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Update on Performance Evaluations

In any other year, this would be the time when many University leaders and staff would be in the midst of the annual performance evaluation process. But of course, this past year was like no other.

Each of us has contended with changing priorities, responsibilities, and ways of working as we navigated through an unprecedented year, which included fiscal constraints, furloughs, and temporary reductions to salaries and benefits. In the face of such challenging circumstances, our faculty and staff have shown resilience, creativity, and empathy while continuing to support the University’s teaching, research, and healthcare missions.

Given the extraordinary year we have had, it is clear that what each of us has accomplished and contributed cannot be captured by our traditional performance evaluation process. Therefore, we have modified this year’s approach and shifted the timelines to accommodate this change.

Staff performance evaluation templates will still be available through MyPath, but will not be tied to performance goals that were set during the previous performance review cycle. Instead, the templates will focus more broadly on our achievements and growth, allowing employees and managers to acknowledge how they adapted to changing work environments and contributed to their departments, units, and the University.

Modified performance evaluation schedule:

University staff self-reviews:  May 1– June 15
University manager reviews: June 16– July 31

Medical Center staff self-reviews: June 1– July 15
Medical Center manager reviews: July 16– August 31

Universal Wage and Salary Increases for Eligible Employees

Additionally, we recognize that each of our staff has had a role to play in our collective accomplishments. In that spirit, all eligible staff who are performing satisfactorily in their role will receive a 2% pay increase effective July 1, 2021, in accordance with wage and salary guidelines and relevant department practices. Bargaining unit employees will receive increases in accordance with their contracts.

If you have any questions, please contact your supervisor or reach out to your HR Business Partner.

On behalf of University leadership, thank you for your commitment and contributions over the last year.