Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Get in-depth information about how Workers’ Compensation works, including how you’ll get paid.
See FAQs
Workers’ Compensation (WC) is insurance that provides employees injured on the job with wage reimbursement and payments for medical care related to the injury. You can find full Workers’ Compensation details in the official policy on the University’s policies website.
View the WC Quick Reference Sheet
Any work-related injury or illness, including needle sticks or exposures, must be reported to your supervisor. This includes any injury occurring on University premises, while on University assignment off University premises, and any illness which you believe may have been caused by your University work.
After verbally reporting the incident to your supervisor, complete the employee incident report form (SMH115). In the event of a life-threatening situation on-premises, Public Safety should be contacted at x13 from any University phone, or dial (585) 275-3333.
Complete a Workers’ Compensation incident report
If you’re reporting a return from WC for one of your employees/members of your department, you’ll need to complete this online form.
If you require additional support, explore the resources available to you through the Return to Work program.
In addition to the information you’ll find in the official policy, these documents and guides might be helpful to you.
Get in-depth information about how Workers’ Compensation works, including how you’ll get paid.
See FAQs
If you still have questions or need further assistance, we’re here to help. See contact information for Leave administration and reach out for support.
Contact us