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myURHR UKG top 3 tips

#1 Accrual balances

Whether you’re planning a vacation or simply want to keep track of your paid time off, you can check your balance whenever you need in UKG.

The accrual balance quick reference card (QRC) explains data visible on the My Accrual tile, the Accruals tab on the timecard, or via dataviews.

Employees with PTO, vacation, or sick, please be aware that balances displayed in the Accruals tab on the timecard are based on the individual day selected. Be sure to choose the correct day for which you would like to see your accrual balance before reviewing the Accruals tab.

If you have questions regarding your maximum annual vacation carryover or annual PTO usage, follow the appropriate QRCs for non-union employees and union employees.

Note: Payslips in myURHR Workday will only show the balance as of the end of the pay period being paid and does not include the next pay period’s accrual. You can find the most up-to-date and current accrual balances in UKG.

#2 Timecard approvals

Notice your timecard is locked and you can’t make edits? This will happen when a timekeeper or manager approves your timecard during the current in-process pay period. It will be locked and no employee direct edits are allowed unless the approval is removed.

If you need to edit your time worked or a time off request after an approval has occurred, please reach out to your manager and/or timekeeper as the individual who approved the timecard must undo that action by selecting “Remove Approval” in order for the timecard to be further edited.

Important reminder for managers and timekeepers: If you are unsure who approved a particular timecard within the current pay period, go to the Audit tab from the employee’s timecard in UKG and follow these instructions, so you can contact the individual to remove the approval.

#3 Dataviews and Hyperfinds

Managers, timekeepers: Need a quicker way to access important data in UKG? Use dataviews and hyperfinds.

Reminder: Timekeepers have access to everyone in their department family, which means you could see requests in UKG from staff beyond those you are responsible for. Hyperfinds can help filter a list of your team members. You can use existing hyperfinds including “My Reports to Employees” or create your own.

Access dataview QRC

Create personal hyperfinds QRC