Well-U FAQs
Find answers to common questions related to Well-U employee wellness programs and eligibility, organized by program. You can visit the Well-U page for more information.
Personal Health Assessment
For more information, visit our Personal Health Assessment page.
Before signing up for your biometric screening, please check the Well-U eligibility chart to make sure that you are eligible.
You can sign up for your biometric screening using the online E-Health scheduler. There will be a list of upcoming times and locations available to get a biometric screening.
Your biometric screening will take approximately 15 minutes, but could be longer or shorter depending on how much information you would like to discuss with the nurse.
You can choose to take the online health surveys before or after your screening; however, we do suggest that you take it before your screening so that the nurse giving you your screening can make appropriate suggestions based both on your surveys and biometric screening results.
You can log in to an existing account or create a new account.
Lifestyle management programs
For more information, visit our Lifestyle Management page.
Please check the Well-U eligibility chart to see what programs you are eligible for.
Lifestyle management programs are no-cost for eligible individuals.
Eligible individuals receive their incentive in 1-2 pay periods after completing a lifestyle management program. You will find your incentive under the “Hours & Earnings” section of your paycheck. It will be labeled “Well Pg Self” for the employee’s incentive, and “Well Pg SpDp” if you are receiving an incentive for a spouse/domestic partner.
Eligible individuals may participate in as many lifestyle management programs as they would like, however, you will only receive the $100 incentive once per calendar year.
Condition management programs
For more information, visit our Condition Management page.
Please check the Well-U eligibility chart to see what programs you are eligible for. Eligible employees must also be diagnosed with the condition in order to participate in the program.
Condition management programs are no-cost for eligible individuals.
Eligible individuals receive their incentive in 1-2 pay periods after completing a condition management program. You will find your incentive under the “Hours & Earnings” section of your paycheck. It will be labeled “HLTH PG Self” for the employee’s incentive, and “HLTH PG SpDp” if you are receiving an incentive for a spouse/domestic partner.
Eligible individuals may participate in as many condition management programs as they would like, however, you will only receive the $100 incentive once per calendar year.
UR Medicine EAP
For more information, visit our Emotional and Mental Health page or visit the UR Medicine EAP website.
UR Medicine EAP provides confidential guidance and support for addressing a variety of personal and work-related challenges. Best of all, services are free of charge to employees and their household members (for a limited number of sessions).
If you or another member of your household require more than 5 visits, your EAP counselor will refer you to a counselor in the community that is best suited to address your needs. Once referred, you will be responsible for payment. However, EAP takes into consideration what type of insurance you have and your ability to pay the co-pay.
Confidentiality is truly the hallmark of EAP’s services. All services are confidential, unless you give written permission or when mandated by law. The EAP counselor will discuss the issue of confidentiality fully with you prior to or at your first appointment.
There may be times when you need to speak with a counselor immediately. If it is after normal business hours (8 a.m–5 p.m) and you have an urgent need, they can be reached by calling (585) 276-9110. Their answering service will contact the EAP clinician on call who will return your call and provide immediate assistance.
Behavioral Health Partners (BHP)
For more information, visit our Emotional and Mental Health page or visit the Behavioral Health Partners website.
BHP offers confidential, one-on-one, in-person or telephonic counseling sessions to help University employees deal with stress, anxiety, and depression. BHP was developed in response to employee feedback about the need for accessible, affordable, and high-quality mental health care.
Please check the Well-U eligibility chart to see if you are eligible.
You must be enrolled in a University health care plan in order to see a BHP counselor.
- YOUR PPO Plan: Services received through BHP have no out-of-pocket cost (it is not subject to the $20 copay per visit).
- YOUR HSA-Eligible Plan: Services received through BHP are subject to the annual deductible and are covered at 100% after the deductible is met.
Virtual Visits
For more information, visit our Accessing Well-U via Virtual Visits page.
Virtual visits are a secure, web-based video conferencing, using the Zoom Cloud Meeting app which is accessible via your smartphone, tablet, or any computer with a webcam, used to facilitate long-distance health care, and health-related education.
You will need a smartphone, tablet, or any computer with a webcam. We recommend a secure internet connection, as virtual visits will use large amounts of data.
Open the app store from your mobile device and download the Zoom Cloud Meetings app. You will receive a Zoom session meeting number/link for your program. Either enter the number into the Zoom app or click the link from the confirmation email you receive to enter the Zoom session at the time of your appointment.
Eligible individuals have access to the following Well-U programs via virtual visits:
It’s not. You will receive the same program via virtual visit as you would in-person. The only difference with virtual visits is that you may choose to participate from the location of your choice.
Well-U Champions
For more information, visit our Well-U Champions page.
Well-U Champions are liaisons between the University Wellness Department and their own department. Champions are responsible for promoting wellness programs and events to their coworkers and communicating the needs and wants of their department back to Well-U.
No. Well-U will email champions at the end of each year to see if you wish to remain a champion for your department or if you would like to opt-out. Additionally, you can opt out of the champion role at any time.
Well-U Champions are considered the go-to person about health and wellness in their department. Well-U holds champion events throughout the year so you are the first to know about any new and upcoming employee wellness programs.
View the past Weekly Wellness newsletters here.
Studio Sweat onDemand
For more information, visit our Fitness and Physical Health page.
Well-U connects University of Rochester employees with an online virtual fitness class platform, Studio Sweat on Demand. This is an ever growing library of thousands of on demand workouts that also includes meditation and mindfulness content.
This benefit is for all University of Rochester employees including regular full-time/part-time Faculty, Staff (including SEIU members).
No, this is a free benefit for employees.
The best way to get started is to get watch this tutorial video. You will then sign up here using your employee ID and name. Once you have created an account, you can start accessing the on demand videos right away.
There are a few different ways. You can watch the videos anytime on any internet ready streaming device such as a desktop, laptop, smart TV (Apple TV, chromecast, Google TV, Roku), or as a free app on iPhone, Android, or iPad.
New employees can sign up on or after the first Monday of the month after your hire date.
Group Hiking
Group hikes will be offered to University of Rochester employees over the course of eight weeks, led by a certified personal trainer from Roc Personal Training. Each week will be at a different location.
Check back in spring 2025 for the next session.
No. You can sign up for as many (or few) weeks as you would like. They do not build upon each other.
Once the dates and locations are confirmed, you will be able to sign up on the events calendar.
The group hike leader will email everyone signed up for each weekly hike the week before. This will include the exact location where to meet for each hike and contact information as well.
No, transportation is not provided for this program.