University-wide representation, including undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff.
The group’s work includes assessing the current state of student mental health on campuses, and making recommendations for how the Rochester community can work to improve student well-being.
Meet the coalition
The members of the University Coalition on Student Mental Health and Wellness span multiple schools and disciplines, and include students, faculty, and staff.
Coalition members
- Brigid Cahill, Director, University Counseling Center
- Annabel Fu, Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry
- Alexandra Goldstein, graduate student, Simon Business School
- Anika Johnson, Director, Equity and Inclusion, Warner School of Education
- Kaitlin Legg, Associate Director, CARE Network, Office of the Dean of Students
- Susan McDaniel (chair), Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Family Medicine
- Amy McDonald, Associate Director of Health Promotion, University Health Service
- Tysherra Ohikhuare, undergraduate student, Arts, Sciences & Engineering
- Col Raimond, LGBTQ Coordinator, Paul J. Burgett Intercultural Center
- Jeff Runner, Dean of the College in Arts, Sciences & Engineering
- Melissa Sturge-Apple, University Dean of Graduate Education
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We’re eager to hear from the University community. Use our feedback form to offer thoughts, ideas, and suggestions for our path forward.
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Explore more mental health resources
The University has health and wellness services ready to help. Visit the University Health Service website to explore some of these offerings, including the Counseling Center and the Health Promotion Office. Faculty and staff can find additional support services on the Human Resources website.