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myURHR News Roundup #4: Timekeeping checklist, important tips and reminders, and more

For managers, coordinators, timekeepers, and department and division finance approvers

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Top story: UKG timekeeping deadline

First bi-weekly payroll deadline in UKG

We are only a few days away from the first payroll deadline in myURHR UKG. On Monday, December 30 by 3 p.m., all bi-weekly timecards must be approved and ready for payroll processing. To help managers and timekeepers adhere to the strict 3 p.m. payroll deadline, below are checklist items, reminders, and tips. Please read carefully to avoid delays.

UKG timekeeping checklist

New printable bi-weekly timekeeping checklist

Attend Office Hours for timekeepers and managers to get your questions answered!

Key actions by 3 p.m. Monday for bi-weekly timecards:
The myURHR support team recommends that you give yourself extra time ahead of the first payroll deadline in UKG to review and approve timecards.

  • Respond to time off requests, especially those recorded for the December 15-December 28 bi-weekly pay cycle.
    • Reminder: Time off requests submitted in UKG prior to Tuesday, December 17 are not able to be approved by timekeepers due to a system error that has now been corrected. Managers can approve requests submitted prior to December 17 or please ask the employee to cancel the request and resubmit, which will allow either the timekeeper or manager to respond.
  • Review employee timecard edits.
    • Please be aware: Pending bi-weekly timecard employee edits and direct entries that are not resolved by the 3 p.m. payroll deadline on December 30 will be rejected and then have to be re-entered as a historical correction in the next bi-weekly pay period.
  • Resolve exceptions (e.g., unexcused absences; missed punches; short-break exceptions; meal exceptions and overrides) by adding, editing, and/or deleting punches to start cleaning up hourly timecards ahead of the first approval in UKG.
  • Apply work-rule transfers, as needed (e.g., for employees who work a call-in shift).
  • Add or edit appropriate pay codes.
    If you have questions about pay codes in UKG, please connect with your HR Business Partner.
  • Review all hourly timecards for accuracy and approve.
    • Important note: Whenever a timekeeper/manager approves a timecard during the current in-process pay period, it becomes locked and no employee direct edits are allowed until the approval is removed. The individual who approved the timecard must undo that approval by selecting “Remove Approval” for the timecard to be further edited. Timecards should be reviewed and edited as needed throughout the pay period and then the approval button selected when ready for final confirmation.

UKG updates, tips & reminders

Now available: Updated reports crosswalk
The myURHR reports crosswalk is a good resource for managers, timekeepers, and coordinators to reference. The crosswalk has been expanded with additional dataviews for timekeepers.

Reminder: If you require changes to existing reports in UKG and/or Workday to better fit your needs, please submit a ticket through the HR Service Desk Portal.

Access to Punch Tile in UKG: Student Employees

Graduate and undergraduate students whose primary job is not hourly-paid (e.g., stipend) will not have access to the punch tile in myURHR UKG, even if their secondary job is hourly-paid. To record time for their hourly-paid secondary job, these individuals will need to use a time clock, enter time worked directly onto the timecard in myURHR UKG, or have a timekeeper enter time worked on their behalf.

Update: Use of UR On-Call Pay Codes

When using the general on-call pay code (OC) in myURHR UKG, please make sure to enter units, not hours, in the Amount column. This is similar practice to what happened in HRMS. When selecting the type of on-call (e.g., short or long), input “1” unit to indicate the staff member was on-call for that day/row, rather than the number of hours they were on-call.

When using special on-call pay codes (OS) in myURHR UKG, please make sure to enter hours in the Amount column. This is similar practice to what happened in HRMS.

New: Manager view in UKG

In response to feedback, managers who do not have a broader timekeeper role will now have their homepage tiles, timecards, and dataviews default to only their direct reports. This change does not apply to those who are managers who also have a UR Timekeeper role, timekeepers without direct reports, or advanced scheduling managers. Managers who are also timekeepers for a broader employee group can continue to utilize the “My Reports to Employees” hyperfind to filter their employee populations and personal hyperfinds can also be created to tailor views, as needed.

