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myURHR: Modernized University HR System

A transformative journey to a new University HR system that is central to creating organizational excellence in HR service delivery.

Timeline for Implementation

Kickoff, Discovery, and Planning: February 2022 – May 2022

The Project Team:

  • Learns concepts and processes
  • Begins to identify and review University requirements against the new system functionality
  • Builds out project governance, develops the project charter, and the project timeline
Architect Phase: May 2022 – September 2022

The Project Team:

  • Works through configuration design and business process workflow mapping
  • Focuses on a detailed configuration design for the University
  • Identifies myURHR champions to guide staff whose workflows will be impacted
  • Plans for active engagement with various audiences to ensure they are part of the change process
  • Coordinates conversion data mapping and a data cleanup effort
  • Finalizes design on critical integrations and reports
Configure and Prototype Phase: October 2022 – May 2023

The Project Team:

  • Reviews prototypes of the planned configuration and design
  • Begins user testing, integration with other systems, and reporting development
Testing and Training Phase: June 2023 – July 2024

The Project Team:

  • Continues end-to-end testing of the system and preparation for launch
  • Begins user training
Deployment Phase: July 2024 – October 2024

The Project Team:

  • Finalizes production configuration and data conversion
  • Completes final training and rollout activities
Welcome to myURHR: December 16, 2024

The Project Team launches myURHR to the University community.

Have questions or feedback?

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