Health Insurance for Students in the School of Nursing
As a full-time student in the School of Nursing’s Accelerated Bachelor’s Program, you participate in the comprehensive Student Health Program offered by the University Health Service (UHS). The health plan includes the mandatory health fee and health insurance.
- Mandatory Health Fee — This fee is paid by all full-time students. The fee covers the cost of visits to the University Health Service (UHS) and the University Counseling Center (UCC).
- Health Insurance — In addition to the mandatory health fee, all full-time students must have health insurance. You can enroll in the UR Student Health Insurance Plan, or you can remain on your own insurance if it meets the University Insurance Criteria.
Completing the Online Health Insurance Process
All full-time students must complete the Online Health Insurance Process during the appropriate open enrollment period. The Fall Open Enrollment period is for students who are continuing their studies and for students who are beginning their studies in the fall. The Spring Open Enrollment period is for students who are beginning their studies in January. Students who begin their full-time studies in May need to complete the insurance process in two steps. See “If you are beginning studies in May” below for details.
Open Enrollment Periods
- Fall Open Enrollment: June–September 15. Students who will be full-time in the fall semester must complete the Online Health Insurance Process during the Fall Open Enrollment period, which will open during the week of June 9. Students who are beginning their full-time studies before August 1 need to complete the insurance process in two steps. See the note below.
- Spring Open Enrollment: November 14–January 31. Students who begin their full-time studies in January must complete the Online Health Insurance Process during Spring Open Enrollment. Access to the Online Health Insurance Process is limited to students who are beginning full-time studies in January/February or who are returning to full-time status in January/February.
If you are beginning studies in May:
You must complete the insurance process in two steps.
STEP 1: Complete the appropriate form to enroll or waive the insurance for the summer months (May 1-July 31).
- 2023-2024 Student Enrollment Form – School of Nursing: Use this form to enroll in the University-sponsored insurance plan. By completing this form, you will be enrolling in the insurance for the summer months (May 1-July 31). You will need to complete Step 2 below for the academic year (August 1-July 31).
- 2023-2024 Insurance Waiver Form – School of Nursing: Use this form to waive the health insurance plan offered by the University Health Service. To waive the insurance, you must have coverage that meets University Insurance Criteria. Requests for waiver may be audited to assure compliance with University criteria. If approved, your waiver is effective from May 1 through July 31. You will need to complete Step 2 below for the academic year (August 1-July 31).
Send the form to the UHS Insurance Advisor by e-mail (, by fax (585-756-0263), or in person (UHS Building on the University of Rochester River Campus).
STEP 2: Complete the Online Health Insurance Process during the Fall Open Enrollment period to enroll or waive the insurance for the academic year (August 1-July 31).
- You must complete the Online Health Insurance Process to either enroll or waive the UR Student Health Insurance Plan (Aetna) for the upcoming academic year (August 1 – July 31) during Fall Open Enrollment (June – September 15). The link to the Online Health Insurance Process is on the UHS home page.
- The final deadline for completing the Online Health Insurance Process is September 15.
Questions about Health Insurance:
If you have questions about health insurance, contact the UHS Insurance Advisors at