Tip: Manage Timecards vs My Timecard

In myURHR UKG, the “Manage Timecards” tile and the “My Timecard” tile offer different views.

The Manage Timecards tile allows the manager/timekeeper to review and approve employee timecards, while the My Timecard tile is your own individual timecard.

When reviewing and approving employee timecards, be sure to select the “Manage Timecards” tile, which contains a robust set of pay codes.

UKG screengrab of the timecard widget.

Tip: Searching for employees in UKG

Did you know that when searching for an employee in UKG, managers/timekeepers can add an asterisk (*) to filter the search results? This tip is especially helpful when you don’t know an employee’s full name or are unsure how to spell it. Simply type a few letters followed by an asterisk (*). See an example here for “tes*”:


UKG employee search bar

UKG employee search results

Another example: Typing “J*” will find all employees that begin with the letter “J”.

You can use an asterisk in most search fields within UKG, including employee searches, activity searches, and report filters.


  • If your staff uses the punch tile on the UKG home page to enter time, please point out the scroll bar to reveal all available punch options, including “Out Punch.”
  • Share with staff that when punching out with no full meal at the time clock, a reason must be selected. If staff do not select a reason, the timeclock may timeout without accepting the punch and/or the clock may not be reset for the next person in line.
  • For managers and timekeepers of student employees: Adjustments to supervisory organizations in Workday are on schedule to be completed today. This work should not impact the ability of timekeepers to approve student employee timecards. If you continue to notice an incorrect supervisory organization for a student employee, please submit a ticket via Ask-URHR and include the necessary details for updates.
  • Leave Management Guide for Use of Accrued Time (with QRCs) 
  • Timekeepers, don’t forget to have VPN installed on your computer to access Mel, the University’s new chatbot, when working outside of the University network. Mel can help answer timekeeping questions while you are offsite.

Upcoming key dates

Monday, December 30
by 3 p.m.—Strict Deadline
First approval in myURHR UKG for bi-weekly pay cycle

Thursday, January 2
New off-cycle check requests begin processing in myURHR

Thursday, January 9 by 3 p.m.—Strict deadline
First approval in myURHR UKG for semi-monthly pay cycle

Friday, January 24 by 3 p.m.—Strict deadline
First approval in myURHR UKG for monthly pay cycle

Timely news

In case you missed it: Roundup #3 from December 23

Office Hours and Learning Lives

Office Hours for Workday and UKG—Join via Zoom
Send questions early and then join the session to learn more.

For timekeepers and managers:

For graduate coordinators:

For hiring managers:

For one-time payments:

Learning Lives for UKGREGISTER in MyPath by searching for Learning Lives

Note: There are registration deadlines for each session.

For timekeepers:
Approving timecards and managing requests

  • Monday, January 6, 2025, 9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m.

Resolving exceptions on hourly employee timecards

  • Monday, December 30, 2024, 9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m.
  • Thursday, January 2, 2025, 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.

Additional edits on hourly employee timecards

  • Monday, December 30, 2024, 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, January 2, 2025, 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
  • Monday, January 6, 2025, 2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.

Reviewing data & delegations

  • Tuesday, December 31, 2024, 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
  • Friday, January 3, 2025, 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.

For hourly employees:

  • Tuesday, December 31, 2024, 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
  • Friday, January 3, 2025, 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.


Popular Quick Reference Cards (QRCs):


  • If you have employees who appear to be in the incorrect supervisory organization in Workday, please submit a ticket through the HR Service Desk and include the following information:
  • Employee name (who needs to be adjusted)
  • Employee’s current supervisory organization (which appears incorrect)
  • Employee’s actual supervisory organization (where employee needs to be moved to)
  • Effective date

Individuals with the appropriate security access can initiate the Change Job process to complete this move themselves as Change Job will become the standard as we all get more acquainted with Workday.