Check address and personal information
If you haven’t already, log in to Workday to ensure your personal information is accurate. Get started by clicking on your profile (your photo) in Workday:
- Check home address (some employees may have more than one address listed, edit as necessary)
- Follow steps in the change home address QRC
- Confirm emergency contacts
- Follow steps in the change emergency contacts QRC
- Verify personal information such as date of birth and consider updating demographics
- Additional fields often requested by faculty and staff are now available in myURHR Workday, including gender, sexual orientation, and pronouns
- Follow steps in the changing personal information QRC
- Change first and middle preferred names, if desired
- Follow steps in the change legal name and preferred name QRC
- Review or add direct deposit information
- Follow steps in the payments elections QRC
And remember that help is a chat—ask Mel, a click, or a phone call away.