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Post-MSW Fellowship Evaluation

Formative evaluation of professionals in training in our training program takes place in four major ways. First, the most intensive and continuing evaluation is done on a daily and weekly basis by individual supervisors as part of the supervisory experience.

Second, on a bimonthly basis supervisors discuss the progress of each trainee at a supervisors’ meeting. This includes comments from individual supervisors and staff observations of trainees at weekly clinical meetings and in daily interactions. The designated primary supervisor shares the feedback generated by these meetings with the trainee.

Lastly, the Social Work Coordinator in collaboration with the Director of Training completes the UCC Trainee Competency Evaluation Form for each Post-MSW Fellow in December and at the end of their training year and these forms are reviewed with each Post-MSW Fellow.

In addition, all major-time trainees meet as a group on a monthly basis and provide written anonymous feedback for each supervisor twice a year. Each supervisor shares their feedback with other supervisors. This allows the Post-MSW Fellow and other major time trainees to help supervisors enhance their skills and stay accountable. Post-MSW Fellows are welcome to use the Fellows seminar facilitated by the Postdoctoral and Social Work Coordinator to talk about issues of concern. Trainees also have a monthly meeting with the Director of Training to discuss or air any grievance, make suggestions, and reflect on their training experience. At the end of the training year, trainees will engage in a formal evaluation of the overall program.

Grievance and Due Process

The University Counseling Center has established a grievance procedure designed to provide a format for a Postdoctoral Fellow, or any training professional, to pursue the resolution of a problem or complaint.  These steps follow the U of R Human Resources guidelines, and are outlined in the UCC Training Manual given to Post-MSW fellows on the first day of their training experience.

University Counseling Center has established a system for Due Process — documented steps for the provision of evaluation notice, hearing, and appeal for Post-MSW fellows. These procedures are noted in the UCC Training Manual.

More information on these and other policies and procedures for the UCC training programs may be obtained by contacting the Director of Training.

Post-MSW Fellowship