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myURHR News Roundup #9: Answers to questions regarding ESO, hyperfinds, and leave codes; accruals tips; and more

For managers, coordinators, timekeepers, and department and division finance approvers.

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Top story: Answers to your questions

We have surpassed the one-month mark following the myURHR Workday and UKG go-live! Over the past few weeks, you have received a lot of information and, in return, have asked important questions and provided valuable feedback.

Going forward, the myURHR support team will continue to address faculty and staff inquiries while working to further stabilize both systems. So, keep asking questions and seeking support when necessary.

We have plans for system improvements and enhancements, but also encourage you to share your ideas. These enhancements will be considered after the myURHR stabilization period concludes. This is estimated to happen by April 2025.

myURHR hypercare timeline

The following are more answers to your questions.

#1 topic submitted to Ask-URHR for support

Timekeeping remains the number one topic for the most commonly-asked questions submitted to Ask-URHR, including how to remove timecard approvals and create hyperfinds.

These questions are covered in-depth in myURHR training for timekeepers in MyPath and there are also UKG quick reference cards with step-by-step instructions.

All timekeepers are strongly encouraged to complete their assigned training, if you haven’t already.

MANAGERS: Reinforcing training remains a core priority. Completion rates need to be elevated to ensure proper system knowledge and adoption.

  • Managers can reference the myURHR Training Course Completion Dashboard for a comprehensive, daily view of their team’s training progress.
    • Reminders for accessing the dashboard:
      The dashboard is behind a firewall which means users must be connected to the University network or VPN.

      Sign in using Active Directory (AD) credentials.

      @urmc email addresses require a preface of urmc-sh to log in, so their username will read urmc-sh username.

Semimonthly and monthly-paid staff

Timecard approval deadline is Friday, January 24 at 3 p.m.

Helpful quick reference cards:

Are salaried employees paid if the timecard is not approved?

Though it is recommended that all timecards are approved, salaried employees are paid even if the timecard is not approved. The only impact is to unapproved vacation/sick time-off requests (i.e., in a submitted status) or pending employee edits as those won’t be reflected in the employee’s timecard until approved by the timekeeper/manager.

Do semimonthly/monthly employees need to enter the employee sign off (ESO) code on their timecard?

It is up to individual departments if they will continue to require this sign-off for their employees. The ESO code can be found in the drop-down choices and does not impact pay as it is simply a tracking code for the department. Any numerical number can be entered, such as 1.

Please note: Employees cannot directly enter time on a future date in timecards, therefore, if ESO codes are required by the department, the employee will need to enter the code on any day prior to the timecard deadline.

The Period column on the semimonthly/monthly timecard carries over the value of UR ESO (Employee Sign Off), which makes it appear as though it is a compensable unit. Will employee pay be correct with the addition of the UR ESO amount in the Period column?

Yes, employee pay will not be impacted regardless of the value of the UR ESO in the Amount column. The UR ESO is not a payable code, and its units are added to the Period column solely to represent a running tally of the units in the Amount column.

Timecard approval deadline notifications

Who receives the timecard approval deadline notifications?

Timecard approval deadline notifications are provided to managers and timekeepers who have timecard approval access in myURHR UKG. While the notifications come from Workday, they serve as a reminder of upcoming deadlines in UKG.


Can I edit or remove a personal hyperfind that I have created in UKG?

Timekeepers and managers can edit the parameters of a personal hyperfind, however, personal hyperfinds can’t be renamed or deleted.


Can employees submit leave codes in UKG?

Leave Administration will open a Family Medical Leave (FML) case when the employee has applied for and been approved for FML. Only a manager or timekeeper will enter the leave pay codes and amounts in myURHR UKG after the FML request has been approved by Leave Administration.

Leave Administration will open a Paid Family Leave (PFL) case when the employee calls in their claim to Hartford for PFL, and before it has been approved. Only a manager or timekeeper will enter the leave pay codes and amounts in myURHR UKG.


myURHR UKG is now the system of record for accruals. Below are tips for submitting time-off requests and viewing accrual balances in UKG. Accrual balances were migrated from HRMS as of 12/14/2024 for biweekly-paid employees and 12/31/2024 for semimonthly and monthly-paid employees. Reference the view accrual balances QRC.

Tip: When submitting time-off requests in UKG, University-paid holidays are indicated by a red flag on the UKG calendar when using the time-off request process.

UKG request time off menu showing a calendar of January, with red flag incons indicating requested time off.

Tip: When submitting a time-off request that spans more than a single day, enter the duration for the individual day as the system will automatically calculate the total hours for the entirety of the request.

UKG request time off menu

Tip: When viewing the current pay period, if you see vacation, sick, or PTO in the timecard that needs to be edited after the request has been approved, you will need to go to the schedule to update.

UKG current pay period table

Employee timecard current pay period 'schedule' dropdown

Reminder: Historical corrections

Timekeepers/managers can make corrections to timecards for a prior pay period in UKG:

  • For biweekly, this is any correction needed for pay periods 12/15/2024 or later
  • For semimonthly and monthly, this is any correction needed for pay periods 1/1/2025 or later

Historical changes can be entered on the timecard after edits are enabled following the payroll close. Reference the how to create a historical correction QRC.

Historical corrections in UKG are automatically processed and paid based on the date entered for the correction. The entry date is displayed as the “effective date” (as seen on the historical corrections tab of the timecard). These historical corrections will be processed with the pay period that contains the entry date.

If an off-cycle check is warranted, timekeepers/managers should work with their department coordinator to request an off-cycle check in myURHR Workday. For guidance, please refer to the off-cycle check request QRC and the University’s Policy on Off-Cycle Issuance of Payroll Payments.

Additional resources


Office Hours

NEW Office Hour sessions are coming soon!

For grad coordinators:
Friday, January 24, 2025, 2:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m.

For workflow management:
Friday, January 24, 2025, 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. 

Send questions early and then join the session to learn more.