Leave and Time Off Assistance
Visit the Leave Administration page for an overview of the leave options that may be available to you.
Reach out for help
If you have general Leave questions, you can ask the University’s HR help center, Ask-URHR. Submit your question with this web form, or use the contact details below.
Email: ask-urhr@rochester.edu
Phone: (585) ASK-URHR (275-8747)
Hours: Weekdays 8:00 a.m–5:00 p.m.
Contact Leave Administration
To contact Leave Administration with specific questions, you can email HRLeaveAdministration@UR.rochester.edu.
Leave Administration is asking anyone submitting leave forms and documents to email HRLeaveAdministration@UR.rochester.edu or fax (585) 276-5136. If the leave is work-related, doctor’s notes can be emailed to hrwcadmin@hr.rochester.edu.
Find contacts for specific topic areas below.
Short-Term Disability
Vanessa Caswell
Phone: (585) 275-6315
Email: vcaswell@ur.rochester.edu
Fax: (585) 276-1361
Madison Solares
Phone: (585) 276-5134
Email: msolares@ur.rochester.edu
Jenny Waite
Phone: (585) 273-5238
Email: jwaite2@ur.rochester.edu
Long-Term Disability
Briiana White
Phone: (585) 275-3525
Email: briiana.white@rochester.edu
Fax: (585) 276-1361
Family Medical Leave
Lori Paradiso
Phone: (585) 275-5250
Email: lori.paradiso@rochester.edu
Fax: (585) 276-1361
Paid Family Leave
Vicki Cicero
Phone: (585) 274-1989
Email: Victoria.cicero@rochester.edu
Fax: (585) 276-1361
Workers’ Compensation
Deborah Borden
Phone: (585) 273-1759
Email: deborah.borden@rochester.edu
Shannon Kryger
Phone: (585) 276-5131
Email: skryger@hr.rochester.edu
Tracy Maguire
Phone: (585) 275-5978
Email: tmaguir2@ur.rochester.edu
Fax: (585) 235-6703
Melissa McIntyre
Phone: (585) 273-1401
Email: mmcint12@ur.rochester.edu
Return to Work
Mary Ann Rall
Phone: (585) 276-5136
Email: Maryann.rall@rochester.edu
Fax: (585) 235-6703
Krista Cordwell
Phone: (585) 276-5135
Email: kcordwel@ur.rochester.edu
Stefanie Lauth
Phone: (585) 276-5133
Email: slauth2@ur.rochester.edu
Other Leaves
Laura Kenney
Phone: (585) 276-6836
Email: lkenney2@ur.rochester.edu
Fax: (585) 276-1361
Sierra Harris
Phone: (585) 274-2754
Email: sharr22@ur.rochester.edu
Leave Administration Manager
Laura Kenney
Phone: (585) 276-6836
Email: lkenney2@ur.rochester.edu